CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

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/me cresselias
@defno16- Great idea with the otter- I really like how you made electric the priority type. It is definitely shown throughout the entire design.

@Keishinkei- Your crocodile is absolutely gorgeous, but I see very little electric in it. The lite blue/black does look better than the yellow/black, but there needs to be some integration of electric elements in it. Maybe if you added electric markings or something on it? There has to be something you can add to jazz it up a bit more. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the design as a whole- I just think you'd do better in the polls if you saw more electricity in it. =)

@scampy- I still really like your cute water-globe-ish design =P It's adorable. However, I did prefer the original one that you made to this most recent entry. This new one... well, there's something strange about the way you have the head depicted. The supporting material, tho, is really well-done and helped me see exactly what you had in mind with your concept.

@Atyroki- Hmm... I'm not entirely sure what I think about your design. It is well done and has a very nice color scheme but it just doesn't scream 'electric-water' to me. It almost seems more of a ghost/psychic/dark sort of pokemon. Maybe play around with it a bit more.

@Yilx- I love your design. Not sure what else to add. It's so creative and cute at the same time. ^_^


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Keishinkae: Have you maybe tried reversing the light and dark parts? IMO it looks a little 'heavy' with the black on the top. I'm preferring the blue one, though.
Aviator99: Big improvement over your last design. I really like how the fins look like windows. Let's see this lightning rod building swordfish in color!

: I slightly prefer your first color scheme over you second one, but either one is a strong choice.

Atyroki: I really like the art, and the concept, but why does it have three smilie faces on it's pink fur? It's really distracting. Also that particular shade of pink doesn't really work with the rest of your color scheme. Overall, your design is great, but leaves room for improvement.

Eagle ray go! So uh yeah, first time I scanned something so it's light. "Wings" are kinda uneven, need to fix the lightning bolts and outline of tail. Other than that, is it good?

P.S. Not a Mantine or Jason Pollock.
Final Submission

Here's my Final Submission. Thank you to everyone who commented and looked at my art! I really appreciate it.

Supporting material:

Offense: Ice beam, thunderbolt, and hammer arm;

Shrugging off Salamence's Draco Meteor;


How Trace will work: (mysterious energy inside the hollow shell adapts CAP10's armor and spirit to meet new challenges, backstory kinda explains this)

BACKSTORY (long-ish... so it's hidden, but please read!!!)
Description: Due to its soft body it has kept the molted shell from its previous evolutionary form. Electricity is built up inside its body and stored in the tail which is light bulb-ish in shape.

This pokemon was only recently discovered because of its tendency to lie on the bottom of sandy sea floors. Its molted armor hides it from detection from predators, prey, and pokemon researchers, as it merely looks like a discarded shell to observers.

When threatened this pokemon inhales great amounts of air or water to puff itself up to twice its normal size to intimidate the opponent. It can remain this size for several hours.

Recent findings reveal this pokemon has many unknown mysterious powers as several well known researchers have seen its molted shell armor's eyes glowing eventhough it seems to be completely hollow...

pics that go along with backstory:
@Darkmattr:Liking it! I'm enjoying the Frog-esque design allot, and I also really like the Prevos. Hoping this one goes far. +)

@defno16: I like the Otter a lot better than your old one. The only thing I notice is that the feeler things remind me a lot of Glaceon. Although that might not be such a bad thing...

@Keishinkae: Not sure if I quite like the Croc or whatever-you-called-it yet. I think that might be because he reminds me of Vector the Crocodile from the Sonic the Hedgehog games. I just feel like it could use something to give it a more electric-feel. Maybe some sort of spine? I like the top color scheme better though, since it goes for an Electric-Blue color, which is fairly unused in Pokemon.

And finally, here is the first somewhat cluttered "Basilisk trumps _____" piece, showing it using it's enormous tail to execute an Ice Fang on an overly-restrained, sweat-dropping, praying-for-its-life Flygon. +)

Btw, sorry I couldn't define the outline more before I scanned it, and also sorry for the eraser marks. I drew this with the same pencil that I use to take 3 pages of notes with every day, so yeah...
OK, so I kinda got lazy... what can I say the spot that I use to draw is terribly uncomfortable. It's not going to be the last version, this is just an update to illustrate his belly cloud thinger.

Alright, round 2:


Again, inspired by the idea of a mimic and the utility that a 'toolbox' carries with it. (see my original post if you want more background)

I opened it up to a more "fun" pose and added a tongue. I cut out the blue in the eyes since I didn't feel like it needed it to prove its water typing. I'm actually a big fan of everyone who is cutting blue from their designs; water types don't have to be blue. It makes them stand out feel more unique.
I really like the mimic idea, and I'd really love to see some supporting material like it using Ice Beam on Salamence or using its eyes to electro-rape Gyarados.
Atfirst i had trouble seeing it use a Fighting attack, but then I realised the perfect way it could; it carries a spring loaded boxing glove in there.


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As I was brainstorming ideas for an Electric/Water design, I kept thinking of hydroelectric dams. But, there was no way I was going to make a dam into a pokemon! So, instead -- I asked myself this question:

"In the world of Pokemon, what kind of creature might make a hydroelectric dam?"

