1 v 1: Doran Dragon vs Albinoloon (Ref: Chomper)

Spectators talking before the match is over is bad mkay?

Format: 1v1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Switch = OK
Restricted Moves: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Abilities: None
Items: None

Arena: Abandoned Theather (From thread)
In an old abandoned theater inhabited by many ghost and dark type pokemon. There are large marble pillars along all four walls, a grand staircase that features a large faded painting of a man in a masquerade mask. You can faintly hear the sounds of musicals of old being sung, whether by the ghost pokemon or by the ghosts of actors long passed is unsure. There is only one light flickering in the large hall. Ghosts type pokemon and pokemon related to sound thrive in this arena. A large chandelere hangs precariously over the battle field. If the is too much movement and damage to the surrounding, it may fall and cause up to 20-30 ??? damage to all pokemon on the field
The battle will follow this order
I. Doran Dragon will send out their first Pokemon
II. Albinoloon will send out their Pokemon and issue commands
III. Doran Dragon will issue commands
IV. I will ref
V. Doran Dragon will issue commands
VI. Albinoloon will issue commands
VII. I will ref
VIII.Repeat from step II (without the sending of the pokemons)

Doran Dragon why don't you start us off with your Pokemon choice?

Edit: I should be reffing your first round tomorrow morning, I was going to do it tonight but I might just sleep earlier instead
Sone, you're up! (duskull)
A hoothoot normally wouldn't be too bad, but under the circumstances, I better get my game on. First, shadow sneak it, attacking from the rear. Once you're there, send a confuzzling ray to disillusion it. Finally, Try to get on top of the chandeleer and faint attack the rusty chain. Once this is done, try your best to get out of the way!

shadow sneak >>>confuse ray>>>quickly faint attack the chandelier tether in a run.
OK Hoot-chan! its time to do your stuff! First, since the shadow sneak wont effect your typing, let it get up close to you and Hypnosis it at point blank! then for good measure, supersonic to make it really disabled! if it somehow can still move, use your psychic attack to prevent it from hitting that chandeleer!

Hypnosis at close range>>>Supersonic>>>Psychic
Format: 1v1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Switch = OK
Restricted Moves: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Abilities: None
Items: None

Arena: Abandoned Theater

Here are our combatant for today. For the Seeker Doran Dragon

Hoot-chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)
Health: 100
Energy: 100%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Atk: *
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: ***
Spe: 50

And for the challenger Albinoloon

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
Health: 80
Energy: 100%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ***
Spe: 25

Round 1 Begin!
Despite its eerie presence to any human the theater seems to be a comfortable environment for both Pokemon. Immediately Hoot-chan flies at Sone to hit it with a Hypnosis up close, but Sone uses a swift and sneaky Shadow Sneak to get behind it. The supernatural attack doesn't so much as phase the owl, who pivots to deliver a Hypnosis. Even at such close range the mental assault proves ineffectual as Sone is able to swiftly avert his gaze.

Undaunted by this Hoot-chan tries to cripple her foe with a Supersonic wave that connects and inflicts Sone with Severe Confusion (4 actions). Sone attempts to counter this with a disorienting Confuse Ray of his own, but instead ends up hitting himself in confusion.

Sone then takes careful note of the chandelier. Miraculously it has survived through the years, but with enough force it can be brought down. If one Pokemon could destroy it they could take minimal damage from shards while the other might be in a dangerous position to be hit by the full impact.

Recognizing this threat Hoot-Chan attempts to control her opponent with Psychic, its focus on protecting the chandelier however slightly lessen the damage output. Feeling tethered by this psychic link Sone does not attack the Chandeleir, instead it launches its Faint Attack at Hoot-Chan.

End Round 1

Setting Info:
The Chandelier is swaying gently from all of the movement but is still intact enough to stay up. Both Pokemon are about 2 feet in from the ground and 10 feet apart from one another. The singing is getting slightly louder, but it is still a mumble.

Hoot-Chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest
Health: 92
Energy: 79%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant
Health: 70
Energy: 93%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Send in your orders Doran Dragon
I have a whole lot more respect for refs now
I just realized, why would we need switch=ok? ._.

