drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

I'm trying shrooms over the summer, and my friends and I were thinking about eating them on something like pizza, but I guess I won't do that now.

Also salvia, very weird but it can be quite fun. My first time on it, I just did a straight bong rip of 20x, and felt like I had become a rigid part of the world around me, scared me a little, but then I tried unscrewing the cap to my water bottle, and just laughed while trying to do it for 5 minutes. My other friend started climbing over furniture and shit, afterwards he told us he thought he was in a tunnel and was trying to catch a train that just kept getting farther away... he definitely took the most out of all of us.

All the other times I have done it were out of a bowl with a very, very tiny amount so that it would just give me the feeling of being really fucking stoned for like 6 minutes, or I mixed a tiny bit with weed.

Also its been a month since I've smoked weed, trying to keep my piss clean for a job, but man do I wish I could smoke a blunt when I finish school on friday.
All you guys are talking about pretty heavy drugs right here, isn't that addictive or anything? On Discovery and stuff you always see stuff about people getting addicted to meth after trying it once... I'm kinda wondering, because I like the sound of all these highs. Something to try later I guess, haven't gotten past weed myself (and that didn't even work, need to work on my inhaling techniques lol)


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
All you guys are talking about pretty heavy drugs right here, isn't that addictive or anything? On Discovery and stuff you always see stuff about people getting addicted to meth after trying it once... I'm kinda wondering, because I like the sound of all these highs.
Yeah meth is super addictive.

And it's the worst, don't do it ever.

Other drugs are not as addictive, or don't have any physically addictive qualities at all, like mdma, acid, shrooms, and salvia.
Which is a pretty good list of every drug I think I want to try. Maybe an opiate of some kind eventually.
Yeah meth is super addictive.

And it's the worst, don't do it ever.

Other drugs are not as addictive, or don't have any physically addictive qualities at all, like mdma, acid, shrooms, and salvia.
Which is a pretty good list of every drug I think I want to try. Maybe an opiate of some kind eventually.
it's still amusingly possible to get addicted to MDMA. just because something isn't physically addictive doesn't mean it won't wreck your life!

things aren't so much addictive re: physical dependence but mental. if you're an escapist with a messy life and/or if you have a tendency to be down on yourself don't take drugs. you are asking for bad things to happen.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
I like that advert lol

But on a serious note, most things are not that addictive at all? That's... Good, I guess. :P
Sweeping generalizations are bad. I listed four drugs that weren't "physically addictive" (but as akuchi pointed out, you can still grow dependent on them).
Heroin, diazepam, alcohol, nicotine.
Bam. Four drugs that are physically addictive.
Learn more about drugs!

The old drugs thread also had a lot of good info on drugs; quite a bit of pharmaceutical stuff as well.

Oh hey this is neat. Everybody I've ever talked to about mdma has assured me that you'd be fine drinking lots of water.
from what i've read about shrooms/lsd is that they are anti-addictive - you build up a short-term tolerance that makes taking it regularly pointless anyway
it's still amusingly possible to get addicted to MDMA.
Not sure exactly what is meant by this but after trying it I am so buzzing to do it again. As in sometimes when drift off during lectures I think about what it was like being on it and I know if my mates were gonna get a hold of some I'd definitely be on it in a second. I don't really know if MD is supposed to be physically or mentally addictive or whatever but I don't think just doing it the once or twice is enough for me.

Whether or not that means I'm addicted or not I don't know... I'm still not gonna do it again until after exams in a month so I'm not dependant or anything.
No one has given a shout out to DiMiTri. Elf Spice. It's great. Try smoking it while on acid, that's something else, let me tell you. Other dimensional, extra-terrestrial type shit.
Bump bump bump... This shouldn't be on page 3.

Been getting into smoking reefer a lot more these last few weeks, had some really good nights getting high so I'm loving it...

Was never a massive smoker but I'm considering buying a tin/box, good grinder and a bong within the next few weeks, but it depends if I can keep it out of my parent's sight :s

Any other smoking paraphernalia I could do with? ;)
Not sure exactly what is meant by this but after trying it I am so buzzing to do it again. As in sometimes when drift off during lectures I think about what it was like being on it and I know if my mates were gonna get a hold of some I'd definitely be on it in a second. I don't really know if MD is supposed to be physically or mentally addictive or whatever but I don't think just doing it the once or twice is enough for me.

Whether or not that means I'm addicted or not I don't know... I'm still not gonna do it again until after exams in a month so I'm not dependant or anything.

