NOC Deathnote NOC Mafia - GAME OVER, Postgame in #714

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A suspicious killer organization is on the loose in Central City. Though few in number, they kill indiscriminately and they appear to be able to kill anyone from anywhere under any conditions. However, we at the Department of Intelligence been able to determine that they need to know their target's name and face. Intending to exploit this limitation, we assembled the greatest investigative minds of our generation, sparing no expense in concealing their identities and discreetly sharing the rendezvous point ("The Village") with them. When the team arrived, it was apparent by the three extra members that our operation had been compromised. The Mafia, in anticipation of the last threat to global domination, concealed themselves and intercepted the operatives at The Village.

They no doubt know who to expect at the meeting, but our analysis of their espionage has also revealed their identities to us. Individually no one's cover is blown, but be warned: The Mafia know each other, they are constantly looking for signs of distinctive behavior or unique talents, and each night they'll have a brief chance to kill anyone and everyone who is exposed. Be wary, also, of what could happen when the last Mafia is cornered; if they manage to kill everyone in their final moments they just might be able to get away. Everything is won or lost at this juncture. We can no longer help you. Good luck...

The Mafia

The Deathnote
You are Light Yagami.

Series/Franchise of Origin: Death Note

You are an anime high school student turned creepy serial killer when you got your hands on the the eponymous Death Note. As a well hidden mastermind who can kill from anywhere, you know you can defeat anyone with the right information.

You are the Deathnote. All you need is a face and a name and the Death Note will take care of the rest. You have the final say on the Mafia's guess for each person's role while you are alive and during the final guess.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when nothing can prevent you from eliminating the Village.
The Hooker
You are Anton Chigurh

Series/Franchise of Origin: No Country for Old Men

A man of inscrutable craziness, you follow your own code. You inspire terror and cause chaos with stability akin to a force of nature, which befits your extremely methodical and deterministic outlook.

You are a Hooker. People you meet are stunned by your ugly mug and unusual demeanor. One long speech about fate and the toss of a coin will be enough to competely transfix your target, preventing them from doing anything that night. Should you die, your coin will pass to a random teammate. You are first in line to receive the Death Note.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when nothing can prevent you from eliminating the Village.
The Investigator
You are Sombra

Series/Franchise of Origin: Overwatch

"Everything can be hacked...and everyone." You're not necessarily evil, but your love of using information to manipulate powerful people often has you working with those who are. Your cybernetic implants let you effortlessly hack using touch while tactically cloaking and teleporting.

You are an Investigator and a Framer. Each night when you target a user, you will hack their accounts, receiving their full Role PM. You'll also uncover all their dirt, and anyone checking their alliance that night will see them as mafia. Should you die, a cybernetic glove will pass to a random teammate. You are second in line to receive the Death Note.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when nothing can prevent you from eliminating the Village.
The Village

The Disguise Artist
You are Robert Mazur

Series/Franchise of Origin: The Infiltrator

You are an experienced undercover operative sent to track down Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar. While you are incredibly focused and capable of adapting, you get so lost in your realtionships that it can be difficult to keep your cool or stay true to who you are outside of the job.

You are a Disguise Artist. Each night, you may target a user and specify a role PM to replace their with. You will open up to them; if they are Village they will know that you are the Disguise Artist, but if they are Mafia you will be discovered and killed instantly. Assuming you live you will learn their full role Role PM, then by coaching your target on the fly you will be able to permanently change the role PM investigative roles see for your target. Your target will know what the new PM is.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
The Bodyguard
You are Inferno Cop

Series/Franchise of Origin: Inferno Cop

You are the purgatorial flame of this rotting shithole. You are the Police form Hell. You are...Inferno Cop.

You are a Bodyguard. Only the power of anime can defeat the Death Note, and you're juuuuuuust impervious enough to bullets to get the job done. Each night you may protect a user, if they would be killed by the Death Note they will survive instead. This only works if you also survive the night, and the mafia will be informed that someone was protected but not who.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
The Tracker
You are Elijah Baley

Series/Franchise of Origin: Asimov's Robots/The Caves of Steel

You are a classic Sci-Fi cop tasked with solving cases involving criminal Artificial Intelligence. While you find Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics are far from an acceptible moral substitute, you enjoy taking the lead and solving cases with your robot partner.

You are a Tracker. Each night, you may target a user and find out who they targeted that night. You also know that your partner, R. Daneel Olivaw, is [USER]

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
The Watcher
You are R. Daneel Olivaw

Series/Franchise of Origin: Asimov's Robots/The Caves of Steel

The other half of the classic sci-fi buddy cop team, you are a robot that looks very passably human for your setting. You serve as an excellent straight man to Elijah, passively looking out for him and throughly considering all options.

You are a Watcher. Every night you may target a user, and you will find out who targeted them that night. You also know that your partner, Elijah Baley is [USER].

