[Beginner] Brawl Mafia - Game over! Rejects and smashlloyd20 win!


Official Smogon Know-It-All
First off, people leading in their first game is not necessarily a bad idea ;)

gl&hf everyone. I should be on IRC this afternoon, so I'll talk to you all then.
Also, no Galladiator. I have a very fit role to lead the village. I also strongly discourage anyone else from posting their role. The one advantage the mafia has over us is that they at least have some idea of who is in their faction and what abilities they have. By posting your role publicly, you are giving the mafia more information, making it easier for them to win. On a similar vein, people should not give their role name to anyone else during N0.
Well, you could have told me that...

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
I'm missing 10 claims. There are a bunch of you that I have not seen on IRC. Please contact me so that the village can be united. Claims sent via forum PM are also fine.


Official Smogon Know-It-All
Steven Snype, I think it is beyond optimistic to expect claims before even posting your PM. I certainly won't until you at least claim in the thread. You haven't even said what your role is.

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
Steven Snype, I think it is beyond optimistic to expect claims before even posting your PM. I certainly won't until you at least claim in the thread. You haven't even said what your role is.
I'm telling you what I have told everyone else that has claimed to me. I will publicly claim Day 1. And by claims, I am only asking for role names.


Official Smogon Know-It-All
Yes, but unlike everyone else, I am a paranoid bastard, and I think that at least telling us you role would be a wonderful idea. Even Deinosaur managed that, and someone who has played as much as you should know that. As it is, all you have said is that you want to lead, and you should know that no-one could really take that seriously, even on night 0. In addition, role name claims are of no use whatsoever, unless someone is going to be a complete idiot and pull a dmtc and send their real, mafia, role PM. Finally, I would like to point out that I'm like this in all mafia games. I know that you'll want to target me tomorrow for questioning you, but go and read my other games and you'll know I'm always like this: I'm suspicious, but not suspicious ;)

Also, I'm sorry that I can't get on IRC atm to discuss this, but my internet is playing up at the moment and it won't connect. I hope to be on tomorrow before the night ends, but it will only be around now, just before the end.

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
Yes, but unlike everyone else, I am a paranoid bastard, and I think that at least telling us you role would be a wonderful idea. Even Deinosaur managed that, and someone who has played as much as you should know that. As it is, all you have said is that you want to lead, and you should know that no-one could really take that seriously, even on night 0.
The mafia already has had enough free information on the village before the game has even started. The last thing they should get is another villager's role before making their first target. Also, nobody in their right mind would like a paraphrase of a role PM N0 when they can just wait for a full role PM Day 1.
By the way, i'm not too sure about either of you leading.

First of all, everything snype said is true, you are inexperienced and should probably not lead the village so soon.

Second of all, i don't trust you snype, mostly because you haven't given us a single reason to trust you. So until snype releases his role pm, i won't claim to either of you and also will be idling.

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
All role PM's SHOULD be sent out. If you think you should've got one but didn't, let me know, okay?

It is now Night 0. Night 0 ends in 48 hours from the posting of this post.
hi auramaster. you said you'd be on to update at deadline. i'm sadfacing now as it's been an hour past deadline and nothing has been called. :'(

All of you wake up from your uncomfortable sleeping spots on the ground, not because you are rested and ready to attack the Rejects and Bosses, but because you hear a voice! You follow the sound of the voice down a street, until it becomes clear enough that you can understand it.

Voice said:
Dear reyscarface and jumpluff, if you are reading this, just know that we all hope you are fine.
The voice stops speaking. It is still impossible to tell where it came from, but now no one cares, as everyone realizes they’re in a different city! This city has huge scyscrapers and bright lights all around, so much that the sky is almost impossible to see. Suddenly, a large pink monster turns the corner and charges at you! Everyone flees from the monster, until they reach the edge of the city and see the stadium! The new city must be in the middle of the stadium. With a roar, the pink beast charges again, but this time many lasers and bombs attack the beast until it flees. Everyone turns around to see the Hands, floating as the guards or the stadium. auramaster speaks to the crowd.

