The pic itself was inspired by this legendary X-men cover I saw, with Magneto in the same pose{and they use it as his self-portrait in many games, rightfully so! It's epic!}

Somehow, while sleeping, the memory of that image ate my memories of some internet memes, and thus! Behold! It was born! X-mon! {It would make a good gag/parody web comic maybe.}

Not shown is their other Arch-nemesis: Ap0ca1337z! And his four HORSEMON: Haxx, Brokenz, Nerfer, and GAME OVER! There will probably be different series to cover the X-MON: Unessential X-mon, SUPER GIGANTIC SIZED IRREGULAR X-mon, X-mon somewhat-annual, the canny X-mon, and just X-MON.

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