drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)


formerly known as clifford the big red pawg
is a Programmer Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Oh no, you definitely won't be falling asleep or dying. Just avoid stimulants (including caffeine)

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
Remember how (bad) depictions of drugs happened in the older movies? People losing their shit and weird photoshopped images?

Benadryl trip is what they all are probably based on.

Plus at those ridiculous doses, you'll be a paranoid vegetable for the better part of the day and you'll probably have motor skill problems also see funny for the next few days.

Don't try unless you really want an adventure.


formerly known as clifford the big red pawg
is a Programmer Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I found DPH to be more like dreaming while awake. I was never overly frightened or anything while on it unless I was around people; then I'd start getting really paranoid. The tremors and palpitations are what make it really fucking terrible in my book


protected by a silver spoon
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I used to take benadryl a bunch but it's bad for ur brain so I wouldnt recommend it
I like cooking with weed. Gather with some friends in a house and make for example a brownie is really funny.

But what i really like about eating instead of smoking weed is that although you have to wait a bit until you get high the effects are just better (more time+stronger experience)

Until know we have only made brownies, muffins and yesterday we did pancakes with cannabis milk (they were amazing). After the cannabis milk been a success we are planning on cooking a lot more different recipies, for the next one maybe something salty. We talked about making "croquetas" that are a spanish meal that consist on breaded béchamel more or less.

I would appreciate recomendations and recipies from you guys to try new things btw i have all that is needed to make purple drank so i also want to ask about your experiences with it and some recomendations too.


protected by a silver spoon
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codeine is stupid, if you wanna nod go full throttle and get some oxys or h

if youve got the know-how and gumption, croissants are good because theyre like 85% butter


formerly known as clifford the big red pawg
is a Programmer Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Codeine's complete garbage for me. Without some DPH beforehand, the high's completely wasted clawing at my skin for hours, and even with it, it's so subtle that it's pointless to do compared to any other opiate. The only benefit compared to something like Vicodin or Percocet is that Tylenol 1's OTC here. Keep some Benadryl on hand just in case.

How good do sweets taste cooked with weed? Mousse is almost all cream, but it's really easy to fuck it up and overcook the egg yolks.


The professor?
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what do you guys think of laughing gas?
literally did laughing gas for the first time last Thursday, and it was kinda fun. However, on Saturday, got back after a night of doing MDMA, and got some balloons, and had some amazing experiences. Cos your brain wanders off easily on MDMA, it's really easy to detach yourself from reality when doing balloons and have some weird experiences. I had kinda different experiences every time, sometimes I'd laugh manically (friends described it more as a cackle) in a way that I don't normally laugh in real life for about 30 seconds. Also felt like I'd had some sexual experience, it literally felt like I'd orgasmed one time (luckily I hadn't orgasmed in real life lol). And then, just other weird trippy dream-like thoughts that made sense at the time but not after i'd snapped out of it. But yeah, mixing nos+mdma was one of the most euphoric experiences I've ever had, and I felt so relaxed and happy every time I snapped out of it, and the tingly light headed feeling is amazing when high.
can we talk about prescription SSRIs and other medical stuff in here?

kinda want to ween myself off from celexa esp after realizing i've had the shared experience of some particular kind of dreams, cept I talked to a therapist before starting on them and I don't really have one now... going cold turkey on it is supposed to be dangerous too though and i don't want to play around with that
when sniffing coke my mouth gets very dry and i end up spending a lot of time trying to produce saliva and it leaves me with a sore throat. anyone got any tips to help with cotton mouth?
My friend got his hands on some f4p he wants to try with me - the problem, however, is that googling "f4p" yields nothing drug-related, and I want to know what I'm getting into. Anyone have any experience with the stuff, or know of a more complete name? Anything is appreciated.

Edit: turns out its 4fmp, which I can find info on. Advice on what to do would still be appreciated, though, it'll be my first time taking something xtc-like.
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to find better ways to say what nobody says
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
My friend got his hands on some f4p he wants to try with me - the problem, however, is that googling "f4p" yields nothing drug-related, and I want to know what I'm getting into. Anyone have any experience with the stuff, or know of a more complete name? Anything is appreciated.