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
The Alliance Cop
You are Tracer Bullet

Series/Franchise of Origin: Calvin and Hobbes

You are Calvin's hard-boiled noir detective alter ego born out of a bad haircut forcing you to wear a fedora. You've got two Magnums in your drawer, one's a gun and you keep it loaded, the other's a bottle and it keeps you loaded.

You are an Alliance Cop. You've got a nose for trouble and they don't hire a private eye for the easy jobs. You'll get the records on your target each night and determine whether or not they're mafia.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
The Veteran
You are T.J. Christian

Series/Franchise of Origin: Mercenary Fighters

Played by the legendary Reb Brown, you get tired of the Pocahontis Story you're in, fall in love with a nurse, and start killing basically everyone you come across in pursuit of justice.

You are a Veteran and Mayor. You are constantly yelling and spraying your machine gun with one hand and reckless abandon. You will compulsively kill anyone who targets you, except for the Mafia Deathnote and the Disguise Artist. You may put down your gun once every 3 nights. Your rage empowers you, so you passively gain a vote for every 2 dead villagers.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
You are Merlin

Series/Franchise of Origin: The Chronicles of Amber

Son of Corwin and Dara, a Prince of Amber and the Queen of Chaos respectively, you're well travelled in the universe continuum you call home, and innovative enough to test the boundaries of computer science in unstable dimensions by creating Ghostwheel. As the conflict grows, it becomes apparent that you're one of the few in a position to understand the forces at play, and vitally important to protect.

You are Merlin. By extensively studying the multiverse using Ghostwheel you are aware of the identities of the Mafia Hooker, the Mafia Investigator, the Town Disguise Artist, and the Town Bodyguard. They are [USER1], [USER2], [USER3], and [USER4] but they are sufficiently obscured so you don't know which is which. Your habitually risky behavior causes you to automatically forfeit the bodyguard's protection without their knowledge. If for any reason you die, even during the final guess, the mafia will be able to use Ghostwheel as a weapon and submit an additional guess for each player.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
You are Percival

Series/Franchise of Origin: Arturian Legend

You were the original hero in the quest for the Holy Grail, but you were later replaced by Galahad. In Avalon Resistance, you get to be a confirmed town when there are enough players, but that's maybe less of a good idea here.

You are Percival. You've met with Merlin and Anton Chigurh (The Mafia Hooker) before the conflict and know they are [USER1] and [USER2], but you're such a fucking idiot you don't remember which is which. Continuing this idiotic trend, you'll gallantly refuse any protection offered to you by the bodyguard, but they won't know it.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
The Janitor
You are Will Hunting

Series/Franchise of Origin: Good Will Hunting

You are a 20 year old genius intellect who finds more comfort in the safety of loyal friends than in solving interesting problems. Your emotional issues often lead you to sabotague yourself before you can get hurt, but you're working on it.

You are a Janitor. Despite your talent, you're a Janitor at MIT, and it's your job to clean the facilities no matter what happens. Each night you may target a user, you will visit their classroom and if they are lynched the next day you'll be the first one on the scene to clean up the body. You will know the role they were, but no one else will.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
The Vigilante
You are Dirty Harry

Series/Franchise of Origin: Dirty Harry

You are a grizzled bastard who doesn't like partners and takes the law into his own hands if the system's a little too fucked up to deal with things properly. You own a .44 Magnum which'll blow someone's head clean off and you always keep track of the shots.

You are a Vigilante. At night you can kill a target, but only if you are absolutely sure you know who they are. Each night, submit a guess at the name of a specific mafia, and you will kill your target if they are that character. Your kill will fail otherwise, but if there is only one mafia left, you will be able to misfire against other Villagers.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
The Identity Exchanger
You are Jerome Eugene Morrow

Series/Franchise of Origin: Gattaca

You are one of the men with this century's finest DNA, but you were forced underground after an accident crippled you, rendering you unable to reap the benefits of priveleged life. While you are shamed by your few failures and embarassed by the potential discrimination you face as an Invalid, you are determined to live vicariously through others.

You are an Identity Exchanger. Each night you may target a user, and you will spare no expense altering every disernable aspect of each of your features. That night, in order for your target to be killed the mafia must guess that they are Jerome Eugene Morrow, and for the mafia to kill you, you must be guessed as whatever your targets' role is. If you target the mafia with this, the action will fail but you will not be notified. However, the mafia will know that no identities were swapped that night.

You are allied with the Village. You win when the Mafia has been eliminated and at least one of you has survived the Final Guess.
1. You may not talk about this game outside of the official game thread. Standard NOC rules. Mafia may communicate with each other when dead but not during the Final Guess. Please try to keep talking to Not In Game's to a minimum so I can have unexpected subs.

2. You can vote any way you want in the lynch as long as you bold. You can unvote, but you don't need to unvote just to change your vote, in fact please don't do this. Hammer is not enabled for this game but you can vote to end the day early. You may not no lynch. Lynch is decided by plurality and a random person with plurality will die if there is a tie. If you protest and no one votes at all, I will kill a random town.

