drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)


protected by a silver spoon
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the idea is to make the thc more bioavailable via an extraction into the nutella, but i might smoke too much for it to work with a meager two teaspoons


red eyes no visine
is a Team Rater Alumnus
I finally tried Sour Diesel (SourD or Gas) without even trying but I've really wanted to try it for a LONG time now, I had heard nothing but positive experiences from it and I was not disappointed.

We had a pretty random ass cold front here in Houston, Friday being the coldest and the same day I smoked it. I remember the whole day I was having a pretty shitty day, too many cloudy thoughts but I wasn't really letting it show emotionally, it's just something I don't do. For some reason I was driving to my house from picking up my sister from somewhere and I see my friends in the street where they're always at some houses down from me. I thought I wasn't doing much that Friday much, I was broke and I thought all I could do just go chill the the boys for a while and hit the sheets. I get there and the thing is that we're all just talking and my friend just tells me if I want to smoke, I say yeah like always. I had not smoke in about a month and 2 weeks, and I was trying to keep it that way, but he told me what it Diesel so I could not refuse, considering the fact how rare it is around here.

First puff I didn't feel shit, second came and third and forth and it felt like regular weed. As soon as we were 15 minutes in, with about 7 people high as fuck, it started to feel it really hard. I remember I was laying back on the door of a car standing, just chilling not really contributing to the conversation just only listening, I wasn't really in the mood. This shit made me feel like I was front row of a Dave Chepelle comedy show, laughing my ass off at my friend impersonating himself how he would act if his cousin got caught high. Everyone was laughing hard and just having such a badass time. I remember it was so damn cold when I got there and as soon as I hit it I didn't even notice the cold.

It amazingly relieved pain as well, as I'm dealing with an MCL tear on my left knee, I experience a lot of stiffness and locking up of my knee, and it should have been worse with the cold and I was wearing shorts. I was walking normally, for the first time in like 5 months. I went home walking easily and I didn't even bother waking up anybody to alarm I was home. I went straight to bed and I could feel an amazing buzz while laying down. My nerves were so calmed down, I swear to god I was almost able to control my own nerves. I am now a strong believer that this strain also supports abstract thinking. I was able to get a new perspective on some interpersonal issues and come up with solutions easily. There's an effervescence, an excitement in your gut. Your body feels perfectly relaxed and at ease, as though you're on vacation. It's like the distilled sensation of squirming and stretching in the most comfortable bed ever. Mind is definitely slowed, but thoughts come to you at a delightful pace.

tl;dr: its some pretty good shit


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
"allegedly sour d" was my first real high grade strain. i had an ounce of it. oh the (lack of) memories...

who likes med grade? i like med grade.

adderall and weed is such a lovely combination. i've never taken mdma, but i read about the combo as someone looking for an alternative for a rave too soon after their last roll and they liked the combo in a different way. energy + awesomeness basically


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

hey guys

hey GUYS

guess what i am doing, right now


i'm making weed brownies

oh, yes

i will report back in several hours with regards to their potency
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So I've always been curious about psychadelics, and I recently found an opportunity to get some shrooms (and a close friend has tried some of the guys stuff and said it was good). However, I'm always afraid of how bad flashbacks would be in such a case. Are those only a problem for LSD, or do they exist for all kinds of psychadelics? I haven't really experimented much with drugs yet, just smoked weed a couple times and of course have had some alcohol, so I'm still new to a lot of this lol.


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
i haven't smoked weed since june and at this point i'm heavily considering getting a legit medical card for it so i can have it and not have to fret about getting weed if i want it or not

so now i'm just lax about going to a clinic and talking to a doctor and telling them all about my anxiety and chronic migraines to attain such a prescription, but you know, in time


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
i haven't smoked weed since june and at this point i'm heavily considering getting a legit medical card for it so i can have it and not have to fret about getting weed if i want it or not

so now i'm just lax about going to a clinic and talking to a doctor and telling them all about my anxiety and chronic migraines to attain such a prescription, but you know, in time
Which state do you live in now? If you're in CA / CO it's super easy, just bring in some documentation proving the conditions you talk about exist (e.g. a prescription for antidepressants, etc), if that, and the friendly weed doctor will give you a handy referral and you're good to go

if you're in CO though, consider waiting a goddamned month for weed to be hopefully legal. holy shit guys. a FUCKING MONTH.

