OM 2021 OM Championship - Won by The Number Man

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is a Top Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
100% Accurate Predicts in Quarters, I'm back newbies

16/ The Number Man vs 5/ PandaDoux
this is a series of outsiders, and it'll be very good to see one of them in finals. The Number Man managed to beat Quantum Tesseract r1, and then got a little bit lucky to pass through Quagg in 3, but I think he would have won the bo even without the luck. He's a top AAA player, and a top Camo player but this tier doesn't exist anymore :bloblul:. His tendency to bring quite solid and classic builds, and to pilot them quote good and doing very few mistakes in game has led him here, in semis. On the other hand, PandaDoux got an easier run, in my eyes at least, as he fought Dragonillis and The Immortal, who are underdogs in my eyes as Dragonillis is ~good everywhere but very good nowhere, and The Immortal kinda only plays STABmons. However, if I would have bold TNM in a single AAA or Camo battle or bo3, I think Panda's profile is better here, because he proves that he was a good all-around player, kinda like Dragonillis, while being very good in AAA and NFE, in theory at least. And I think this experience tends to give him a better gameplay in other tiers too.
For this reason, I'm bolding PandaDoux here, because I think he's a little bit better to grab wins in his non-mains OMs. However, TNM is veryy good in game and can totally struggle against that, and win some or all of the games. I'm bolding a win in 4 for PandaDoux.

2/ Chazm vs 3/ Greybaum
Good to see that 2 of the headliners are still here, so the ranking of the regular season wasn't that worthless. This is definitely a battle between a very good OM player in every tiers, Chazm, and a good OM player,very good in STABs, Greybaum. Even if Greybaum did great during this tour, even if I haven't watch his last series, I justknow my beloved Zama-stall has lost and i'm mad ;-; , I don't think he can be on Chazm's level. None of them has an impressive run yet, but that's logical bc they were top 3, so now real things begin, but I just think that Chazm is really on the top 3 of the best overall OM players right now, when Greybaum kinda benefited, not in a bad way tho, of all the drop outs. Moreover, the recent win of Chazm in the OM Swiss, which was bascially in the same format, proves that they are indeed a very good player in most of the OMs.
For all those reasons, I think Chazm will win here, in 4 too, maybe in 5 depending of the STAB game (assuming Chazm's gonna lose NFE kek)

I'm also seeing Chazm as the final winner rn, but I should not say that bc obviously Greybaum's gonna win after this to contradict me n_n

Good luck to all players, have fun and good games ! WIsh you all the best :heart:
won vs panda, ggs and wp.

there was some salt from both of us so apologies for that, at least my part in it. some games were a bit messy but i think with the aaa game going as long as it did it was inevitable that some important hax would happen. and BH is BH lol, so i feel like hax will always happen there.
won vs chazm, ggs bro.

I went from 21st seed to winning the whole thing, never thought id actually play in this tour lol. But it made me actually try the other OMs and i had a lot of fun playing them, so shoutouts to everyone who was ahead of me in the standings!

Second, shoutouts Chazm for being a great opponent, always being down to test when i hit you up and beating my ass in camo til i got a handle on how o actually build it during wc.

Shoutouts to everyone who had a hand in supplying me teams, giving me advice or testing with me! TectonicDestroyer beauts Shing'n Streets Quagg Ivar57 Dr. Phd. BJ Gman cityscapes XxSevagxX TTTech. And xavgb StitChuu @pannu (idk your smog) for chilling in the server as moral support lmao. I never expected so many people to join the server when i decided to make one before finals, so thanks guys, i appreciate it. It's really amazing to see so many people be willing to dedicate their time to helping me win and cheer me on :heart:

My aaa friends:
Atha my first aaa friend, i still remember when we were both ladder heroes at the beginning of gen8. talking aaa with you is always a pleasure. its sad to see you go and i hope you decide to return at some point. if not, best of luck in the future!
UT thanks for always being down to test bro, it helps alot when i need to igure out which teams work and which don't. but above all its also great fun
Think thanks for recruiting me as a council member way back as well as joining the OMM staff team. i appreciate everything you do for our communities here
motherlove i know you're not here anymore, but im very happy i got to become friends with you during this year's ompl. again, i hope to see you come back someday, but if not, best of luck in whatever you decide to do!
Jrdn i haven't interaced with you in a while, but testing aaa with you when you were more active was always a great time. i know you're kinda inactive atm, but hopefully you come back for future tours
Osake grats on council bro and thanks for testing with me these past few days. and predicting me to lose twice, smh
Dragonillis i don't interact with you as much as the others here, but you always cheer on me before important games, so thanks for that!

