CAP 19 CAP 19 - Art Submissions

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My favorite CAP thread, yay!
I am so glad that a platypus was made! They are perfect examples of the type. I'm more in favor of having the bolt-eyebrows running along towards the back of its head than having them stand up like that. No other desires, so fantastic job!

I like the original over the alternate. I would like to hypothesize that the alternate art was made to make it look a bit more intimidating. If trying to make it look more threatening, I suggest having it in a stance that portrays its instinct to fight off predators, maybe even if you make it look like it is hissing, that'd be nice. Great job!

Great WIPs. I prefer the green palette since I'm looking for art work with more colors other than purple (most venoms are pale yellow, golden, or orange). The serpent concept is very interesting. It looks like it would pair nicely with Gyarados. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to see the final artwork.

A good WIP. Again, the orange is very appealing. I like the design of the tail, so don't remove that. A little supporting art would be nice. Good job!

This is one of the more creative ones that I like. I couldn't tell that it was a jellyfish, but the concept is very interesting. I really can't think of anything to add, but all I can say is it reminds me of Frillish. I cannot seem to draw a syringe concept from this artwork, so perhaps if that was exhibited a bit more it would be apparent. The plasma ball concept is very innovative, but I would love to see more in later works since this is the first WIP.

Keeping up the rep, you make your art stand out well.
The frog is actually quite cute, and it depicts the typing well (droppin' that thunderous bass on the opponent, eh?).
The stingray is perhaps the most creative of the three, in my opinion. The design has a nice blend of Poison and the bolts on its head and solenoid-like tails are great at showing the Electric typing. The only thing that i think is missing is the color. By the way, don't worry if it looks like Water; we have Dragalge who's still a seahorse.
I expected a lot of scorpions, but I completely forgot about manticores. The manticore design looks good. My favorite thing about it is the mane. It doesn't look like a storm cloud, and I really disliked how Pyroar's mane looked like Fire Blast. The prongs protruding from is shoulders (?) was a very nice touch.
I would love to see the color palette used on each of them since I cannot pick an absolute favorite yet.

Another very creative concept, this artwork is much appreciated! Neurons are really good inspiration for Electric types (before I knew Reuniclus, I could've sworn its arms were axons). Supporting art would be great!
Awesome job!


Banned deucer.

I was thinking about which animals in nature are poisonous and found a pic of a Snail. This Snail is able to shoot its pray with toxic arrows (potential for a new move?). Since we're not having so many pokemon based on snails I decided to create this one.
Furthermore I thought it would be funny to have a snail that's resisting/countering bird-based pokemon like Talonflame and Staraptor.
I hope you like it.


On sabbatical!
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En garde!

Well, this design is unusual. I had a flash of inspiration early on, but I couldn't make my design mesh, so I ended up editing it until the inspiration became all but gone and I ended up with something that works well as a design but is more obscure type-wise. At least it's more creative than lizard #45 I had as a backup design.

A needle I was thinking of incorporating for Poison ended up also becoming a foil. Wires became the electric cords on the fencer's uniform. So the entire design sorta works without being too explicit with real-life origins. :P