An electric beaver, of course...

So yeah, this is my design -- an electric beaver. Like most of my CAP designs, I have a backstory concocted behind it.

The basic gist of the story is that this pokemon makes big dams in the rivers of Sinnoh, and uses bioelectricity to stun fish as they encounter the dams. The faster the water flows, the more fish the CAP10 eat, and the more electricity they produce. Some communities in Sinnoh have tapped into these natural hydroelectric dams, and use the electricity to light and power entire cities.

Whiscash are the bane of CAP10's existence. When Whiscash happen upon a CAP10 dam, they are immune to the electric shocks and create huge earthquakes to completely destroy the dam and everything in it.

I have some more backstory that I may post later.
Niiiice, Doug. I thought it was another platypus at first, but then...nice idea.

Great tail, useful for whacking the platypi out of the competition.

Anyways...given the silence indicated that PowerPoint was a bad medium...I decided to try handdrawing...and this is but one result...

This guy is a sea chimera: It has the headplate of a sand dollar (the original inspiration,) the tentacles of a scallop, the claws and swimmerets of a lobster, the legs of an electric crab, the body of a sea slug, the eye of a Starmie, and the rear shell of a snail. If such a fusion doesn't already scream "VERSATILE!" then I don't know WHAT does...

The water typing is communicated through design, the electric through color and the leg shape. I made it defensive through its armor (it has two shells,) and quite honestly, it DOES look a bit high in hitpoints.

It can hunt many kinds of prey due to its versatile form, but no more than a few similar types of prey can it defeat at a time. It zaps its foes with shocking scallop tentacles, uses its Starmie-like eye to focus light into powerful attacks (it uses Flamethrower by focusing light on oil released from a claw, which ignites the oil and creates an attack that allows it to easily kill Scizor with Fire,) uses its claws for physical attacks and releasing combustible oil, its legs and swimmerets for swimming and zapping its enemies from the broadsides of its form, and its tail-shell for just giving a good darn WALLOP of an Earthquake at any Electivire still lingering in OU.
I really like that beaver idea, a hydroelectric dam was what I thought of when I heard water/electric as well. (I admittedly tried out a dam design, but as you may guess it was quickly scrapped)

But anyway, when I tried to draw my design on the computer, it turned out like that Bird-Cow-Turn (or whatever it was) a couple pages back. So I made do with what I had, a box of colored pencils from 2004 and some pens and got this.
@DougJustDoug: Omg it's a badass Bibarel. As a note you need to get the teeth straight otherwise it's not a beaver. If you look up why you'll see what I mean. Otherwise it's a good idea.
Thanks for all the comments, I'll try to work on my design in this weekend
taking care of all your suggestions

@Darkmattr: I like your design a lot, it's a unique concept with pretty cool features, I like it's tail and the colors

@Dougjustdoug: That's a pretty clever idea, maybe you can try to make it's tail a bit more original, just a suggestion, the design is nice
As I was brainstorming ideas for an Electric/Water design, I kept thinking of hydroelectric dams. But, there was no way I was going to make a dam into a pokemon! So, instead -- I asked myself this question:

"In the world of Pokemon, what kind of creature might make a hydroelectric dam?"

An electric beaver, of course...

So yeah, this is my design -- an electric beaver. Like most of my CAP designs, I have a backstory concocted behind it.

The basic gist of the story is that this pokemon makes big dams in the rivers of Sinnoh, and uses bioelectricity to stun fish as they encounter the dams. The faster the water flows, the more fish the CAP10 eat, and the more electricity they produce. Some communities in Sinnoh have tapped into these natural hydroelectric dams, and use the electricity to light and power entire cities.

Whiscash are the bane of CAP10's existence. When Whiscash happen upon a CAP10 dam, they are immune to the electric shocks and create huge earthquakes to completely destroy the dam and everything in it.

I have some more backstory that I may post later.
what an amazing design, honestly i don't see anything wrong with it.
Y'know, Doug, I really think that's the best design you've ever given to a CAP so far. It fits your art style perfectly, and from the way the stat spread polls are turning out it just may be one of the most appropriate submissions so far.

Yeah, that's a pretty big problem, actually; a lot of the submissions here don't fit the stat spread direction at all, mostly cause they were submitted too early, i.e. just after the typing was announced. The CAP is turning out pretty bulky, and a lot of designs in this thread, apart from Doug's and, I would say, pkmntaicho's sea anemone, veer towards the offensive.


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I had time to work on my shrimp again.

It seems this CAP will be pretty fast. Should I give it longer legs?
@Keishinkae: I really like your desigin, but I don't really see electric element in it except lightening bolt shaped patterns on the body. You could either play around with color scheme to make it look more electric (since electric is primary typing) or you could change fin or tail to bolt shaped.. just some suggestion.
aragorn bird, i'd almost think your shrimp can levitate via electromagnetism...ala magnemite and friends. not saying get rid of the legs, just don't have to envision it stuck to the ground.
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