My camo friends:
Euphonos you're probs the camo guy i interact with the most. we play so many games when there's something camo related going on lol. I know camo losing its spot in OMPL hit you hard but i really hope you find a reason to stick around in the OM community regardless, cause it's good to have you around. We can always try to get our spot back in the future!
Siamato you're an amazing player, having you and bj help me out during finals of WC was a great time. i always enjoy talking mons with you as well as playing test games. also thanks for yday's bo5, losing it made me play better today lmao. Come back for ompl please!
a loser we don't play as much as i do with euphonos, but we still play a good amount. thanks for being down to play and for all the effort you've put into camo this year. also, big thanks for helping me build that BH team that i used in semis!
in the hills we don't interact much anymore, but thanks for getting me on the council way back and giving me my first OM team tour starter experience last snake draft

Absolute Absolposters - sorry guys im not gonna do individual shoutouts for everyone here cause there's way too many of you these days lmao. But just know that I love all of you guys - you were the first real online friends I made and I hope you have as much fun shitposting together as i do.

kythr RaJ.Shoot Icemaster you guys get a shoutout of your own cause you always remember to hype me up when im in these tours. GL in future tours guys. Yes you too Ice, im gonna make you start playing this game again.

manu 11 you're a noob and you don't really play that much anymore but you're one of my closest friends here on smogon so you get a special shoutout too.

Dj Breloominati♬ you are always a great testing partner, whether it be cap or aaa. you're also a great friend. i appreciate the moral support you give me and i hope we can team up for a team tour soon.

oops all shiny idk what your damn smogon name is now, but thanks for being a friend both in oms and cap. i cant believe we only won OMSL together. we gotta win a CAPPL or OMPL before i retire bro

Team dump
most of these teams arent mine, i noted the creators in the team names. i wanna stress it again, i would never have been able to put up such a good record without the people who supplied me with teams. big thanks everyone! I have a tendency to overthink team choice, even though ive recently become better at managing it. Having people pass you teams (that they think are solid) is a great way to make sure you can just focus on the game, instead of stressing about MU and stuff - at least or me.

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Imagine, you are The Number Man, you finish 21th of this OM circuit and you want to be focus on the world cup of Other Metagames, but you have so many dropped out you have a chance to do this play offs.
So you are really busy with this world cup and this play offs.

The conclusion is : if Osake knew the winner of this will win a custom avy, Osake wouldn't have dropped and The Number Man couldn't shine during this 2021 OM Championship.

Congratulations about this december, to reach final of this 4th edition of this world cup and being the best OM player this year.

Congratulation to the top 16, it was cool to watch some series and some game.

Thanks to Kris to host this play offs.

See you 2022 and with the next Open and next OMPL wighappy.png
won vs chazm, ggs bro.

I went from 21st seed to winning the whole thing, never thought id actually play in this tour lol. But it made me actually try the other OMs and i had a lot of fun playing them, so shoutouts to everyone who was ahead of me in the standings!

Second, shoutouts Chazm for being a great opponent, always being down to test when i hit you up and beating my ass in camo til i got a handle on how o actually build it during wc.

Shoutouts to everyone who had a hand in supplying me teams, giving me advice or testing with me! TectonicDestroyer beauts Shing'n Streets Quagg Ivar57 Gman cityscapes XxSevagxX TTTech. And xavgb StitChuu @pannu (idk your smog) for chilling in the server as moral support lmao. I never expected so many people to join the server when i decided to make one before finals, so thanks guys, i appreciate it. It's really amazing to see so many people be willing to dedicate their time to helping me win and cheer me on :heart:

My aaa friends:
Atha my first aaa friend, i still remember when we were both ladder heroes at the beginning of gen8. talking aaa with you is always a pleasure. its sad to see you go and i hope you decide to return at some point. if not, best of luck in the future!
UT thanks for always being down to test bro, it helps alot when i need to igure out which teams work and which don't. but above all its also great fun
Think thanks for recruiting me as a council member way back as well as joining the OMM staff team. i appreciate everything you do for our communities here
motherlove i know you're not here anymore, but im very happy i got to become friends with you during this year's ompl. again, i hope to see you come back someday, but if not, best of luck in whatever you decide to do!
Jrdn i haven't interaced with you in a while, but testing aaa with you when you were more active was always a great time. i know you're kinda inactive atm, but hopefully you come back for future tours
Osake grats on council bro and thanks for testing with me these past few days. and predicting me to lose twice, smh
Dragonillis i don't interact with you as much as the others here, but you always cheer on me before important games, so thanks for that!

My camo friends:
Euphonos you're probs the camo guy i interact with the most. we play so many games when there's something camo related going on lol. I know camo losing its spot in OMPL hit you hard but i really hope you find a reason to stick around in the OM community regardless, cause it's good to have you around. We can always try to get our spot back in the future!
Siamato you're an amazing player, having you and bj help me out during finals of WC was a great time. i always enjoy talking mons with you as well as playing test games. also thanks for yday's bo5, losing it made me play better today lmao. Come back for ompl please!
a loser we don't play as much as i do with euphonos, but we still play a good amount. thanks for being down to play and for all the effort you've put into camo this year. also, big thanks for helping me build that BH team that i used in semis!
in the hills we don't interact much anymore, but thanks for getting me on the council way back and giving me my first OM team tour starter experience last snake draft

Absolute Absolposters - sorry guys im not gonna do individual shoutouts for everyone here cause there's way too many of you these days lmao. But just know that I love all of you guys - you were the first real online friends I made and I hope you have as much fun shitposting together as i do.

kythr RaJ.Shoot Icemaster you guys get a shoutout of your own cause you always remember to hype me up when im in these tours. GL in future tours guys. Yes you too Ice, im gonna make you start playing this game again.

manu 11 you're a noob and you don't really play that much anymore but you're one of my closest friends here on smogon so you get a special shoutout too.

