2011 Music

Some random notes:

  • Bon Iver, Bon Iver is probably the best thing I've heard so far. Superior to the debut in every way possible.
  • Devin Townsend's Deconstruction is so crazy and all over the place, but I love it (despite my general dislike for over-the-top prog metal). He takes things too the extreme again and the album seems ridiculous on paper, but every song on Deconstruction is great.
  • Wild Beasts' third album Smother is incredible. It's better than Two Dancers; smooth indie/art pop with lush melodies.
  • The Organ Hearts by Arms and Sleepers is great ambient/trip hop music. You can easily chill out to it.
  • Crash of Rhinos released Distal, an interesting and somewhat unique emo record reminding of the 90s emo scene. I think it's excellent.
  • If you like stuff like Killing Joke's "metal" records (pretty vague tag), you should check out Fateless by Decree. Great sound.
  • I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business' Gold Rush is adorable indie/folk pop with emo influences (the poppy kind a la Sunny Day Real Estate).
  • New Jesu is amazing. Ascension is my first album of his but I cant get enough of the atmosphere.
  • Lenguas Largas released a (really) short self-titled album full of garage madness. Recommended, absolutely.
  • The Dangers of Standing Still by Red City Radio is an excellent punk rock album full of sing-along lyrics and great attitude.
  • Touche Amore's new album Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me is just as amazing as their first album. Might feel a bit short at times (songs are around the 1 or 2-minute-mark), but the music is fantastic.
well, thats everything I've really liked (4+ rating) the past weeks.
Albums I have been listening to recently

ATB - Distant Earth: It's just a very good Trance Album
Emery - We Do What We Want: I haven't listened to this all the way through but from what I've heard it's pretty good.
Sum 41 - Screaming Bloody Murder: I just don't like it very much...
Bayside - Killing Time: Looks promising
Architects - The Here and Now: It's a big improvement from their other albums
Asking Alexandria - Reckless and Relentless: This one's pretty bad
Panic! at the Disco - Vices and Virtues: Not bad, just doesn't really do it for me
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - Self Titled: Love this album, Craig Owens really outdid himself.
new amorphis is out. shall edit with thoughts.

ok i thought it was pretty good from about track 4 on. it sorta dragged on a bit for the first couple of tracks but from then on it improved significantly. i have only got the karelian isthmus up to tuonela, so i haven't really heard much of their straight proggy stuff, but this is definitely a solid album.

also excited about new omega lithium on the 27th.
foo fighters' new cd wasting light is pretty good. if you like the other foo fighters' cds youll probably like this so just go check it out.
This is the best music to listen to while having sex and being high at the same time.


That is a link to a free digital copy of the mix tape of the RnB artist who calls himself The Weeknd. It was released March 21st of this year, so it is very new and fresh music.

I personally am a fan of 'The Morning' but all of the tracks on this mixtape are amazing. Ive been listening to it nonstop since I discovered him. Hopefully some of you enjoy it as much as I am.
it seems buckethead has churned out two albums this year already: it's alive and empty space. listening to the latter atm and it's pretty good. i'm still relatively new to buckethead so i don't have any comparison albums though sadly.
well one trip to stonerobixxx later and i have this to listen to:

bongripper - sex tape / snuff film
dopethrone - dark foil
hijos de mayo - in sound underground
thorr-axe - wall of spears
vattnet viskar - demo

plus and so i watch you from afar's gangs. up to 42 albums for the year now, yay.

Opera trained singer who had more of an interest for some rebellious techno-ish music. Her voice is sick. Its not anything like music I usually listen to, but this one song by Austra Ive been playing for weeks and I still like it.

Lose It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LJtMrhb558

Unfortunately its the only thing off their album Ive found I like :(
Honey for Petzi: General Thoughts and Tastes is great if you dig math rock. My 700th album listened to from this year.
Foo Fighters - Wasting Light: Stellar record, easily one of their best in the post-TINLTL sound.
Farewell Continental - iHey Hey, Pioneers!: Very odd, very cool record. If you like Motion City Soundtrack get the hell on this!
Sum 41 - Screaming Bloody Murder: V. Average. First 3 songs are great, rest seems like filler.
letlive. - Fake History: My bloody god I could NOT recommend this harder to ANYONE. Literally one of the best post-hardcore bands like, ever. This album is far too good.

Anyway, absolutely stoked on the new Wonder Years album, Suburbia I've Given You All And Now I'm Nothing. The Upsides was one of my favourite albums of 2010 but I'm fucking adoring all 3 singles they've released, they're just so goddamn good. If you like pop-punk in any way, shape or form, just listen to "Local Man Ruins Everything", "Don't Let Me Cave In", and "Coffee Eyes (which just released today funnily enough)". If you like pop-punk but don't like AT LEAST one of these songs, there's something wrong here.
Actually, I completely agree about this year being pretty boring right now. Besides the new Bon Iver, there's nothing that really stands out at this time.

(I liked Burst Apart by The Antlers too.)

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