Tournament BLT VIII: Week 6

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Keep It Simple
LCPL Champion

S/o lei for the beautiful logo! .
Approved by Aethernum

WEEK 1 I WEEK 2 I Week 3 I Week 4 I WEEK 5
Welcome to the sixth week of BLT VIII! For this year's format, teams will be fighting in a round robin where every team will play every other team. At the end of the round robin, the top four teams will move on to the playoffs where the first seed will play the fourth seed and the second seed will play the third seed to determine who will be this year’s finalists. A win will be worth 2 points, a draw 1, and a loss 0. Obviously, play on PS! (preferably main or smogtours server). Series are played in a best-of-one.

Basic Tournament Rules - you absolutely should read this, especially if you're new to forum tournaments

Sportsmanship: Don't be an ass. Not to your opponents, not to your team, not on PS, not on Smogon, not to me. A bit of friendly banter is ok, but please know where to draw the line. Think before you type, pleas

Scheduling and Activity Wins: Contact your opponent as quickly as possible on their Smogon wall, and look out for them on PS. You will have one week from the posting of the week's matches to get it done, and I will not be granting any extensions for any reasons. If your opponent is not responding to your post on their wall, cannot be found on PS, or miss multiple scheduled times, make a detailed activity post in the thread letting me know why you deserve the win. No activity post means no activity call. As long as you have visible attempts at scheduling (such as wall posts), you will be f

Disconnections and Timer: A timer loss is a loss. No if's, and's, or but's about it. If your opponent is nice enough to replay that's fine, but they are by no means obligated

Ghosting and Identity: Don't take or give battle advice or make moves based solely on the suggestions of others, and don't pretend to be someone else in order to play as them. You will be caught, and you will be disqualified from this season as well as future PS! tournaments (BLT, PSPL, etc.

Substitutions: Managers are free to substitute out inactive players at any point during the week with any subs they chose during the draft. Be sure to post in the thread when making a substitute



Lavender Laprases (6) vs Anistar Articunos (4)

Ubers: halaman95 vs Trade
OU: henguinie vs crying
OU: MagicalXerneas vs lvl100Blaziken
UU: queso vs RoyalReloaded
RU: Mac3 vs moesi
NU: Xiri vs Plas lkapkd1
PU: tlenit vs sirmrwhale
LC: Surfy vs Mikaav
DOU: Zoaw vs RKD
Monotype: ChessRobot vs PrinceOfAllTacos


Ruin Valley Roserades (4) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (6)

Ubers: Ron...5 Reje vs 7u9i2
OU: Baloor vs ToastedBunzzz02
OU: Hockey1 vs Yugon
UU: Sificon vs Expulso
RU: Kyotoshi vs yovan33321
NU: Ninja vs roxiee
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We vs gum
LC: kythr vs p4P1//0n
DOU: Mishimono vs Shadowmonstr7
Monotype: Kaguya Lys vs Meta


Turffield Turtwigs (7) vs Sunyshore Snornlaxes (3)

Ubers: Blimax vs FatFighter2
OU: myjava vs TectonicDestroyer
OU: Harshal_08 vs Roginald
UU: Maki Wubben vs Mygrein rahul_3301
RU: TeamCharm vs EternalSnowman
NU: udongirl vs daniYSB
PU: 100%GXE vs Z Strats
LC: Serene Grace vs BigBoy038
DOU: mammalu vs LightScreener
Monotype: Decem vs TheGreenRoman


Petalburg Poochyenas (6) vs Celestic Town Celesteelas (4)

Ubers: Ainzcrad vs saba1111
OU: Perish Song vs Stareal
OU: lotiasite vs Pradhaaan
UU: Axelsior vs avarice
RU: e~t~h~e~y vs TheFranklin
NU: PokeArt2004♥ vs Crow Music giove97
PU: MalMoonsault vs Splash
LC: Gray vs Fille
DOU: TTT444 vs Crunchman
Monotype: RichardPepper vs Mack Knife

Deadline for this round is July 4th 11:59 pm EST. Good Luck!