  • Dracoyoshi8: You do a great job with design; the colors, spheres, and pose all contribute really well to your lizard. I prefer the drawing you posted over the alternate in your link. The design comes off as unique without being too explicit with typings. I don't see much to criticize.
  • Birkal: Great idea. The execution comes off as a bit tepid, in contrast. I don't see how the purple crescent on its neck or the band going from its beak over its body contributes to its design, though. I can understand using jagged lines for Poison and Electric, but they're everywhere in the design, which makes that theme excessive in its entirety. I'd break up the zig-zags with another element so they don't become too prominent in the design.
  • EpicUmbreon29: I'd say shading and a different perspective will give us a better sense of this design's shape. Is it cylindrical? Are the green parts its face? A clearer drawing will help with understanding the design's elements. That being said, I do think gray could be changed. A purple is an obvious indicator of poison, but a green or some other sickly color would also work. Gray makes me think of metal, which, yes, makes me think of Steel.
  • epicparker: A manticore's a great idea, but, uh, Magistrum has you beat in design, in my opinion. :/ Your manticore can still compete if Magistrum chooses a different design, although my favor still has been taken by Magistrum. X_x
  • Magistrum: As I said on IRC, the manticore and frog look great! The stingray is unique and cool-looking, though it's a bit too alien for my tastes. I really like the manticore's design, wow. It looks like it could be in Pokemon but doesn't repeat the same elements that other Poison- and Electric-types have. I like how the headphones and those other plasma bubbles are integrated with the frog, though the anatomy of the frog is rather regular, in contrast to Pokemon's cartoonishness. I guess we'll have to wait to see abilities and stats before any decision.
  • Sunfished: Love the style of the drawing. :) It looks it'd fit right in Pokemon. The Electric and Poison typings are very evident in this design, and they're well-integrated. I could see this design being a little more exaggerated, but it's pretty darn fine as it is. ouob
  • TeraVolt: Ah, this reminds me of Flaschemy.... But this creature has a charm all of its own. Those eyes are what really caught my attention. The relation to Poison and Electric are explicit in the design, but you've managed to mesh the typings well into an inventive thing.
  • V4LOVER: You probably know what I'll say. >_> A hornet makes me think of a Bug typing. I don't see how you'll get that out of my mind without a lot of revamping so that the hornet looks less explicitly insectoid. I'd honestly go for a different concept altogether.
  • HeaLnDeaL: The amount of detail on the body and legs make me think of something more realistic. Fewer 'bumps' and more geometric legs would simplify it into cartoonishness. The thunderbolt tail looks fantastic, as do those pinchers. The design would benefit from a less detailed outline, I'd say.
  • WhyAxis: Someone decided to touch upon this concept. :D I give you kudos for that. The body of these cells could be more terrestrial, with those dendrites being more like legs. The axon could be a long tail. I don't know if I'd connect two 'bodies' together. I personally think one could stand alone. It's your design, though; do what you like.
  • GoldNinja: Just remember to focus on Electric and Poison as typings, even though your design is based off of a flying insect. :)
  • Sgt.Moose: A battery acid lizard? Hmm, well, the design is rather arbitrarily composed, but I suppose the idea fits Electric/Poison. It's a bit artificial to me, though. I'd agree with thinking of something else or playing around with this design.
  • Yveltal: The first or third design are interesting to me, while the Norse warrior seems like a stretch to fit into Electric/Poison. I'm not saying it can't be done, but I cast my doubts from lineart alone. I like the virus a bit more if only because it's a less predictable design that Pokemon (as I know) hasn't used yet. Maybe wait until for other elements of this CAP to be finalized before working on one in particular.
  • mcFlareon: I like it. It's a great pun on the multiple definitions of a mouse and those definitions fit the typing. The design is nice, too! I think using brighter and more contrasting colors would make the design pop, although I'd be wary of using hues that makes Electric/Poison too flashy.
  • D4rk3r: The colors make me drawn away from Water as a typing, so that's good. ouob I'm a little hesitant about using a snaky, aquatic design, though, seeing previous CAPs. If you think you're fine with that and can make CAP 19 your design, though, go for it.
  • Hollymon: Yes, you gave it a face. :) That was my main concern about the design! The shape of the tentacles makes me think of a nerve cell's axons, so that's serendipitous. I would change the steely gray of the design to something so it doesn't look metallic. I would be able to see Electric/Poison more clearly that way. I can see both typings right now, actually, but you know, it might be nice to take away any alternative opinions.
  • Regime: Hmm... I see Water as a typing foremost before Electric or Poison. That's a hurdle to get over if you choose to base a drawing off of an aquatic creature. Still, I can see the other typings, so that's not detrimental to the design. Beyond this, the colors and shape of your fish don't draw my attention. I'd saturate the tones and add some contrast. Maybe change its pose or anatomy slightly. The body is big but the tail is small, so you could exaggerate that.
  • OldManDugan: Cute! I like how the ends of the batteries correspond to contrasting animals.
  • I don't see Poison in the design, however. A battery without acid seems completely electric. Moreover, the colors seem to be based off of Duracell batteries, which, well, reminds me of Doug's Marlboro man from Mollux's CAP. It's a vague icon from a real-life brand. I could chalk it up to coincidence, but the similarity is too striking to me.
  • Eragon2: Unique take on the Poison typing. ouob I can definitely see snails as poisonous. The addition of those Tesla generators, though, seems a bit contrived compared to the entirety of the design. How does the snail shell contribute to the electric part of the design being yellow? I could see it being a turbine that generates electricity and exudes a toxic waste product.

