CAP34 - Part 12 - Name Submissions

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WIP (1/1)


Pronounced "chug-AH-puff-AH"

"Chugga" (like Chuggachugga, a phrase said to imitate trains) and "Puff" (like a puff of smoke as well as Puff the magic dragon)

I doubt this name will win but I wanted to at least through something out there
WIP (1/3)


"fumes" + "funicular" (a funicular is a form of railway system)

Pronounced: "fyoo-MI-kyuh-lur"

WIP (2/3)


"tempo" + "amphithere" (tempo can refer to both rate of motion, and a type of delivery van, amphithere is a type of dragon)

Pronounced: "TEM-pi-thehr"

WIP (3/3)


"toxin" + "exhaust" (as in gases expelled from an engine)

Pronounced: "tok-ZAWST"
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Portmanteau of "Chugga-Chugga"+ "龙 or Lóng”, long also references its length and the name is a play on the phrase "to chug along"

“Chugga-chugga” is an english onomatopoeia for the sound a steam engine train makes when pumping its pistons and turning its wheels on the tracks.

龙 or “Lóng” is the Chinese character for dragon. This is also transliterated as long, loong or lung as well.

This fits well with Cap34’s design being based on a steam locomotive as well as having clear inspiration from depictions of dragons from Chinese mythology, especially Dragon dance puppets for festivals.

“To chug along” is a turn of phrase inspired by steam locomotives tending to start up slow but steadily gaining momentum, as well as how laboriously the engine “chugs” as these trains traverse up steeper hills. As a saying it is used a way to describe persevering or working towards the finish at a steady pace. It may be an odd phrase to attribute to CAP34 considering its Speed stat, but it does bolster the steam engine connotations even further. Perhaps this can work as a little nod to the hard work and perseverance of the designer (Chillie) for producing a winning design, after coming increasingly closer to winning on their previous couple of entries.

Some trivia:

“Chugga-chugga” is usually followed by “Choo-choo” whenever it is used, with the latter onomatopoeia referencing the sound of a steam train whistle. Apparently there has been debates over how many “Chuggas” should be used before “Choo-choo”, with 2,3,4,8,12 etc. all put forward as possible answers.

An argument proposed is that since “Chugga" is 2 syllables which translates to 2 rhythmic beats, then the correct number is 8. This would be 16 beats, also known as 4 bars of 4. 4/4 is the most common meter in music; it’s so popular that it is often referred to as “common time”. In the final render and concept art of CAP34, it consists of 8 wheeled segments (and plus another for the head) which is a fun coincidence.

Not completely unrelated news but my brain has melted.

Pronounced: "CHUG-uh-LONG”

IPA: / ˈtʃʌgəˌlɑːŋ/

Special thanks to Quanyails for letting me sub this one, an instance of multiple people coming up with the same name independently lol. Much appreciated to have an example post to work from as well, thank you T.T
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Long (Mandarin for Dragon) + gasping (related with a throat noise)

'Gasping' also has gas (poison) and ping (I can imagine a train going 'ping ping ping').

Or could do just Longasp , not sure which is better.
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On sabbatical!
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WIP (3/3):


"industrial" (as in "industrial revolution") + "ryū" (Japanese for "dragon")

Pronounced: "in-DUS-tree-oo"
IPA: ɪnˈdʌstɹɪu

Just another idea I'm tossing out, inspired by Wahrer's name for my alternate CAP 27 design. I'll probably be submitting Trainrex still!
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WIP (2/3)


Rail + Loong

a simple portmanteau of the words "Rail" and "loong" (蜄, the Chinese term used to refer to the long serpentine dragon that has come to become a symbol of Chinese culture). It also mimmicks the phrase Rail along, suggesting an image of CAP34 inviting people and mons to hop on its back for a ride.



Shen (蜃) refers to a shapeshifting dragon in Chinese folklore. It is said to be capable of creating mirages and metamorphing to trick humans akin to how CAP-34 is a dragon that seems to have morphed to integrate trainlike qualities in its form. "Trainwreck" just refers to a big ruckus that CAP-34 is capable of creating. Similar to the some of the other dragons in the pokemon universe, It's a majestic dragon of grand scale that evokes fear and awe and "trainwreck" alludes to to that as well as it's ability to terrify and wreck havoc when enraged.


suggested changes: Railong, Trailoong, Trailong
missing: Poison flavor, Sound/Roar aspects, ability flavor (?)

suggested changes:
poison flavor, simplicity (?),ability flavor

feel free to claim these names and further work on them :totodiLUL:
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Pronounced: "Chu - Long"

Coo + Loong (Chinese terminology for dragon)

I think it's simply, but I also believe it's name needs to stand out a bit, and this name can do that in my opinion.
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