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phase, twilight, eyes of wisdom
is a Social Media Contributoris a Community Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
PUPL Champion
Top 5 Highlight Matches (in no Particular Order) :

team charm vs tc
mygrein vs scheduling
reje vs ron (getting benched on a pole match)
phantomistix vs coming up with his own jokes

BONUS: PrinceOfAllTacos vs Raj.Shoot (HIDE AND SEEK MATCH)
BONUS 2: Baloor vs Sificons Mom (delayed till this weekend because my plane got cancelled)

RajToday at 11:37 PM
allow deez nuts in your face


is a Tiering Contributor


Lavender Laprases (4) vs Anistar Articunos (6)

Ubers: halaman95 (30) vs Trade (70): no contest
OU: henguinie (35) vs crying (65): bdl came off with an impressive W last week but crying has more knowledge in OU imo
OU: MagicalXerneas (30) vs lvl100Blaziken (70): mx hasn't been doing so well this tour compared to Fragments
UU: queso (60) vs RoyalReloaded (40): Not sure why cheese is here but I think he'll do good
RU: Mac3 (70) vs moesi (30): Don't get act called and it's a W for mace
NU: Xiri (55) vs Plas (45): very very fun matchup but I think Xiri has been doing better in ss nu so slightly leaning for him
PU: tlenit (60) vs sirmrwhale (40): Very fun matchup with tlenit being the known goat and new player sirmrwhale currently going undefeated, leaning for the known one this time though
LC: Surfy (45) vs Mikaav (55): Another good matchup, I think Mikaav has been doing better so far
DOU: Zoaw (45) vs RKD (55): RKD is more of a mainer than Zoaw
Monotype: ChessRobot (40) vs PrinceOfAllTacos (60): Poat will get a better matchup

Ruin Valley Roserades (6) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (4)

Ubers: Reje (70) vs 7u9i2 (30): 7u9i2 has been doing good in this pool but reje should take it here no contest
OU: Baloor (60) vs ToastedBunzzz02 (40): Baloor has been doing better
OU: Hockey1 (60) vs Yugon (40): been doing better in blt so far
UU: Sificon (65) vs Expulso (35): Sifi is on a roll rn, looking positive for the remaining weeks
RU: Kyotoshi (65) vs yovan33321 (35): Kyo has been doing very well
NU: Ninja (45) vs roxiee (55): idk just a feeling
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We (60) vs gum (40): if gum plays maybe
LC: kythr (49) vs p4P1//0n (51): HL, I have a feeling papi can overturn this
DOU: Mishimono (49) vs Shadowmonstr7 (51): HL, slightly leaning towards shadow
Monotype: Kaguya Lys (40) vs Meta (60): Both have been doing really good this blt but I'll bold the one with a 5-0

Petalburg Poochyenas (4) vs Celestic Town Celesteelas (6)

Ubers: Ainzcrad (40) vs saba1111 (60): Watching the battle rn and I think saba has a better chance of winning
OU: Perish Song (40) vs Stareal (60): same as below
OU: lotiasite (30) vs Pradhaaan (70): loti didn't play that well last week and prad is a good player
UU: Axelsior (65) vs avarice (35): avarice is unfortunately 0-x rn and I hope he can turn it around someday
RU: e~t~h~e~y (30) vs TheFranklin (70): Don't get act called and arce9 wins
NU: PokeArt2004♥ (60) vs Crow Music (40): Better player, I'm still not sure about Crow's NU
PU: MalMoonsault (45) vs Splash (55): APW is finally back to claim wins.. but I'm not sure about this one
LC: Gray (60) vs Fille (40): looking fun, leaning towards Gray bc I haven't seen Fille play LC at all this BLT
DOU: TTT444 (55) vs Crunchman (45): TTT is on a bad streak rn but I think he can turn it around
Monotype: RichardPepper (40) vs Mack Knife (60): HE WILL WIN


Always remember
is a Tiering Contributor
RBTT Champion
Real predicts this time cause ahhh fuck it

Ruin Valley Roserades (8) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (2)

Ubers: Ron...5 vs 7u9i2 - THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND I'm so happy Ron is back on ubers and he's going undefeated now
(update, Roserades subbed Reje in, go suck an egg kythr)
OU: Baloor vs ToastedBunzzz02 - but does he miss the rage?!
OU: Hockey1 vs Yugon - lol
UU: Sificon vs Expulso - Sifi is my homeslice but I can't bet against Expulso
RU: Kyotoshi vs yovan33321 - why was this not included in your hl's Micoy dafuq
NU: Ninja vs roxiee - guessing here
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We vs gum - guessing again
LC: kythr vs p4P1//0n - papillon has been doing hot so I could see this going his way but kythr too clean with it even tho he sucks eggs
DOU: Mishimono vs Shadowmonstr7 - another hl
Monotype: Kaguya Lys vs Meta - Meta has plot armor

