Gen VII: Pokémon Sun and Moon (New info Post #5834)

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With worries that this won't be considered a post prompting discussion; why is the thread open now? Was something new discovered or is it in preparation for sunday?
I'm going to guess the Sun and Moon footage will reveal the legendaries, might show starters, and could show at least one in-game location. That's all I'm hoping for really.

Borderline wishlisting, but I hope the legendaries have names that relate to Helios/Apollo/Artemis, Greek gods of the sun and moon besides their other things.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
With worries that this won't be considered a post prompting discussion; why is the thread open now? Was something new discovered or is it in preparation for sunday?
April Fools?

I also guess maybe to get any speculation out of the way just so on the 3rd we can focus primarily on hopefully any new news?

So with that said. Recently I've been watching a few Youtube videos about Sun & Moon speculation & wants. I'm not going to post any wild demands here, though I think it doesn't hurt to bring up some general stuff within reason:

Customization: With the removal of the feature in ORAS and GF's habit of removing mechanics/features no matter how popular they were, there are worries that customization might just be considered an XY/Kalos feature due to France being a country famous for its fashion. I personally think they'll bring it back, it's honestly one of the steps Pokemon needed to do and it was only removed in ORAS because they didn't want to stray too far from how we often picture Brendan & May looking. If anything I'm hoping for more, Pokken actually features a rather nice trainer avatar customization which I would like to see GF take inspiration from.

Kalos Leftovers: The major one is the Zygarde Formes and AZ's Floette having its own stats and signature move. We've talked about it before how it's odd for them to have this yet instead of a third Gen VI version to go onto the next gen, Gen VII. There are hopes this might mean Gen VII would have a connection to Kalos and maybe even let us visit it having a sort of Gen II situation going on, but that remains to be seen.

Mega Evolution: While I personally think its a give-in since ORAS gave us new Mega Evolution and the idea is still filled with possibility (Flygon artist block notwithstanding). However with the crystals in the title and people comparing them to the Burst Crystals it seems to have become a concern. Whether there actually is a worry is up in the air, though there is evidence for those crystals maybe being yet another form change for Pokemon. How they're in the same spots in the Japanese logo as the mega evolution symbol and primal orbs & the anime having Ash-Greninja which does seem like an adaptation of Burst forms in Pokemon.

Post Game Content: XY was lacking in post game content which is generally (and begrudgingly) accepted as the third version usually makes up for it. But now that we're moving on to Gen VII with no Gen VI third version, I think that has to change. Even if Gen VII will connect to Kalos and explain and/or expand some of its mysteries, it still has its own story to tell. Even if we go back to Kalos, Kalos story is effectively done with. Because of that being an option, the dual versions I think really need to have its amount of content increased (including a more expansive post game) as now there's a possibility of never getting it. They can't say really "well we'll just hold this back for the third version" and act that as a certainty. Whatever they have planned they either need to put it in the games or have some way to add it on later as DLC.

Other demands includes walking Pokemon like in HGSS, asking for difficulty options, Pokemon Go connectivity (probably due to the confirmed connectivity with the Gen I rereleases), and better GTS among many other things.
There's an interesting post on Smogons FB page about leaked info. Its come from Codaroll. Its almost certainly a late/bad April Fools thing (though it doesn't show any of the usual Smogon prank traits) but its somewhat intriguing and a good read if a little speculative.
Wouldn't the Tasmanian Tiger mon be the fossil?

I certainly wouldn't mind the region being based on Australia. At least then when the trains don't go anywhere we won't be able to speculate where they go in the third game, it'll just be an accurate representation of the train system here...
Sorry, I meant a Wolverine (those live on Tasmania too, right?). Though a Tasmanian Tiger fossil would be very much different as far as fossils go!


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
There's an interesting post on Smogons FB page about leaked info. Its come from Codaroll. Its almost certainly a late/bad April Fools thing (though it doesn't show any of the usual Smogon prank traits) but its somewhat intriguing and a good read if a little speculative.
I'm pretty sure that's an April Fools' joke.

1. The circumstance of getting the information is ridiculous.
2. Those Mega are kinda lackluster. And considering the pains GF gone with designing a Mega Flygon I'd like to think it would be a bit better.
3. Memory Stick's power increase seems like an odd number. x1.4?
4. The Zygarde info is also ridiculous. The Zygarde Cells don't seem like Pokemon with how Zygarde Core uses many of them to create its various bodies, how to get Core & Cell doesn't sound right, Zygarde 10% is kind of pointless with those stats, the fusing method also doesn't sound quite right and overall convoluted (especially since in XY we have a perfectly fine 50% so would it change to these mechanics if transferred over?), it says if knocked out the Core & Cell will return to Level 1 (I don't think they'll ever implement a mechanic where a Pokemon loses a level), once you complete the fusion you'll than have to battle & catch it at level 100 with 5 Pokemon (again, I don't think they'll ever have you battle a Pokemon that was under your control leaving you with one less Pokemon), and finally Zygarde Complete is kinda too overpowered with a total BST of 900 and an Ability that makes it immune to Fairy & Dark (it makes Mega Rayquaza look balanced).