3. The Mafia have a unique ability to kill at night. Each night, they must submit a guess at the role (This can be done using either the Character Name e.g. Robert Mazur, or the Role Name e.g Disguise Artist) of each living player, and no role may be guessed twice per night. The phase after Merlin is killed (even during the final guess) will be delayed until the Mafia submit an additional guess for each player. Correctly guessed players will die during any killing phase.

4. If the Mafia loses, they will have the opportunity to perform a Final Guess of the remaining living players. If they are fully correct, they win instead. On death, a mafian's role will pass to a random teammate.

5. When the Mafia kill each night, a random successful kill will be the only one that is shown to Trackers and Watchers.

6. The Mafia and Vigilante kills are simultaneous. The Bodyguard must survive the night for the protection to work, but the mafia will only be informed that there was a successful protection, not who was protected. The Identity Exchange occurs before all actions (it is unhookable, hooker isn't informed) and doesn't affect investigations. The Disguise Artist occurs before the Mafia Investigator which occurs before the Alliance Cop. If you idle or have no night action you will not be informed if you are Hooked. Merlin and Percival can be targeted by protection, but it will have no effect and the Bodyguard won't be notified.

7. Please post your preference for Day/Night cycle length with your signup to prove to me you have read the rules and Role PMs

8. Please be advised that is a table detailing the probability that a random permutation of guesses will be correct a certain number of times. VALUE YOUR ANONYMITY. Even the smallest slip can snowball into a huge mafia advantage. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. If you need to ask me about math or ask me to work out something else, do not hesitate to ask. I will help as much as I can.

Living Players

Aura Guardian/Sombra/Investigator/Mafia/Lynched D1

Thetwinmasters/Robert Mazur/Disguise Artist/Village/Discovered N1
Texas Cloverleaf/Percival/Percival/Village/Heart Attack N1
Blank Slate2356/Dirty Harry/Vigilante/Village/Heart Attack N1

Josh/Merlin/Merlin/Village/Lynched D2

acidphoenix/Jerome Eugene Morrow/Identity Exchanger/Village/Killed by Ghostwheel
Asek/Inferno Cop/Bodyguard/Village/Killed by Ghostwheel
Gronkasaurus Rex/R Daneel Olivaw/Watcher/Village/Killed by Ghostwheel
MoodyCloud/Tracer Bullet/Alliance Cop/Village/Killed by Ghostwheel

Haruno/Elijah Baley/Tracker/Village/Endgamed N2
pancake/T.J. Christian/Veteran/Village/Endgamed N2
Mithril/Will Hunting/Janitor/Village/Endgamed N2

As a Quality of Life change, the Veteran can now put down their gun 1/3 nights and is always targetable by the Disguise Artist
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It is now Day 1 and you may communicate. Deadline is 1 EST on new years day.

Days/Nights will last 72/24 hours unless there is overwhelming consensus for chance
I'm confused why everyone is trying to lynch people right off the bat. Aren't we supposed to discuss or something? Since (If I read the rules right) the Mafia can't kill unless they know your role, wouldn't it be better to just No Lynch, or am I just missing something big?
You are missing the fact that I am not allowing you to no lynch
I want to vote Hitmonleet for 1) trying NL, and 2) that edit (even though it was quoted)
BUT, I can't vote him AND vote Texas Cloverleaf for TWICE jumping on Thetwinmaster's ... "wagon"

Buuuuut, given what happened as I was typing this up, that little problem has solved itself.
Vote Hitmonleet

FoS on Texas Cloverleaf.

And twin: wouldn't it be better to wait a cycle and see if the mafia kills them, or something? Or maybe something else, given the OTHER roles we have?
I want to vote Hitmonleet for 1) trying NL, and 2) that edit (even though it was quoted)
BUT, I can't vote him AND vote Texas Cloverleaf for TWICE jumping on Thetwinmaster's ... "wagon"

Buuuuut, given what happened as I was typing this up, that little problem has solved itself.
Vote Hitmonleet

FoS on Texas Cloverleaf.

And twin: wouldn't it be better to wait a cycle and see if the mafia kills them, or something? Or maybe something else, given the OTHER roles we have?
If somebody has so many votes on them and also can't be convinced to be changed that they need to claim there probably isn't a better lynch at that point. They should still claim especially if they have results that could help town but unless there is another really good lynch to go on we shouldn't switch imo.
Yeah I saved Hitmonleet's post by quoting it but let me make it absoluetly clear that standar NOC rules means no editing
Oh. I'm sorry about that, I didn't exactly know what you meant there. Should I just put it back?

Also, I don't get why everyone is suspecting me, just because I suggested not lynching anyone. But maybe that's just something of my inexperience. I can't exactly put forth a counterargument here, except that I'm village, since revealing my role would be a 100% chance of getting killed the next night.
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