Turffield Turtwigs (8) vs Sunyshore Snornlaxes (2)

Ubers: Blimax vs FatFighter2 - I'm already tired of typing how do people do this
OU: myjava vs TectonicDestroyer- has looked better but myjava underrated
OU: Harshal_08 vs Roginald - now that our game is over America and Britain are allies again
UU: Maki vs Mygrein - apparently Mygrein works 24 hours a day, truly commendable
RU: TC vs EternalSnowman - idk both good
NU: udongirl vs daniYSB - bro I though her name was un-dong-girl I've been reading it wrong this whole time
LC: Serene Grace vs BigBoy038 - just better
DOU: mammalu vs LightScreener - no clue
Monotype: Decem vs TheGreenRoman - uhhh

Petalburg Poochyenas (7) vs Celestic Town Celesteelas (3)

Ubers: Ainzcrad vs saba1111 - I am in agony
OU: Perish Song vs Stareal - I've already spent more time on this than I did my essay today
OU: lotiasite vs Pradhaaan - like fr do people enjoy typing this much
UU: Axelsior vs avarice - hang on I have to stop for a second to read baloor's post
RU: e~t~h~e~y vs TheFranklin - haha good post baloor
NU: PokeArt2004♥ vs Crow Music - wtf saba already played
PU: MalMoonsault vs Splash - whatever I'm not changing my predict Ainz still wins
LC: Gray vs Fille - hi Gray
DOU: TTT444 vs Crunchman - so yea I hope you enjoyed my predicts
Monotype: RichardPepper vs Mack Knife - they took a little piece of my soul


Banned deucer.

:Omastar: ~ The course of Time is cruel. No one can change it. Only the memory of ancient days is not altered. ~ :Kabutops:


~ :Darkrai: Do I Really Need to Introduce Myself ? Let's do it just in case ! My name is Mellow. I have won many competitions and won many battles in almost all existing formats. My goal is to understand all the techniques possible and to be the N ° 1 in all tier possible to play even if this dream seems impossible I would never know the disappointment and the rangaine. I am also an artist and by passion for beautiful things I have to embellish and highlight the things that are close to my heart and what better to show the whole world the power of my friends in passionate fights as I saw the day in the world of art and replays ! :darkrai: ~

:Machamp: Before we start let me warn you of what we expect ... This tournament is probably one of the most difficult that it can exist and moreover you will be as a team so the failures of one could lead to the defeat others but remember that those who break the rules are considered less than nothing ... However, those who abandon their teammates are worse than less than nothing ! If you do not help yourself and that you do not believe in your friends you will succumb very quickly to the adversary and even if one of your friends were to fall you should not under any circumstances abandon it in the hands of the enemies. You will lift the cup together or succumb together ! Beat you ! Help you ! Believe in yourself ! and crush your enemies ! Take the trophy from them and cry for joy together because it is their friendship ! :Machamp:


:bw/Amoonguss: Welcome To Week 6 Of BLT ! :bw/Amoonguss:

:XY/Lapras: Lavender Laprases :XY/Lapras: (6) vs (4) :SS/Articuno-Galar: Anistar Articunos :SS/Articuno-Galar:


:XY/Roserade: Ruin Valley Roserades :XY/Roserade: (4) vs (6) :XY/Munchlax: Bayern Munchlaxes :XY/Munchlax:


:XY/Turtwig: Turffield Turtwigs :XY/Turtwig: (7) vs (3) :XY/Snorlax: Sunyshore Snornlaxes :XY/Snorlax:


:XY/Poochyena: Petalburg Poochyenas :XY/Poochyena: (6) vs (4) :SS/Celesteela: Celestic Town Celesteelas :SS/Celesteela:


:Dragonite: Thank you very much really thank you for all posting your match replays - This will leave an eternal mark on all future players who one day discover this relic and your names will be forever marked in Pokémon history ! Together ! let us write down our eternal youth and show them our power ! :Dragonite:


:SS/Falinks: Match Played : 100% - Thanks For Participing and Watching ! :SS/Falinks:
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Mack Knife

Future 50th President
65% right last week.