Ok, Hoot-chan, lets make sure we are the ones who take down that chandelier first! Then if duskull is still confused, hypnosis and night shade. if knocked out of confusion, supersonic again and then hypnosis.

Take down the chandelier>>>Hypnosis>>>Night shade
If duskull is no longer confused; Supersonic>>>Hypnosis
Ok, Sone shadow sneak out of the way before the chandelier falls! Then, shadow sneak twice to dodge both status afflictions!

Shadow sneak (dodge)>>>shadow sheak (dodge)>>>shadow sneak (dodge)
Format: 1v1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Switch = OK
Restricted Moves: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Abilities: None
Items: None

Arena: Abandoned Theater


Setting Info:
The Chandelier is swaying gently from all of the movement but is still intact enough to stay up. Both Pokemon are about 2 feet in from the ground and 10 feet apart from one another. The singing is getting slightly louder, but it is still a mumble.

Hoot-Chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest
Health: 92
Energy: 79%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant
Health: 70
Energy: 93%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Round 2 Start!
Hoot-chan floats up and divebombs at the Sone's target with Take-Down. The force is enough to destroy its bond with the ceiling, but Hoot-chan feels some of the impact too and takes recoil damage. As the chandelier comes crashing down Hoot-chan flutters up more, grazing the ceiling and out of any glass shard's range. Sone realizes this and uses its Shadow Sneak. Although it was incapable of harming Hoot-chan the dark environment makes the skill invaluable for evasion. Sone secretly slips away and takes no damage from the chandelier.

Feeling clever Sone attempts this move again, but Hoot-Chan fills the room with a Supersonic wave that would have required more willpower than evasion to overcome. The sound leaves Sone disoriented again, with another case of Severe Confusion.

Sone tries to utilize Shadow Sneak to dodge once more but he ends up hitting himself into a wall without making use of his ghostly intangibly in his confusion. This strike moves him closer to regaining his control over himself but Hoot-chan is not content to just let her opponent hurt themselves. Preying on the dazed ghost she sends another blast of Hypnosis to lull it to sleep, but Sone is in too lost in his own world to recognize his opponent or her attack, so the move had no effect.

End Round 2

Setting Info:
The grand chandelier is now destroyed, the ground littered with dangerously sharp shards of broken glass. The sound of music is becoming more audible and threatening ever since the breaking of the chandelier, sounding more like ghostly wails or demonic cries. At the current rate it is increasing both Pokemon will be inflicted with a terrible Curse in 3 rounds.

Hoot-chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)
Health: 89
Energy: 58%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, - SpA)
Health: 66
Energy: 83%
Boosts: None
Other: Confused (Lasts 1 more turn)

EDIT: You're up Albinoloon
OK, Sone. Even though it looks like we're losing, we still have the upper hand. ):)

First, shoot a confuse ray at hoot-chan. If you hurt your self, do it next round. If not, release your toxins to begin stall. If there is an extra move to be made on the last round, just chill out.

confuse ray>>>confuse ray/toxic>>>toxic/chill

E: Wait- Doran, I make my move first, then you. lol
oopp sorry, what do? Can we just go with this? I'm not changing my moves.

Ok so the chandelier plan didnt work...Hoot chan, lets chill for a moment ok? Rested? Good, not move in for another Hypnosis. If you manage to hit with hypnosis use Dream Eater, but if hypnosis doesnt work, use Night Shade!

Chill>>>Hypnosis>>>Dream Eater or Nightshade if not put to sleep
Format: 1v1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Switch = OK
Restricted Moves: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Abilities: None
Items: None

Arena: Abandoned Theater


Setting Info:
The grand chandelier is now destroyed, the ground littered with dangerously sharp shards of broken glass. The sound of music is becoming more audible and threatening ever since the breaking of the chandelier, sounding more like ghostly wails or demonic cries. At the current rate it is increasing both Pokemon will be inflicted with a terrible Curse in 3 rounds.