Dj Breloominati♬ you are always a great testing partner, whether it be cap or aaa. you're also a great friend. i appreciate the moral support you give me and i hope we can team up for a team tour soon.

Lasen idk what your damn smogon name is now, but thanks for being a friend both in aaa and cap. i cant believe we only won OMSL together. we gotta win a CAPPL or OMPL before i retire bro
TEAM DUMP TIME (scroll down to around untitled 300 for the up to date builds)

NFE: you're not getting nfe teams from me the ones I used suck

congrats TNM; I wouldn't have believed someone would have put together an entire server to beat one opponent; but I'm very much astonished at your level of prep these games. That AAA team was some incredible class from you and you had me covered in nearly every other matchup everywhere else.

Hope everyone else has fun with these teams during Grand Slam this year. I feel I have a pretty solid grasp on at least 3 of the metagames atm and feel these builds should get some usage by someone else.
won vs chazm, ggs bro.

I went from 21st seed to winning the whole thing, never thought id actually play in this tour lol. But it made me actually try the other OMs and i had a lot of fun playing them, so shoutouts to everyone who was ahead of me in the standings!

Second, shoutouts Chazm for being a great opponent, always being down to test when i hit you up and beating my ass in camo til i got a handle on how o actually build it during wc.

Shoutouts to everyone who had a hand in supplying me teams, giving me advice or testing with me! TectonicDestroyer beauts Shing'n Streets Quagg Ivar57 Dr. Phd. BJ Gman cityscapes XxSevagxX TTTech. And xavgb StitChuu @pannu (idk your smog) for chilling in the server as moral support lmao. I never expected so many people to join the server when i decided to make one before finals, so thanks guys, i appreciate it. It's really amazing to see so many people be willing to dedicate their time to helping me win and cheer me on :heart:

My aaa friends:
Atha my first aaa friend, i still remember when we were both ladder heroes at the beginning of gen8. talking aaa with you is always a pleasure. its sad to see you go and i hope you decide to return at some point. if not, best of luck in the future!
UT thanks for always being down to test bro, it helps alot when i need to igure out which teams work and which don't. but above all its also great fun
Think thanks for recruiting me as a council member way back as well as joining the OMM staff team. i appreciate everything you do for our communities here
motherlove i know you're not here anymore, but im very happy i got to become friends with you during this year's ompl. again, i hope to see you come back someday, but if not, best of luck in whatever you decide to do!
Jrdn i haven't interaced with you in a while, but testing aaa with you when you were more active was always a great time. i know you're kinda inactive atm, but hopefully you come back for future tours
Osake grats on council bro and thanks for testing with me these past few days. and predicting me to lose twice, smh
Dragonillis i don't interact with you as much as the others here, but you always cheer on me before important games, so thanks for that!

My camo friends:
Euphonos you're probs the camo guy i interact with the most. we play so many games when there's something camo related going on lol. I know camo losing its spot in OMPL hit you hard but i really hope you find a reason to stick around in the OM community regardless, cause it's good to have you around. We can always try to get our spot back in the future!
Siamato you're an amazing player, having you and bj help me out during finals of WC was a great time. i always enjoy talking mons with you as well as playing test games. also thanks for yday's bo5, losing it made me play better today lmao. Come back for ompl please!
a loser we don't play as much as i do with euphonos, but we still play a good amount. thanks for being down to play and for all the effort you've put into camo this year. also, big thanks for helping me build that BH team that i used in semis!
in the hills we don't interact much anymore, but thanks for getting me on the council way back and giving me my first OM team tour starter experience last snake draft

Absolute Absolposters - sorry guys im not gonna do individual shoutouts for everyone here cause there's way too many of you these days lmao. But just know that I love all of you guys - you were the first real online friends I made and I hope you have as much fun shitposting together as i do.

kythr RaJ.Shoot Icemaster you guys get a shoutout of your own cause you always remember to hype me up when im in these tours. GL in future tours guys. Yes you too Ice, im gonna make you start playing this game again.

manu 11 you're a noob and you don't really play that much anymore but you're one of my closest friends here on smogon so you get a special shoutout too.

Dj Breloominati♬ you are always a great testing partner, whether it be cap or aaa. you're also a great friend. i appreciate the moral support you give me and i hope we can team up for a team tour soon.

oops all shiny idk what your damn smogon name is now, but thanks for being a friend both in oms and cap. i cant believe we only won OMSL together. we gotta win a CAPPL or OMPL before i retire bro

Team dump
most of these teams arent mine, i noted the creators in the team names. i wanna stress it again, i would never have been able to put up such a good record without the people who supplied me with teams. big thanks everyone! I have a tendency to overthink team choice, even though ive recently become better at managing it. Having people pass you teams (that they think are solid) is a great way to make sure you can just focus on the game, instead of stressing about MU and stuff - at least or me.

the number goat, big grats man!
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