Relatively Late predicts.

Lavender Laprases (4) vs Anistar Articunos (6)

Ubers: halaman95 (##) vs Trade (100 - ##): What is a halaman? Like seriously idk. Tried looking it up. Got this. It is like a plant? I think most plants can be traded.
OU: henguinie (35) vs crying (65): Now, what is a henguinie. I think it is like something to do with his real name. Rhymes with weenie as in weenie hut jrs. Probs stubbed his toe and only cried for 20 minutes. Inspirational quote time: Don’t underestimate the power of vision and direction. These are irresistible forces, able to transform what might appear to be unconquerable obstacles into traversable pathways and expanding opportunities. Strengthen the individual. Start with yourself. Take care with yourself. Define who you are. Refine your personality. Choose your destination and articulate your Being. He whose life has a why can bear almost any how.
OU: MagicalXerneas (Scarf Moonblast) vs lvl100Blaziken (potect turn 1, die): Moonblast go brrr.
UU: queso (cheese) vs RoyalReloaded (King Henry VII): Royalty eats cheese. Get reloaded son. Time for the cheese of the day: Coombe Castle Mature English Cheddar is traditionally made and expertly aged for 12 months. Smoothly textured with a rich, nutty and sharp tang, Coombe Castle Mature Cheddar has a pleasantly long lasting flavor that appeals to a wide range of palates, from children’s to adults’ - including royal palates too. Believed to have been created as early as the 12th century in Somerset, England, this iconic British cheese was named after Cheddar Gorge (in the town of Cheddar), the network of spectacularly formed caves that provided perfect conditions for aging cheese.
RU: Mac3 (Whack) vs moesi (smack): Moesi's pokefusions are pretty good but he might want to draw a fusion of him losing and this week. Mace looks really good like always.
NU: Xiri (ice) vs Plas (fire): Magby uses flamethrower. It is supereffective against ice. Ice melts into water which is supereffective against magby. Water evaporates into clouds. Plas wins because north carolina will be cloudy when they play.
PU: tlenit (suplex) vs sirmrwhale (suplex): Suplex... suplex... Suplex, suplex, suplex, suplex, suplex, suplex, suplex.
LC: Surfy (chill) vs Mikaav (grr): Surfy is just more chill. idk either one of them tbh but a guy named surfy probs surfs and surfers are chill I hear. And chillness will be critical to this match.
DOU: Zoaw (ow) vs RKD (ow!): I heard zoaw can type with one finger now. Please do not rek him any further. Giving rkd the win bc of his profile pic.
Monotype: ChessRobot (checkers) vs PrinceOfAllTacos (burritos): Magnezone vs a taco. So magnezone essentially reheats the leftover taco filling leaving a mess inside the company microwave bc he didnt cover properly. This enrages poat who is offended that anyone would dare reheat his amazing tacos. Thus poat drives an m1 Abrams tank into chessrobot's team. ggwp.

Ruin Valley Roserades (8) vs Bayern Munchlaxes (2)

Ubers: Reje (john) vs 7u9i2 (soda): Ron (The legend himself) woulda won if they didn't sub. Now it is like a guaranteed L.
OU: Baloor (Baloor) vs ToastedBunzzz02 (no): Choosing baloor bc his nicknames were funny last week. Also a great pfp. Adam crushes chandelure btw.
OU: Hockey1 (62) vs Yugon (38): Hockey1 should become a doubles main. If he starts saying mish he will be unstoppable. Yugon loses because australians cannot play hockey.
UU: Sificon (2000) vs Expulso (3000): Sifi loses this. It will be turn 31 double switch fail that does him in. He will really misread that krookadile set too.
RU: Kyotoshi (yep) vs yovan33321 (pep): Kyotoshi is from pittsburgh, As a fellow yinzer I will give him the edge over yovan. Yinz goin' down munchlaxes.
NU: Ninja (j) vs roxiee (k): Ok real analysis, I think ninja has a good chance of winning this. Roxiee tends to build bulky solid teams with maybe a few good techs but no gimmicks, while ninja adapts pretty favorably to the mu at hand. RN in nu there is just so much threats to the classic bulky offence that are really only begging to be explored more. Ninja has plenty of options to get an edge (whether or not it is a good mu on paper btw) in teambuilder and then is good enough to win with that edge.
PU: Let's Rumble Shall We (hr1) vs gum (rip): Gum isnt playing until like july 20th I heard.
LC: kythr (;;;;;;) vs p4P1//0n (rooting for you): Like ninja I feel like this is another one that you can try to win on scout. I just do not know if papi is experienced enough to do it.
DOU: Mishimono (mish) vs Shadowmonstr7 (mish): Mish. So Roserades have three really good doubles players and they are the best team so far. Coincidence I think not.
Monotype: Kaguya Lys (f) vs Meta (r): Tough one. I am giving Kaguya the edge here because he has been on smogon longer.