So, the battery thing looked too much like a Steel type (as HeaLnDeaL said) and was just bad art overall. So, I redesigned the Pokemon, keeping the concept of the battery in mind. However, instead of the Pokemon being a battery, I made it so that the Pokemon uses the energy from the battery and carries it around.

The actual body of this Pokemon is supposed to be Mercury, which is appropriate because, as well as being poisonous, it was once used in batteries. Its body forms a circuit, with its one "arm" on the battery's positive terminal and the negative terminal being on the base of the amorphous blob Pokemon. It has a string of bulbs on its back, which are purple in order to make it look more like a Poison type (most of which have some shade of purple), as it still looked something like a Steel type due to the silver color of Mercury. However, I still wanted to keep the silver Mercury so that it did not look like some of the other blobs (Muk, Swalot). Its visible eye is also purple for the same reason as the lights. It has a blue energy core which can store and release electrical energy (from the battery) as well, as its body forms a circuit with the battery.

The Pokemon is shown from its side, but the other side is basically the same, even with another "arm" (it's an amorphous blob, so it can have three "arms", including one on its back). The side view is so that one can actually see what the whole Pokemon looks like, as opposed to a front view, which hides the battery.

So, does anyone have any thoughts? Should I make the battery purple as well? Does it still look too much like a Steel type? Does it look Electric enough? I think this is definitely a step up from my previous submission, especially in terms of artwork, as this has shading and is not just straight lines, as I finally learned how to properly use MS Paint. Any thoughts on how I might be able to improve this Pokemon would be appreciated.

One last thought on the design and how it relates to the concept-
Don't touch the Mercury- it will drive you and your Pokemon insane.
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protect the wetlands
is a Contributor Alumnus

without spots
non-animated higher quality

The new pose and colors might be shocking, but it is less static than it was before!

So this probably isn't the final pose or iteration I am going with, but I am working towards the final product. The changes made were I darkened the colors, made the tail a tad thinner, shortened the arms, made the eyes yellows and very slightly adjusted the structure of the orbs. I went for a more curious, "head-tilt" pose to show off the three orbs on the head! I may have over-tilted it, looking at it too long makes my neck hurt :x

The Pokemon is highly poisonous. To warn (or threaten) potential assailants of its toxicity, it flashes electrically-charged orbs full of paralyzing toxins! When attacked, the opponent receives a toxic shock as the orbs explode, dousing its opponents in electric acid! Don't worry; the orbs regenerate very quickly, much to the dismay of the attacker. As a result, most Pokemon decide to leave this one be and try to avoid engaging it altogether.
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I just wanna grill, man!
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Very WIP

I'm on vacation right now and don't have access to photo editing software, so I apologize for the potato quality. Basically, the first thing that came to my mind when thinking about Electric/ Poison was E-waste, so I based my design off of that. It also draws inspiration from the Forlorn Junk Heap (, a boss from my favorite game, Mother 3. I'll elaborate more on the design when y'all can actually see it, but I just wanted to get it out there.

Everyone's designs are looking great, and I can't wait to see more!
A few quick comments to some of my favorites:

Magistrum, I feel like of the three, your manticore definitely has the most "pokemon" feel to it, but my favorite is the frog. Whichever you choose to move forward with, I will be supporting you the whole way!

EpicUmbreon28, your new design could easily becomemy favorite if you added a little more life to it. Either by adding more color, drawing it in a different pose, or a combination of both would be great! May I suggest an electric-blue lightning bolt symbol on the battery, and possibly some streaks on the blob?

Dracoyoshi8, I like what you got going here! Nothing really to add, but I really like it, especially with the spots!

(How do I tag people?)
Major change to my design, decided to go away from the hornet route and move towards another.

This time, it's based off a jack-o-lantern mushroom. They are bioluminescent, and are poisonous to consume. The mushroom on top has a "scary face" to dissuade consumption.

As usual, any constructive criticism is encouraged and very much appreciated :)

I can remove the glow around the base if it's a problem.
Birkal : The Platypus's spikes and colors makes him definitely feel alien, but in a cartoony enjoyable way.

HeaLnDeaL : There are parts of that Scorpion that I really like, the Stinger and pincers give it a good Electric feel. I'm a little bit iffy on the face, but other than that it's a good direction to be going in.

