College or Work?

Hi all.

Im 17, and have just finished my first year of a levels (if I pass I will have 4 half a levels, passing the second year gets me 4 full ones), and I was sure I wanted to do so. However, since christmas I ran out of steam... I stopped revising, homework and all that. My grades didnt fall but I knew I could do better, I just lacked the enthusiasm.

I didnt revise at all for my exams (as per usual), but didnt find any particularly hard, but I know I didnt excel at them.

And then I got a job, its an assistant site manager at a building site, its in an office but I get to go out regularly, I know the people I work with (work experience), and I get good pay.

Trouble is, this, and college last year have made me think if I actually want to go back. I know inside that its best to get it done and over with early, and my parents want me to go... but I love having money and not being in the 'school' atmosphere.

Any thoughts? Im kinda at a dead end.


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yeah, education is much more important. if you decide to skip it now, you probably won't end up going back later.
Yeah... your right. I think its just the fact that with a job, I felt like my time was worth something there and then, with college you dont see the results for a while i guess.
go to school, duder

I had this whole ordeal this past year where I kept questioning why I was even in school. Note I've never had a real job before this summer, and now that I have one I sure as hell know that I don't want to do manual labor for the rest of my life. Get yourself an education, you'll thank yourself later in life.
I suggest that you do what you feel is right. I personally had the chance to go to college. But i went into the military. But then while i was in the military, I got sick(yes i was medically discharged) And then eventually got sent back home. After that i thought about going back to school(as at this time i would actually have the money) But ended up doing alot of work and enjoyed the money i was making and then said "fuck it, I can just keep doing this" I ended up losing the job due to whatever reason and it kinda cost me. I enjoyed the money too but money doesnt last forever and is never a surefire investment either.

However, I am 21 now(going on 22 in a few days) and I actually am glad i didnt go to school. Alot of things in my life are pretty much the way i want them so honestly, I suggest that you think about the choice that you make. It can and will affect you in positive and negative ways.
Yeah... your right. I think its just the fact that with a job, I felt like my time was worth something there and then, with college you dont see the results for a while i guess.
Would it not be better to wait that while and do better?
You seem to regret not studying for exams and you believe that you did not fulfill your intention. It could be worse if you felt the same remorse regarding your direction in life.
My attitude has always been that an education supersedes a job. In concept, education not only leads to better job opportunities but also ones that are aligned with what you're truly passionate about. Conversely, without some kind of degree, unless you manage to have a lot of luck or are otherwise brilliant in some way, there's a rather low ceiling to how much you can make and the sort of jobs you can access.


I'm the Mary!
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id say keep the job. most of the people ive talked to that have gone to college/uni have felt it to be kind of a waste. most don't even use the things they learn while still being in large debt. of course, that isnt true for everyone.
School, IMO. I'm stuck doing something I hate in order to get by, because I dropped out of college. This of course, doesn't apply to everyone. You need an idea of what career you want before you can commit entirely.

If you do choose to go to college, I suggest making sure job opportunities are available for whatever your degree/education will provide for you.

I will happily admit that I will be going back to college in the Spring, and any/all information regarding software engineering would be appreciated via PM or email.
college. work sucks, seriously. i just hurt my back and had to come home, and i'm rather pleased about it...something is wrong when you are happy to have just badly hurt yourself...

I've been mulling over the idea of going back to school, but I'd have to start at square one. I've completely forgotten everything I ever learned in high school, and I never did that well in the first place. If I have any hope of getting into a college/uni, I'm going to have to re-learn all the basics which quite frankly sounds absoutely horrible to me. I probably can't even do long division anymore.

actually...I wish I knew how some people manage to be satisfied with a life spent working at a monotonous factory. It really is a simple life, easy work and good money, good benefits, they set you up with all that you need pretty much, which I always thought was what I wanted. But there is something deeply troubling and unfulfilling about it and I just can't be content to live this way. What I don't understand is how other, seemingly intelligent people can appear to be perfectly happy doing the same thing.
Just go to collage and while you are in collage, get a little part time job so that you can get educated while you make money.
Go to college unless you like screwing on the same screw every day or asking "Would you like fries with that?"

