A poem about eunuchs (tl;dr)

The poem

Sit up, dear children, and do listen well​
To the words that I speak and the tale that I tell​
A story of triumph, of awe and of grief​
A parable fit for both preacher and thief​
A clever retelling of mystical lore​
Nail-biting drama that’s sure not to bore​
So open your eyes! Lift up your chin!​
The story of David shall henceforth begin.

High in the Alps there once sat a dark palace​
A haven of evil, a sanctum of malice​
The halls teemed with demons of every strain​
Minotaurs, basilisks, offspring of Cain,​
Sirens and satyrs and gorgons and faeries​
Mummies and imps and satanic canaries​
Monstrous beings brought forth from the nether,​
They cackled and shrieked as they plotted together.

These sinister beasts had a dastardly plan​
They sought to abort the existence of man​
For ages they’d dreamed of that glorious day​
When they’d turn Homo Sapiens to Homo Flambé​
And now that the planets were almost aligned,​
The devils prepared to assail humankind​
The poor sons of Adam foresaw not a thing​
Just one man could sense what the future would bring.

Under the castle, he hid in his cave,​
A scholarly fellow whose friends called him “Dave”​
When young he had trained as a scat man in France​
And could still shooby-doo-wop-bee-bop when given the chance,​
But mostly he sat in his chamber and wrote​
Scribbling down records and taking close note​
Of the damnable chatter he heard ‘bove his head​
Devilish talk that filled David with dread.

Most every night he sat glued to his station​
Reading through books on demonic invasion​
He fruitlessly studied in grave destitution​
‘Til one dreary night when he found the solution​
A radical way to extinguish the Fel,​
To utterly banish the fiends back to hell​
Although his great tactic would come at a price,​
That moment it seemed to old David quite nice.

“Yibbity-Yabbity-Eureka!” the scat man exclaimed
As he leapt from his desk like a lion untamed​
“The answer, the answer, I’ve found it at last!​
This plan shall make demons a thing of the past.​
The monks and the friars may offer their prayers​
But I don’t need help from the big guy upstairs​
I need only trust in my clever old brain​
And when morning comes I’ll begin my campaign!”​

Early next morning, with switchblade in hand,​
The scat master set off to travel the land​
He journeyed through countryside day after day​
Stopping at cities he found on the way​
In each little town he’d assemble the men,​
The fathers, the brothers, the nephews, and then,​
He’d brandish his knife, and transform the whole lot​
Into sniveling eunuchs, as sexless as snot.

The cries of the castrated poisoned the air​
Whenever old David demanded his fare​
They followed behind him in single file line,​
A genderless army of morbid design​
For the scat man had learned from his volume of scrolls,​
“The bane of all evil are those with pure souls”​
So he’d made a legion not tempted by bust​
For what could be purer than Man without lust?

He spayed every man from Japan to Somalia​
‘Til no guy on earth still possessed genitalia​
Arming each soldier with dagger and shield,​
They fell into rank in the great, golden field​
At the base of the mountain, that black rock of fear​
“Brothers!” cried David, “The time dabbity-doobity-draws near​
To vanquish the devils; there’s no turning back!​
So draw your stilettos and press the attack!”

They charged up the mountain and sounded the cry​
Of a million crazed eunuchs all ready to die​
The horde reached the summit and smashed down the gate​
And the monsters tried fighting, but it was too late​
The humans made chase as they fled down the halls​
Flinging them ‘round like unwanted old dolls​
The men slashed and hacked ‘til their strength was no more​
And thousands of demons lay slain on the floor.

“Brothers!” gasped David, still tired from the brawl,​
“You’ve sacrificed manhood to safeguard us all!​
Back to your homes and your families run!”​
So the eunuchs departed; their task finally done.​
And all through the world there was singing and dancing​
Laughter and fun but, alas, no romancing​
Yet troubled old David was far from elated​
Something felt off with the peace he’d created.

David was right not to burst into song​
For something indeed had gone terribly wrong​
Although he had crushed the dark forces of terror,​
The zealous old scat man had made a grave error​
For when gath’ring eunuchs from every last nation,​
David forgot that without procreation​
A race will die off ‘cause it simply can’t grow
Unfortunate, yes, but that’s just how things go.

Now two-hundred years after old David’s birth​
Humans no longer inhabit the earth​
All that remains of this once vibrant species​
Is crumbling ruins and fossilized feces​
I’m often inclined to sit back and reflect​
On how one man destroyed what he sought to protect​
Don’t be like David, whatever you do →​
Never take desperate measures ‘thout thinking things through! →​

And with that I must leave you and go on my way​
I hope that you’ve liked all that I’ve had to say​
The story of David is simple, I know,​
But please keep it with you wherever you go​
For though this sad tale may not have all the dressings,​
At least it reminds you to count up your blessings​
For whether life takes you to Paris or Munich​
You can always be thankful that you’re not a Eunuch.​


rid this world of human waste
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
This is a bit of a tl;dr poem, but I like the stylings. I don't usually tackle sex in my own poetry, though.

I think that despite the fact you know how to work your way around the words, this is a little overdone. I prefer somewhat more concise poetry; I bring things more to the point.

It's still a job well done, though.


Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Well it was written to be a senior speech and take up 5 minutes so I had to draw it out a bit.
Then what you should think about doing is cutting it down and editing it a bit. Go through and remove any parts/lines that you felt were kinda weak.

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