Magistrum : I'm fond of the Frog and the Chimera you've got there. the Chimera I feel fits alongside a Hoenn designs like Mightyena or Manectric, While the frog reminds me a bit of a sleeker, classier version of Seismitoad. I'd love to see that design in the neon palletes of some of the crazier Poison Dart Frogs.

mcFlareon : While I don't get the poison aspect immediately, the concept of a mouse mouse is quite fun. I think you could up the saturation in the eyes/Scroll Wheel and potentially up the toxic look for the colorscheme.

Quanyails : Do quite like the design, it's abstract, but in the same way that a lot of the humanshape pokemon are.

Sgt.Moose : I definitely like the aesthetics to this one, the Coppertop battery as a shell makes for a fun, somewhat tanky looking little critter. He reminds me of Shuckle, but in a good way.

Main Design (note:Still rough phase)

This, this was the result of rewatching Finding Nemo, then marathoning Gurren Lagann on a sick week. As an Electric/Poison type, This pokemon plays mostly off of the stinging nature of the Sea Anemone and the symbiotic nature of Anemone and Clownfishes, with a little inspiration from Hotblooded Mecha anime mixed into the design of both creatures.

What a silly snake.

I might change this design if the reception isn't too positive, but I feel pretty good about it for now. My focuses for this design were:
  1. Electric/Poison - I believe the combination of a snake (a creature usually associated with venom) and minor electrical themes (plug teeth, forked lightning tongue, glowy electric bands on the body) emphasize this in the design.
  2. Reflect the concept - The concept is to create a Pokemon that either dissuades your opponent from attacking it or leaves a lasting impression on the battlefield. I decided to make CAP19 a relatively benign, simple, and unassuming creature that is actually host to a deadly mix of venom and high voltage. CAP19 is too simpleminded to actually hunt for food, so it's fortunate that any unsuspecting creature that gets too close is immediately zapped by the electricity arcing from CAP19's hood. Due to it being a non-threat unless provoked, I think it fits the concept.
  3. Be Gyarados's BFF - Dragons and Snakes are both Chinese Zodiac animals (it's a stretch) and I think a silly and nonthreatening snake is a good complement to a ferocious dragon.
  4. Don't cramp Malaconda's style - It's a snake so I don't want this design to be stale after Malaconda. I think that a colorful and silly cobra is enough of a difference from a conniving snake. If you've read this far, hello.

Blue Frog

It's lucidity. So clear!
is a Top Artist Alumnus
I can't believe how quickly these threads fill up! Here's my submission:

My concepts for the last two CAPS tried to fuse inanimate objects with living creatures, so I wanted to make something completely artificial this time around. It's essentially a sentient nuclear power plant, only cuter and humanoid. If you want to get into the really gritty details of the concept, my thought process is that it generates nuclear energy within its hands, which travels throughout its body and gives it life. The leftover radiation travels to its head and legs, which are vats of radioactive waste. The original concept also had cooling towers on its shoulders, but I scrapped them as they looked clunky and didn't fit within the design.
Ok here's my attempt, it's sort of a snake-eel. It's exceedingly rough at this stage. The idea is that is two bodies joined by a concertina of folding flesh, allowing it to extend and retract at will. The electricity is generated by the eel, while the poison is generated by the snake, however both venom and electricity flow through its entire rubbery body.

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It's my first time entering CAP... Though magi already beat me to stingray ;w;. Here's what I did anyway:

Its back is a large membrane+electrode, which feeds electricity into the nodes and spikes on the side. Its poison-type element comes from it being a stingray, and the lionfish-y spikes on its "wings" - two sea creatures you never wanna touch, which fits with the theme. This'll be my entry for now, but I might edit and tweak it a bit depending on the reception <3.
My WIP design. It's based, sort of, on a troll or gremlin with bright poisonous warning markings. (Warning: If you knock me out, you could be in trouble!) The tail(s), on which it stands, are a bunch of live wires, and its legs/feet are currently blaster-like in which it expels toxic fluid. Additionally, it likes being upside-down sometimes.
Otter Power, I really like your concept, but the proportions feel wrong for a stingray; in terms of the wings and the tail, it looks too Mantyke and not enough Mantine. Lengthening both would go a long way (if you'll pardon the accidental pun) towards putting your design up there with Birkal's ever so wonderful platypus; Australian fauna, particularly aquatic, really should get more representation among Poison type Pokemon :D


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So, after I read everyone's comments about cloud-guy, I sorta gave up on the traditional genie coming out of a lamp. Of the 2 possibilities, I could have detatched him from the lamp/pot altogether and make him floating, but then it would seem as if he had Levitate. If I were to keep the lamp, he wouldn't be as free as a cloud should have been. So, I ended up giving him legs like the genie from Aladin:

I also added things that drift upwards to make him more smoky, and removed the yellow electric zebra-stripes from his arms. The smoke near his mouth also makes him look like a clown, which is actually fitting of his theme. The main problem now is evoking the Electric typing, As it seems mostly Poison now. I'm still willing to change things up if need be, and would like some feedback before I try to finish this guy in a more formal art piece.