“I hope you weren’t planning on leaving the stadium against our orders, were you?” Someone attempts to point out that the night’s over, but is answered with bombs from loudkirbyking. “This stadium is in lockdown until the citizens of the City can be evacuated safely, and all of the enemies among you have been destroyed. Now, since you were sleeping next to deadly foes, did anyone check to see who was missing?”

A big gust of wind chills everyone as the think of comrades, potentially dead. Dandelions float by, slightly obscuring vision, as everyone is checked on to make sure they’re ok. After the quick search, no dead bodies are found, but Rayquaza2233 is missing. loudkirbyking tells the crowd, “I saw him leave the stadium, looking a little weird, but he was too far away by then. If I let to chase him, someone might have escaped the stadium. Anyway, he left on his own, so he’s probably not dead yet.”

Still, as another massive gust of wind blows a shower of dandelions by, it’s impossible not to wonder who will be a target for the enemies. “That’s enough!” auramaster proclaims, “Sitting here won’t help. We need to kill the enemies. However, we have valued teammates within, and innocent citizens not far away, so killing on instinct won’t work. Therefore, we will vote. If more then half of you think someone is an enemy, we will kill him and find out. Of course, we should only do this once, since killing two enemies like that may leave everyone too tired to defend themself from an attack by the other enemies.

Let’s do this!”

Result PMs will be sent out as soon as possible. Do not post in the thread or discuss the game until all night results have been sent out.
All result PMs have been sent out! It is now (Finally, sorry for the delay) Day 1! Day 1 will end 48 hours from this post, or when a majority has been reached and the grace period has ended. If you don't know how the Day lynching works, read the rules in the first post.

If you haven't received a night result, assume that your night action succeeded. If you think you should have gotten a night action, talk to me or loudkirbyking about it.


Its 2015 somewhere
won the 2nd Smogon VGC Tournamentis a Past SPL Champion
VGCPL Champion
I was persuaded to post the following in every post I make for Day 1:

I'm the inspector, and I'm confirming that Steven Snype is indeed on our side. He get's my full support to lead the village.

While this could mean that Snype is mafia and that his teammate is an idiot, I don't think this is the case. I think what's more likely is that the mafia is trying to get us to lynch our own guy by expecting me to post about it. As of right now, I actually think I trust Snype more than I did in night zero. However, I'd like if some more experienced mafia players could analyze this more. Also, the flavor text was about having a giant monster slam into my boat.

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
Lady undisputed and gentlemen, I would like to reveal my role PM:

auramaster said:
Dear Steven Snype,
you are Samus Aran.

You are a bounty hunter known for being in a large power suit. Going around many galaxies, you began chasing after the Space Pirates, and their leader Ridley with your large arsenal of missiles, energy beams, and your ability to turn into a small ball and shoot bombs. While hunting Ridley, you decided to aid the Playable Characters.

You have a large power suit, fitted with many energy tanks. The first time you are killed or lynched, your armor will be destroyed, but you will be okay. The second time you are killed or lynched, however, you will die.

You are allied with the Playable Characters, you win if all threats are eliminated.
I understand that it sounds very sketchy, but to prove my innocence, I would like to request the fact that I asked to be inspected N0. Multiple people have already claimed to me, including some important roles instrumental to the village's success. I would like everyone to send in their claims to me and their N0 result PM. Failure to do so shall put you on my suspect list, and thus, may be voted Uber.

In the time being, I would like to request that everyone no lynch to prevent a stealth from anyone until enough time has passed for information to be sent to me.


now available in lowercase
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
I was persuaded to post the following in every post I make for Day 1:

I'm the inspector, and I'm confirming that Steven Snype is indeed on our side. He get's my full support to lead the village.

While this could mean that Snype is mafia and that his teammate is an idiot, I don't think this is the case. I think what's more likely is that the mafia is trying to get us to lynch our own guy by expecting me to post about it. As of right now, I actually think I trust Snype more than I did in night zero. However, I'd like if some more experienced mafia players could analyze this more. Also, the flavor text was about having a giant monster slam into my boat.
if you were really persuaded, you would have to post exactly what was sent to you. I had this problem in M.O.B.

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