Hoot-chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)
Health: 89
Energy: 58%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, - SpA)
Health: 66
Energy: 83%
Boosts: None
Other: Confused (Lasts 1 more turn)

Round 3 Start!
Although the clear leader in damage this match Hoot-chan is worn down more energy-wise. Thankfully for her the trainer issues a little mid-battle R-and-R and chills out for a moment. Sone is still dazed, but his ailment is lifting and he feels well enough to fire off a Confuse Ray to return the favor to his feathered friend, inflicting Intense Confusion.

The third time proves to be a charm for Hoot-Chan however, whose Hypnosis finally makes Sone drift off to a state of light sleep and miss out on their command to Toxic Hoot-Chan.

Inside the mind of Sone the dark energy of Dream Eater feeds upon his subconscious with the aberrations of his nightmares. These startling images cause Sone to stir and wake. Sone, none too happy about the current state of affairs, provides a non-direct assault of his own. A Toxic cloud inflicts Hoot-Chan with a poison that grows stronger with time.
End Round 3

Setting Info:
Not much has changed since last round. The volume of the singing continues to increase but it is still 2 turns away from inflicting a curse upon its listeners. Sone stands near a corner and Hoot-chan is a few feet away facing him, but he is in no way trapped or cornered. Both Pokemon are about two feet from the ground, strewn with broken glass.

Hoot-Chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest
Health: 93
Energy: 53%
Boosts: None
Other: Toxic (2 per action), Confused (4 more actions)

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant
Health: 66
Energy: 66%
Boosts: None
Other: None

I fixed some calculations with Energy + STAB from other rounds, gave both of you about 3% more Energy (woo!)

Okay Doran Dragon, now it's your turn to go first. :P
ok, Hoot-chan, lets inflict some status as well! First supersonic at the crystal shards in order to magnify the sound! Then use hypnosis to put it to sleep again! if you are able to put it to sleep, use dream eater agian! if not use toxic!

Supersonic at the crystal shards>>>Hypnosis>>>Dream eater, toxic if hypnosis didnt work.
Sone, this is what to do:

If hoot-chan uses supersonic: Shut all senses down so the supersonic will not affect you as badly. then, show hoot-chan your back as you double team. Lastly, hit it with a night shade.

If hoot-chan does not uses supersonic: Just chill. You got this. Then, show hoot-chan your back as you double team. Lastly, hit it with a night shade.
Format: 1v1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Switch = OK
Restricted Moves: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Abilities: None
Items: None

Arena: Abandoned Theater


Setting Info:
Not much has changed since last round. The volume of the singing continues to increase but it is still 2 turns away from inflicting a curse upon its listeners. Sone stands near a corner and Hoot-chan is a few feet away facing him, but he is in no way trapped or cornered. Both Pokemon are about two feet from the ground, strewn with broken glass.

Hoot-Chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest
Health: 93
Energy: 53%
Boosts: None
Other: Toxic (2 per action), Confused (4 more actions)

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant
Health: 66
Energy: 66%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Round 4 Start!
Hoot-chan is ordered to put Duskull back to sleep but hits itself in confusion. Sone, glad to be on the other side of this situation takes its time to chill.

Hoot-chan just barely misses with her Hypnosis, and Sone double teams her with 3 clones.

Unable to discern which is the real and which are clones Hoot-chan fires a Toxic at the closest one. They turn out to be a clone however and dissipate into the air. The real Sone however had been preparing a Night Shade, the supernatural seems to have no effect on the Normal type Hoot-chan once more.
End Round 4!

Setting Info: Hoot-chan is now situated over the chandelier. On two sides are the Sone clones and on another is the real thing, but Hoot-chan cannot differentiate. The music seems to have died down as not much has happened to their theater recently. It's as though their willingness to haunt the Pokemon and trainers here is linked to destruction of the theater they lovedin life.

Hoot-chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)
Health: 85
Energy: 36%
Boosts: None
Other: Toxic (3 Per action)

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, - SpA)
Health: 66
Energy: 57%
Boosts: None
Other: 2 Clones remain

You're up Albinoloon
Stupid normal types.

Sone We WANT that curse to come, so din't mind ze zingin. Flash a confuse ray over the entire theater- not only to confuse Hoot-chan, but to confuse the banette that sings the horrible songs! We don't want to be stall bait, so give a pain split to even our vitality, and lastly hit it with a faint attack.