Turffield Turtwigs (4) vs Sunyshore Snornlaxes (6)

Ubers: Blimax vs FatFighter2 : I think FF2 will bring something odd. He is another one that I feel like you can really edge up in scout (as opposed to blimax who is really hard to get a finger on) but ff2 has the style to change that up rn. Plus tell me in what world would a dialga (blimax's favorite mon) beat a delibird (FF2's)
OU: myjava vs TectonicDestroyer: Java throws some coffee on TD's pdon. It is quadeffective bc coffee is not affected by sun.
OU: Harshal_08 vs Roginald: Probably by far the easiest predict this week. Liligent puts zoro to sleep (Like sleep powder has a 100% accuracy against swordsmen with three swords). It also confuses him buuuut this only causes zoro to actually have a sense of direction and thus no matter where the flower mon hides zorro will cut it down in his sleep.
UU: Maki vs Mygrein: Maki rhymes with Miyazaki. Princess Mononoke was released July 12, 1997. This exactly 470 years after the official end of the Lê dynasty in vietnam. 3133 which is the year the dolphins will take over. Also 470 is 15% of 3133. Then 15% of all people globally are affected by migraines. Thus Maki will win.
RU: TC Teamcharm vs EternalSnowman TC : About time the real TC showed up. This is an eazy dub.
NU: udongirl vs daniYSB : I lost to udongirl in a roomtour the other day so I am picking her to win.
PU: 100%GXE vs Z Strats: So, Z is the intergals. Then 100 is an integral. Thus like half of gxe's name is contained in 1/7th of z strats's name. Therefore z strats will win.
LC: Serene Grace vs BigBoy038: LC is a tier. These guys play this particular tier. But what you guys are missing is that the tier also plays you. You must become one with the rng. Embrace the un-bracable and let go of the illusion of control. I think bigboy can do this better.
DOU: mammalu vs LightScreener : Mammalu's favorite mon is lucario. Lightscreener's is tyranitar. IDT TTAR EVEN LEARNS LIGHTSCREEN. Chople berry fireblast.
Monotype: Decem vs TheGreenRoman - I was picking this before it happened btw. Uh, something Kpop fans beating salads or something.

Pooches (10) vs wen beastboost (11)

Ubers: Ainzcrad (11) vs saba1111 (meh): He might win.
OU: Perish Song (22) vs Stareal (goat): he will not lose two weeks in a row.
OU: lotiasite (fish) vs Pradhaaan (awesome): spheal huntin'
UU: Axelsior (33) vs avarice (great): cant get lucked every week.
RU: e~t~h~e~y (lol) vs TheFranklin (goat): This is a funny mu
NU: PokeArt2004♥ (1) vs Crow Music (2): He is on my team
PU: MalMoonsault (bad) vs Splash (good): Splash gots this.
LC: Gray (blue) vs Fille (goat): Gonna be black n blue n gray after this beating.
DOU: TTT444 (more like sss555) vs Crunchman (goat): Cheesed
Monotype: RichardPepper (goat) vs Mack Knife (Click mach punch on turn 19): Asked him what type to bring. He told me whatever I wanted. From that conversation I concluded that he is bringing a bulky water and thus I will be able to cteam him hard with like grass or something.

A guy goes to his doctor because he can see into the future. The doctor asks him, "How long have you suffered from that condition?" The guy tells him, "Since next Monday."
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