Also, here is a Green version that seems to play the same idea that it makes him poison-like:
I like it a lot, and does a great job at complementing the yellow.

For reference, here is the previous version:

Here is a version without the legs, but with the smoke near his mouth:

Again, It'd be a awesome if you can relay feedback.
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Banned deucer.
So yeah. You guys are all right. Magistrum's got me beat for the manticore. I was gonna try to redraw it better, but it wasn't working out. So I'll take another route. Once again I'm pressed for time, so I'll just have to post this WIP.

I drew this specific image about a year ago. It was a water/electric, so I'll make plenty of adjustments to make it water (specific advice for that would be nice). But the basic idea is there. A jellyfish with some tesla coil tentacles. (Also, my laptop is being lame and won't connect to any internet, so I'm using my family computer, which is where this was saved.) So yeah. I like lots of the concepts here, especially Chaos Wolf and Blue Frog. But I'm not really a fan of the battery ones (except OldManDugan's).

EDIT: Sorry. I forgot about the posting frequency rule. Anyway. Here's an updated, poison type version. I didn't really care to be meticulous about the coloring as this is just a sketch. Feedback is nice, as well as help making it more Poison-y.
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is a Community Contributoris a CAP Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Major change to my design, decided to go away from the hornet route and move towards another.

This time, it's based off a jack-o-lantern mushroom. They are bioluminescent, and are poisonous to consume. The mushroom on top has a "scary face" to dissuade consumption.

As usual, any constructive criticism is encouraged and very much appreciated :)

I can remove the glow around the base if it's a problem.
Honestly, I think this design can go without the criss-cross pattern along the top of the big shroom.

HeaLnDeaL, absolutely amazing, representing the PS! CAP room. You already removed the excess thunderbolts, so nothing more to add =/

Blue Frog, very well drawn and I love the concept, but is there any way to make it look less like a Steel-type and more like a Poison-type?

Chaos Wolf, I'm not sure if a multi-part image like that would work, but it looks great anyway. Removing the driver would make it look a little bit less reminiscent of Dr. Zomboss.

Much like Blue Frog, I was also thinking of having a nuclear-themed design to incorporate the two types; However, I decided to make it more centered around a nuclear meltdown to give it more of a poison-type feel. Some details of note include a cooling tower as an arm cannon, the inner arm being the actual reaction chamber, complete with control rods, and the "gas mask" actually being the symbol for biohazards (though it's slightly obscure by the breathing equipment).

Also with the two left arms, those weren't meant to steal Machamp's thunder (no pun intended), but was instead suppose to give it a sort of "mutation" feel to it.
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Sunfished, your design is pretty much my favorite conceptually but I have a few gripes with the update you posted. I'm not exactly an artistic genius, so take my feedback with a grain of salt if you wish, but anyways... I actually preferred the genie coming out of the pot. With the legs, it doesn't really feel like a genie anymore; maybe to make it less similar to Spiritomb you could make it coming out of a genie lamp (like this) instead of a regular pot. The positioning of the arms seems a bit awkward to me as wellO, but other than that stuff, it's a very interesting concept you're going for and it's my favorite so far. Oh, and I also prefer the green color scheme if that means anything ^.^

The radioactive waste pokemon lol. Once lived at a powerplant that had a meltdown. Now it draws energy from the radioactive waste it consumes. O.o

When it was announced that the typing was going to be Electric/Poison I immediately thought of nuclear energy. Something that is both highly poisonous and helps us to generate electricity. I feel like the arms should be disproportionately large compared to the body.... at least larger than they are anyway.

Okay, I couldn't think of anything creative, so I went Dragalge for this one. I put the radioactivity symbols just cuz. The blue electricity forming a skull around the chest was ingenious. :) As for the colours, I chose yellow and purple to represent the Typing.
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