A lot of businesses can't/won't advance someone without a degree as much as they can someone who does. It doesn't even have to be a good degree, you just need the sheet of paper.
I personally do both: work and college. And by work I mean a full time job. Honestly, it is time consuming, and sometimes I'd wish I had no work at all. But, I can manage with 5 hours of sleep per day (and besides, I pay my college off my salary, so it's a necessity for me).

Anyways, if you'd have to choose between both, I'd say stay with college. Think of it as a long-term investment. Right now you may be doing fine with whatever job you have... but within 10 years from, do you envision doing the same? Can you sustain a family with the same salary your getting right now? Or more importantly, could you be able to subsist by yourself? College prepares you to achieve this on the long run. Even if you think you don't need any of that, that piece of paper will give you an edge when applying for a job, especially when it is for something you intend to do for the rest of your life.
Just take night classes

but imo it depends how much you're making. if you look at it this way, if you're already making 40k or somtehing a year, whats really the point of going to college? granted you might never amount to anything more, but then again, so many people get a degree etc, but what do they have to show for it? very few people actually really make something out of it. and plus, it's not what you know but who you know, so if that job gets you contacts, then fuck it, fuck college. why waste time with that when you're going to have a set life.

just the thought that fits my mood atm
For the record I do think college can be a bit ridiculous...I mean, if you are taught well and actually pay attention and try to learn, and pick a USEFULL subject...its a great thing, but the fact is a lot of people just do it half ass. Yet they still have a better chance of getting a job than perhaps someone who has had many years more experience, is more skilled, but lacks that little peice of paper saying "I paid to get this smart".
I'd say college for sure. I don't know where you live, probably england, but I really don't care. Here, without college education, or at least a specialized course, you won't get very far in a career. You'll just get a job that doesn't give you any sort of career evolution. Basically, you'll be stuck where you are. When you have a good degree that companies, etc. need, finding a job is a lot easier and you'll at least have a chance to evolve there.


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I took a year off when I left school, then went to college and did music. Now, I am considering going back to university.. I cant say that I genuinely regret my time at university, but overall it probably wasnt good value for money.

But firstly, you dont necessarily need a college education to be successful. It depends what area you work in or whatever, but it isnt necessary at all..

Secondly, if you do need a college education for whatever you want to do, you dont necessarily need to start straight out of school.. You can save for a few years and then go back.. Though for some jobs this sorta can hamstring you a bit.. People might question your reliability or your dedication or whatever.. Which is pretty much bs, but they may do.

Have a nice day.
Okay, I think a lot of stupid advice gets handed out in situations like this. You know what? If you're happy where you are now, and the idea of going to college is not appealing to you, don't go. You will be worse off. You will not be entirely happy there, and thus you will not do as well as you would if you really wanted to go, and you'll spend a shitload of money on it. Instead, if you're content where you are for the time being, be there, and then if you decide you want to go back to school, you still can, contrary to popular belief. I know lots of people who got back in school after working for a while, because they wanted to.

You might find you want to go back after a year. You might find you want to go back after five years. You might find that you are happy for the rest of your life and you're glad you didn't waste a ton of time and money on something you didn't need. But as long as you're secure, make good money, and aren't aching to get back to your education, why on earth would you bother?

Oh, and for the record, the idea that going to college basically secures your future is a myth. A college degree is not the magic job-giving gift from god that people like to think it is. There are people who get college degrees and still can't find a good job. If you have one you like right now, hang on to it.
I've never had a job (Apart from work experience) and I know exactly what your saying, I feel the only reason that I am still going to school is because of my friends, I need to pick myself up as well but im gonna give it a try next year, you too should stick to the education, you will regret it when you end up stacking shelves when your 55 years old.

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