So I've always been curious about psychadelics, and I recently found an opportunity to get some shrooms (and a close friend has tried some of the guys stuff and said it was good). However, I'm always afraid of how bad flashbacks would be in such a case. Are those only a problem for LSD, or do they exist for all kinds of psychadelics? I haven't really experimented much with drugs yet, just smoked weed a couple times and of course have had some alcohol, so I'm still new to a lot of this lol.
flashbacks are... complicated. it's a very broad term that's been diluted to the point of not having all that much meaning. they can range from "whoa, this reminds me of that time i was on acid" to something called HPPD, where you do some damage and persistently see some visual effects in every day life (i.e. snow like effects).

definitely read the fuck up on your psychedelic of choice, take a moderately small dose, and have a sitter ready to go. start here: http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/faqs/psychedelic_experience_faq.shtml

oh and the weed brownies turned out burnt and barely resembling food because we added way too much oil. 2 grams (it was a tiny batch) down the drain. We'll try and figure out if we can re purpose them.
does anyone here like spice? just wondering. i've probably smoked spice roughly 40 times and about half of those were enjoyable as fuck, 40 % i just felt kinda gross but it was whatever and the other 10 % i tripped the fuck out but spice is cool. i wouldn't suggest smoking it on a day to day basis tho cuz it fucks with you. weeds a lot more enjoyable tho, but spice is legal so i suggest u try it.
does anyone here like spice? just wondering. i've probably smoked spice roughly 40 times and about half of those were enjoyable as fuck, 40 % i just felt kinda gross but it was whatever and the other 10 % i tripped the fuck out but spice is cool. i wouldn't suggest smoking it on a day to day basis tho cuz it fucks with you. weeds a lot more enjoyable tho, but spice is legal so i suggest u try it.
i am told that synthetic cannabanoids are in come way harmful, but have not researched it myself.
However, some of them, when they don't taste absolutely gross, seem to mix well with actual marijuana and, for me, produce some fun visual distortions.
i fucking LOVE adderall guys

seriously man. i'm not hungry all the time, my mood's better, i can focus on whatever the hell i want, and i feel like a million bucks. it's like i'm a normal goddamn human being again. this is great.

i need to get a script again
I borrowed some of my then-gf's Adderall a couple times to write papers in school. The one thing that I remember most was the complete lack of appetite, I think I had about 500 calories over the course of the entire day. Force yourself to eat.
yeah the problem with addy is that for me at least it makes pretty much everything taste like cardboard, which is simultaneously awesome and horrifying

also yeah the mood stimulation is great!! except when you amph crash for the next two days

i can never sleep after taking an xr either and that's the only stuff i could get i had to stop taking it because i was getting a problem/fucking up my already messed up brain chemicals. it's great stuff but super spooky.


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
don't smoke spice you fucking retards

it was maybe okay when the only chem you got was JWH-018. we still don't know enough about what it does long term, but at least it was kinda predictable. now with all the possible synthetic cannabanoids being banned, you're not going to get anything consistent or safe


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Hey, In a year Im going to Stanford to study medicine, were can I buy some weed?
congratulations! you're going to college - the best place to source for worthwhile drugs in the world. to quote another fine smogoner, if you don't see someone sparking a joint within your first few hours on campus you should probably ask for your money back.

the universal way to source for drugs is recursive - ask the person you know who does the most drugs if they can help you. on the off chance that you arrive at college and it's weeks before you meet anyone that even smokes weed, you can always try this tried and true method:

call a pizza place right before close and order something for delivery. ask the guy if he knows where you can get some bud. tip him well. since it's near the end of his shift he might be able to help
congratulations! you're going to college - the best place to source for worthwhile drugs in the world. to quote another fine smogoner, if you don't see someone sparking a joint within your first few hours on campus you should probably ask for your money back.

the universal way to source for drugs is recursive - ask the person you know who does the most drugs if they can help you. on the off chance that you arrive at college and it's weeks before you meet anyone that even smokes weed, you can always try this tried and true method:

call a pizza place right before close and order something for delivery. ask the guy if he knows where you can get some bud. tip him well. since it's near the end of his shift he might be able to help
Ok, thanks for the advice!
Since moving up in Secondary school, me and a few friends have moved up from weed up to things like shrooms, I've had some good experiences but I feel like I'm riding my luck, when I used to have panic attacks with weed I used to be put off it for months, anyone care to share some stories?

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
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personally it's mainly the threat of being caught (which you feel is greatly exaggerated under the influence) that triggers anxiety and panic. not wanting to converse with sober people greatly exacerbates this and normal interactions become quite scary. the only advice i can give to avoid this is to either

a. just get used to it, most people won't really care or know if you're high or not

b. only smoke when there is minimal risk and assure yourself of this when you're high. just think that until something bad actually happens you have nothing to worry about, and more often than not nothing bad will actually happen. note: this isn't an excuse to be reckless and tempt fate.

i've never had a particularly terrible panic attack, but i've been accused of smoking weed when i was and that wasn't very fun lol. it adds to the general anxiety of it, etc.

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