Autumn Friendly 2012

R Inanimate

It's Lunatic Time
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
So much for being on vacation from this.
Rating: 1895

After defeating a few mid 1800s and a 1904 person. Oh, and that Shiro* person with 1998, which resulted in a D/C.
yeah by D/Cing when losing?? Thanks for the D/C in our battle by the way.
I didn't know it was you, your nick wasn't Osirus lol So what's was your nick ? Because I just did 6 DC in all the tournament actually, I hate to do it, but now I can't lose any battle if I want to win, but it's difficult: a lot of battles, a lot of haxx, a lot of disconnections, there willl be always a pair of games where I will have to DC if I want to win this. Sorry again, but remember me our battle please.

Whatever, is right that Spanish players are doing a lot of DC, but you will see that all are gonna to be discalified because they did too much, I just do it strategically. And come on, I'm sure that you have done at least one DC, so don't apologyze please. 5 minutes ago I won against a 1850 and a 1883 and they DC too, is the same for everybody, but a moment will arrive where anybody will can do DC without been discalified.

P.D: Solace said to don't talk about DC a lot, so sorry, I won't do again.
Too much Dcs, I don't know your rate but mine its over 31% !!!

Anyway I'm over 1900 points, but I'm not gonna be in the standings for sure, 'cause of the DCs -.-
I have 1806 atm but I am really afraid of being disqualified due to DCs -.- Even players with 1400 rating disconnect sometimes and everybody over ~1600 DCs if he/she loses.I just lost a match by somebody called Alexis with 1583 rating and while the result was being sent he DCed,I can't understand that :/ Btw,I lost to RubeNCB 2-0 before,gg man.I am the man with the scizor that was frozen for about 5 turns :P If it could move the result may have been different but you couldn't control that,it's a part of the game.I will provide the battle video when the tour ends.

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
last full day before going back to work. team:goatee inching towards the 1700 mark. Started the day against Daphné (1660) as it turned one-sided after turn 1 and which resulted in a forfeit when down to last pokemon. May not have much time today to get many battles in. team:ee is basically done.
1858, should be enough for Top100
Anyway, i'm not going to play anymore, cause of the 1003839283838 dcs -,-
Starting the day with a dc and my rank going from 1750 to 1680-1670 somethin though I haven't lost since I got that ranking. Stupid dc on sucker punched jelicent and dragon claw'd garchomp.

Edit: Just to be clear I didn't, my opponent did.

Edit2 : Yet another dc from a 1500 ranker. These people seem to dc the most :(. And yet another with 1400's named TYLER.

Edit3: dkla;jflasdkjfldskaj God versed same opponent again (Ash with a rank in the 1500's) and he dc'd while down to garchomp vs. my garchomp terrakion and hitmontop.
I stopped competing almost a day ago, ending at a rating of 1738 and 28-4-5. After competing in almost 40 battles, I've figured out how to improve my team and figured that I shouldn't spend much more time on this tournament with a slightly weaker version of my team when I could be making improvements.

My thoughts on the tournament:

While I like the idea of wifi tournaments, the lack of age group divisions--Juniors, Seniors and Masters--really cut into the fun of the tournament. Collectively, older age groups are generally more skilled than younger age groups. I'm in the Masters division in VGC, and I'm sure that the hordes of non-competitive players I got matched up with were generally much younger than I am.

Some of you might think I'm crazy for not liking the easy rating gain opportunities. To me, this is actually unfair to both me and my opponent--my (most likely younger) opponent got steamrolled by me and thus had their rating drop, while I time and time again lost the chance to be matched up with an older, generally more experienced opponent to get more competitive battling experience to prepare for VGC 2013.

I competed in this tournament because I wanted to battle experienced players with even greater frequency than on regular GBU. I wanted to get in some great practice for the October regionals coming up. I was disappointed. Out of the 37 battles I had in this tournament, only a handful of competitors I was matched up with were actually competitive. There's over 20 competitors listed in this OP alone and I only fought one of you out of 37 battles! I would have liked to be matched up with more competitive players much more often.

I often practice on GBU (I don't play simulators, but that's just me), and the thing that makes it great is how many strong opponents there are. In terms of overall difficulty/challenge, this tournament was a big step-down from regular GBU, mainly because there were no age divisions. And yes, I am aware that the GBU doesn't have age divisions either but the GBU tends to mainly attract competitive players. Tournaments, on the other hand, appeal to everybody, hence the need for age divisions. To me, having to battle against hordes of much younger and inexperienced players was dreadfully boring and not good practice for VGC at all. I'm cutting out of the tournament to give myself extra time to RNG/train so that when the tournament's over (since everyone's competing in it), I can jump back into GBU.

Sorry for the long post, but anyways, I wish everyone else luck in the tournament!
Ugh, last night brought a lot of pain. I played 11 battles and lost 0, but had 7
DCs, 4 of them from competitors rated 1800 or higher. I'm now at 15-4-12

Just lost to a trick room team.
It looks like Nico from Italy with 1949 has just cost me my ranking, third time this tournament he decides to DC on me after being completely outplayed again, pushing my DC rate from 22% to 30%.

I'm currently on around 1820, looking to get to 1900 by the end of the day
Last turn Hydro Pump miss, getting really tired of that. And it's funny how Focus Miss has hit more times than Hydro Pump. xD That lost battle dropped me 25 points.
Seems my internet is a bit iffy, I won't be on until it is better. For the consideration of everyone else....and of course my own DC% too ;)

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