No, you're not addicted, you're addicted when you're locked in a psychiatric ward missing your teeth. You're just smitten. Rule of thumb: MDMA no more than every 3-6 months. It's much more enjoyable that way. MDMA isn't physically addictive, and it's nature makes it difficult to get psychologically addicted (if you use too much, it'll stop working) but I can attest to the fact it is possible.
If you've got that needy addictive sort of personality stay away from drugs in general. Really, it's not worth it - I was just like that a few years ago and we all know how well that ended up. The other few I know like me who share my proclivities towards drugs have ALL had some pretty major addiction/dependence problem going on - just be careful, it's not worth it. You think it is until you've got a problem, then you realise it isn't.
No, you're not addicted, you're addicted when you're locked in a psychiatric ward missing your teeth. You're just smitten. Rule of thumb: MDMA no more than every 3-6 months. It's much more enjoyable that way. MDMA isn't physically addictive, and it's nature makes it difficult to get psychologically addicted (if you use too much, it'll stop working) but I can attest to the fact it is possible.
If you've got that needy addictive sort of personality stay away from drugs in general. Really, it's not worth it - I was just like that a few years ago and we all know how well that ended up. The other few I know like me who share my proclivities towards drugs have ALL had some pretty major addiction/dependence problem going on - just be careful, it's not worth it. You think it is until you've got a problem, then you realise it isn't.

You should always check what parts of the brain drugs stimulate. For example I used to get fucked up vivid dreams that freaked me out and I never knew why, but it turned out it was because I had a high Vitamin B6 intake at the time and B6 converts the Seratonin in your brain into something else that can cause vivid dreams. The reason I say this is so that you can tell weather side effects of drugs are normal or you are reacting to it in an abnormal way; if it is the latter then you should probably stop doing it in case you get a really bad reaction, as you really don't know what shit will do to you or its strength until you take it which can be too late.
I've done just about every drug under the sun, and at various points in the last 5 years, easily regarded as a full-blown dope fiend. I'm afraid that painkillers are my Achilles' Heel. Most of the time, though, I just smoke a lot of weeeeeeed. And that's awesome.

At this point in my drug-taking "career", I've figured out what I like and what I have no need to do ever again. I've never been big on uppers...unless it's coke and I'm *very* drunk. Don't think I need to take any more X in my lifetime, either, as the week-long hangover is just not worth it to me anymore -- a far cry from being my most-abused chemical as it was in my freshman year of college. Right now I'm on a pretty strict weed regimen, but I'll do opiates and benzos whenever I can get my grubby little hands on them. And if there were decent psychedelics around, you can bet I'd be all over those, too. I miss the days when good LSD was rampant around here, but I haven't had a decent tab in 2 years.

this was very...educational to type out.

Rocket Grunt

✁ - - - - - - - - - -
is a Top Artist Alumnus
jesus, i really liked getting fucked up sometimes, but putting stuff in my ass is where i draw the line. i know the blood vessels there are absorbent or whatever, but i'd rather just crush up a pill and rail it instead of jamming it up there like a suppository.
ive also never smoked crack just because of its reputation. i used waste a lot of money on coke, but cooking up rocks and smoking it is just too ridiculous.
all a matter of personal taste - when it comes to E pills at least sticking it up your arse is much nicer - no binding agents crapping up your face for the rest of the night. if you're addicted and low on drugs it's a good way of getting by too!

Rocket Grunt

✁ - - - - - - - - - -
is a Top Artist Alumnus
haha, yeah that's true. mdma makes me feel good, but i don't like being all hot and sweaty; dancing around... especially with it in my butt, haha. again, personal preference i guess. i just like being sedated. (plus opium smells so nice!)


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
I can't get crunk any more. I always get really dizzy and throw up. But it's so much fun before that. Using caffiene and alcohol is great though, I just need to make sure I have a water bottle otherwise my kidney starts to hurt depending on how much water I've had that day.

Also: How good of a stimulant is nicotine? I've got a bunch of derma patches that my friend gave me because he couldn't keep them at his house anymore. Would I get anything noticeable putting two on my arm or something? I think they're 14mg ones. I also don't smoke, so I guess I wouldn't really need all that much?
I can't get crunk any more. I always get really dizzy and throw up. But it's so much fun before that. Using caffiene and alcohol is great though, I just need to make sure I have a water bottle otherwise my kidney starts to hurt depending on how much water I've had that day.

Also: How good of a stimulant is nicotine? I've got a bunch of derma patches that my friend gave me because he couldn't keep them at his house anymore. Would I get anything noticeable putting two on my arm or something? I think they're 14mg ones. I also don't smoke, so I guess I wouldn't really need all that much?
Probably wouldn't have much of an effect, but you might as well stick tons on your arm to see if shit happens; seeing as nicotine is in no way dangerous to humans you will be fine unless you manage to get enough in you to kill yourself outright (something I have never heard of happening).

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