Tournament CAPPL VII - Semifinals (tiebreaker in post #14)


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CAPPL VII Semifinals
[art by Shadowshocker]
[logos by Zephyri]


Alright everyone, we've made it to the semifinals! The Ol' Reliable Chromeras successfully secured 1st place and will thusly have the week off, while the Weatherman Whimsicotts will face off against the Thundering Caribolts. Thanks to everyone for playing in the tour, hope to see you the next time around for CAPPL VIII!

Weatherman Whimsicotts (3) vs Thundering Caribolts (3)

SS1: Rabia vs quziel
SS2: The Number Man vs spoo
SS3: arn.av136 Xevara
SM: pannuracotta vs Heaven Jay
ORAS: gorex vs BasedWhat?
Bo3: Lasen vs Chazm

All standard tournament rules apply. Ghosting is strictly prohibited. Replays must be posted or else your battle will be considered invalid. Since this is a team tournament, no extensions are given; substitutions are used instead of extensions. If any trade occurs this week, neither traded player will be able to participate in a battle the same week. Please complete your games by Sunday, August 8th at 11:59pm GMT-5.

Week 1:
Team Solo Miasmaw vs Ol' Reliable Chromeras
Surging Snaelstroms vs Thundering Caribolts
Weatherman Whimsicotts vs Impermeable Plasmantas

Week 2:
Team Solo Miasmaw vs Surging Snaelstroms
Weatherman Whimsicotts vs Ol' Reliable Chromeras
Impermeable Plasmantas vs Thundering Caribolts

Week 3
Team Solo Miasmaw vs Weatherman Whimsicotts
Impermeable Plasmantas vs Surging Snaelstroms
Thundering Caribolts vs Ol' Reliable Chromeras

Week 4
Team Solo Miasmaw vs Impermeable Plasmantas
Thundering Caribolts vs Weatherman Whimsicotts
Ol' Reliable Chromeras vs Surging Snaelstroms

Week 5:
Team Solo Miasmaw vs Thundering Caribolts
Ol' Reliable Chromeras vs Impermeable Plasmantas
Surging Snaelstroms vs Weatherman Whimsicotts
Team Solo Miasmaw: (0/1/4) 1 | -12
Impermeable Plasmantas (2/0/3) 4 | -3
Ol' Reliable Chromeras: (3/1/1) 7 | +7
Thundering Caribolts: (2/2/1) 6 | +2
Surging Snaelstroms: (1/3/1) 5 | +0
Weatherman Whimsicotts: (3/1/1) 7 | +6


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