Edit: turns out its 4fmp, which I can find info on. Advice on what to do would still be appreciated, though, it'll be my first time taking something xtc-like.
don't snort it, drink plenty of water, bring a warm blanket or wear a sweater, and don't do anything where u cant get a piss in. dont do it if ur on anti-depressants. Also, do not re-dose urself, you will want to, but don't. expect insomnia after. its a bit more like meth than molly.


bad clarinet music
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
finally found this thread. thought i was the only pot smoker with a pokemon problem? guess not!

my roommate and i dedicate one day a week to Smokèmon, aka get high af and play all day! who thinks they can roll a better blunt than me and is willing to post a pic of their work?
i usually sit down often to go and smoke or something, I haven't tried just never sitting down. Never tried running, but apparently I always end up walking incredibly fast without realising

Has anyone tried speed whilst on mdma? Managed to get hold of some speed, was wondering if it would help my tiredness on md, but idk if taking it together would be a good idea
You'll get dehydrated af. I can't imagine that combining the two would be a good idea unless they were in small doses.
Just finished my first year of college at the University of Kentucky, and it was kind of eye opening how recreational drug. And that goes for pretty much everything. I ended up rushing and joining a fraternity, it was just weird to see how they used cocaine as a regular drug or how they would drink or just smoke on a weekly basis. This also applies with their use of xanax, adderall, etc. Definitely a different animal.
A few months ago I took lsd with some friends for the first time and had quite the time. Although the hallucination part was probably very lessened by the fact that for a good portion of the trip I was focusing on playing Smash Bros Wii U FD 1v1s and we were both focusing really hard and it kept my mind occupied enough to not get as many visuals as I probably would have if I had just chilled. I plan on trying them for a 2nd time during the summer at some point and I'll actually try to fully absorb the effects

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
I don't recall who here suggested Doors of Perception by Huxley, but I gave it a casual read over the afternoon and I seem to have discovered the source material that the Wachowski Brothers used for The Matrix. It's a great work, even when you're stone cold sober (as I was)

I'll probably give it a reread when I roll up a j with some high quality ganja saturday night, that I have in my wallet right now. Will report back if I feel like it.

On that note do any of you try different stuff when you go high solo? Listening to Pink Floyd/Trance/<insert_electronic_genre> and zoning out is so generic, and a rather limited way to experience your high.

I've recently taken to watching (mostly rewatching) movies when I'm "up there" by myself. The most memorable ones have been The Big Lebowski and Birdman. Shit I can't even describe what it felt like watching Birdman high. For record's sake, I generally love the film anyways, because I realize what it's trying to do and it's NOT a single shot gimmick (so fuck all those people in the movie thread). But when high, it just opened up my mind to a profound place of self-understanding, and I swear by the climax I was probably as close to an "ego death" as I'll ever be.

So yeah, please feel free to list movies/literature/other stuff that you have encountered when high and would recommend to other people.
So, about the 4-fmp I asked about a while ago; I took it a few weeks back, but never reported back, so here goes.

I was taking the 4-fmp with a good friend of mine and his girlfriend, and we had another friend to watch us for the first few hours (none of us took 4-fmp before, so we wanted to be safe). We had a total of 5 pills; I ended up taking two, the others took one and a half each after a number of redoses. Not sure how big the pills really were, since I don't really have a reference to anything else.

Besides weed I never did any other drugs than truffles, and 4-fmp is a completely different thing. We took the pills at 6pm. The come-up was pretty smooth, except for the fact that I got a headache and a stomach ache (I had half a pizza about half an hour after the first half pill, which was a pretty bad idea. I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the duration), but once that went away a bit things got much better. I felt tingly all over, and most of all I just felt happy and very involved in every conversation. After our sitter left at around 10pm the three of us decided to go for a long walk, which felt pretty good, like I was sort of floating the whole time.

When we got back, we put on some music and sat down at the table, and just started talking. By the time we got back it was 11.30pm, and asides from toilet breaks and stuff, we ended up sitting there until 8.30am the next morning. Definitely one of the best conversations I've had in my life; the 4-fmp made me so much more involved (I'm usually quite involved regardless, so this took it to another level) and I didn't get sleepy at all. It's just like an on-switch, so to say; take the pills and you can just go for hours. I can definitely see why people take this at festivals and the likes, and that's something I wanna do somewhere over the summer. Overall, great experience (except for the headache and stomach ache).

Also planning on doing truffles again with a friend tonight; the two previous times I did 'em I think I dosed a little too low, so I'll up that a little and see how it goes. Looking forward to it for sure.

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