ajencis' profound thoughts thread

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hey everyone, i am starting a thread of profound thoughts, feel free to chime in with your own profound thoughts

truth exists, but "truth" does not exist, but ""truth"" does exist

"nothing noths" is actually a all-swans-are-white-type problem: just because nothing has yet to be discovered that noths, doesn't mean *nothing* noths!

most animals were made up as a joke but, some were made up out of a sense of duty

all problems of philosophy are just problems of physics poorly posed

the fact that a layperson nowadays has better access to moral facts than a great philosopher (in a certain cultural context) of a couple centuries ago is evidence that ethics is a long-term communal project

objectively speaking, everything is subjective

how can an ajen be cis, that doesn't make sense to me

it's impossible to talk about anything without rigorous definitions

philosophy as a whole is just a formalization of what people already believe

brongulus is real and he tried to eat my grum grum

thanks for reading, let me know if you have any thoughts on my thoughts
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