That all said some stuff sounds cool like the Items & Moves. I think some of the Abilities are a bit out there but we've had other official ones I would have questioned. Some are even similar to some moves I've made up. :P
I'm pretty sure that's an April Fools' joke.

1. The circumstance of getting the information is ridiculous.
2. Those Mega are kinda lackluster. And considering the pains GF gone with designing a Mega Flygon I'd like to think it would be a bit better.
3. Memory Stick's power increase seems like an odd number. x1.4?
4. The Zygarde info is also ridiculous. The Zygarde Cells don't seem like Pokemon with how Zygarde Core uses many of them to create its various bodies, how to get Core & Cell doesn't sound right, Zygarde 10% is kind of pointless with those stats, the fusing method also doesn't sound quite right and overall convoluted (especially since in XY we have a perfectly fine 50% so would it change to these mechanics if transferred over?), it says if knocked out the Core & Cell will return to Level 1 (I don't think they'll ever implement a mechanic where a Pokemon loses a level), once you complete the fusion you'll than have to battle & catch it at level 100 with 5 Pokemon (again, I don't think they'll ever have you battle a Pokemon that was under your control leaving you with one less Pokemon), and finally Zygarde Complete is kinda too overpowered with a total BST of 900 and an Ability that makes it immune to Fairy & Dark (it makes Mega Rayquaza look balanced).

That all said some stuff sounds cool like the Items & Moves. I think some of the Abilities are a bit out there but we've had other official ones I would have questioned. Some are even similar to some moves I've made up. :P
It was a day late, coincides with the reopening of the thread. I reckon they put in the work of writing it and simply forgot.

So you're probably not wrong.
If I do have to recatch Zygarde after all that time raising and bonding with them, I'm totally playing Battle of the Heroes while doing so. But it all seems rather complicated and convoluted, like one of those things made up during the early internet days that you'd be told you'd have to do to catch a Pokégod.
pokemon sun and moon are going to be compatible with RBY through pokebank, so maybe the gen 1-2 ev system where you could max out every stat will return in gen 7.
they may just erase the evs when you send an RBY pokemon through pokebank though.


Cod Mod
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Long story short, the stream said nothing. Here's my excerpt of a log from the #OI IRC channel:
01:03CRoll So, the program has started
01:05CRoll Much ooh-ing and aaah-ing
01:06CRoll And they're playing the James Bond theme for some reason
01:07CRoll Showing a fancy pencil case. The studio reacts as if Jesus just returned.
01:09CRoll Pikachu cake forms/cake moulds`?
01:09CRol lWait, it's for rice
01:09CRoll Judging by the reactions, it also cures cancer
01:10CRoll The guy pours sauce on the rice. He's treated like a soccer player scoring a goal 2:55 into an overtime period.
01:14CRoll Pikachu key ring. Might as well be an alien artifact for all the attention it gets.

01:15CRoll Now they're showing some Poké Ball shaped thing with a small screen. No idea what it does, but it produces enormous quantities of cheering
01:15CRoll And now... the SuMo reveal trailer over again.
01:16CRoll Back to the Poké Ball shaped thing again. You twist a thing on its back, and kids cheer.
01:17CRoll It's called something with "2.0" at the end of the name. That sounds vaguely familiar.
01:17CRoll Three kids entered the studio... but now I get a lot of lag.
01:18DHR CRoll Anything like the Pokewalker?
01:18CRoll Yeah, it's designed like a beefed-up Pokéwalker.
01:19Focus they also twisted something on the back part of it?
01:19CRoll Yeah, like a cogwheel.
01:19CRoll Now it looks like the aforementioned kids have a Pokémon battle. 3v3 Singles.

01:24CRoll And the SuMo trailer AGAIN.
01:24CRoll The full one now, though
01:24CRoll Not the abbreviated one shown previously.
01:26CRoll There is some commentary over it, but it appears to be fairly basic stuff like "oh, that was nice" or "I remember that" or something, from the show hosts.
01:26CRoll Interestingly, it was the trailer with the English narration.

01:27CRoll Now they're showing stills from the video. The same ones that flooded the forums 30 seconds after its initial showing back in February.
01:27CRoll The pictures on the wall, and then the wireframe bird.
01:27CRoll Now one of the men - who also appeared in the video - said something, and the studio reacts as if he's found the cure for aging.

01:28CRollThat was after the image of the wireframe bird, by the way.
01:28CRollAnd... is that the credits rolling?
01:29CRollOr an ad for Pokémon World Champtionship. No idea.
01:29CRollNow it's a clip from the Anime
01:29CRollAnd now a Beyblade commercial.
01:30CRollPokenichi may be over, it seems.
01:31CRollYep, seems like they're showing an episode of some other anime now.
01:31CRollI'll post the excerpt of this log on the forums.

Nothing new, whatsoever.
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