Yeah, I knew that banette lives here because they love chandeliers!

confuse ray entire arena while looking up and away from hoot-chan>>>pain split>>>faint attack
Format: 1v1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Switch = OK
Restricted Moves: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Abilities: None
Items: None

Arena: Abandoned Theater

Setting Info:
Setting Info: Hoot-chan is now situated over the chandelier. On two sides are the Sone clones and on another is the real thing, but Hoot-chan cannot differentiate. The music seems to have died down as not much has happened to their theater recently. It's as though their willingness to haunt the Pokemon and trainers here is linked to destruction of the theater they loved in life.

Hoot-chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)
Health: 85
Energy: 36%
Boosts: None
Other: Toxic (3 Per action)

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, - SpA)
Health: 66
Energy: 57%
Boosts: None
Other: 2 Clones remain

Round 5 Start!
Hoot-chan flies over to the crystal shards to amplify the sound of its Supersonic wave, but its fleeing confuses Sone more than its ineffectual attack. Sone expands a higher amount of Energy in order to try to confuse the entire area and his opponent (and the ghosts) take a hit of slight confusion.

Hoot-chan pushes through its confusion though and launches a weak Peck on the closest Sone, which happens to be the real one. The Sone clones vanish into thin air. Sone, feeling as though he has felt greater pain this battle, splits his sorrows with Hoot-Chan and gives them equal amount of health with Pain Split.

Hoot-chan uses another Peck on Sone. The damage is low, maybe because his physical attack or maybe because her opponent appeared fainted. Playing with Hoot-Chan's mind, Sone launches a Faint Attack and hits the unprepared foe in a weak spot (critical hit)
End Round 5!

Setting Info:
Though the confusion had no impact on either battler the ghosts in the area didn't take too kindly too it. Their song has resumed and will put a curse on both battlers in 2 rounds.

Hoot-Chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest
Health: 59
Energy: 26%
Boosts: None
Other: Toxic (4 per action)

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant
Health: 68
Energy: 32%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Doran Dragon goes first this round
Ok, Hoot-chan, lets turn this back around! First use Supersonic on Sone, then Hypnosis! if Hypnosis works, use Dream Eater, if not just Chill!

Supersonic>>>Hypnosis>>>Dream eater, Chill if Hypnosis fails
Hoot-chan is almost out of energy, Sone! This won't end like our first match! Shadow sneak under the floorboards to escpe the supersoic, when hoot-chan is looking to hypnosis you, chill. Then, as it is chilling, launch a confuse ray at it to prevent it from restoring health!
Format: 1v1
DQ Time: 3 Days
Switch = OK
Restricted Moves: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Abilities: None
Items: None

Arena: Abandoned Theater

Setting Info:
Though the confusion had no impact on either battler the ghosts in the area didn't take too kindly too it. Their song has resumed and will put a curse on both battlers in 2 rounds.

Hoot-chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)
Health: 59
Energy: 26%
Boosts: None
Other: Toxic (4 Per action)

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, - SpA)
Health: 68
Energy: 32%
Boosts: None

Other: None
Round 6 Start!
Knowing her Energy is running low Hoot-Chan's trainer issues the command to attempt confusion once more and rely on the opponent to attack themselves. Sone attempts to move about in the shadows to hide, but sound does discriminate against things just because the eyes can't see and the Supersonic wave goes off as intended to inflict Sone with Intense Confusion.

A dazed Sone floats up from the floorboards and is immediately assaulted by Hypnosis and puts into an Intense Sleep that won't recover any Energy like the more relaxing chill break he was intended to take.

With the foe incapacitated Hoot-Chan viciously swallows any pleasant thoughts his subconscious may have been having and restoring her own health in the process with a Dream Eater. The unpleasantness and strength of the attack consequently snapped Sone both out of Confusion and Sleep, who goes on to use yet another Confuse Ray to hinder Hoot-chan with Severe Confusion.
End Round 6!

Setting Info:
The singing has become horrifying, the combatants already feel tense knowing the curse that awaits them in one round's time.

Hoot-Chan (Hoothoot) F
Nature: Modest
Health: 52
Energy: 7%
Boosts: None
Other: Toxic (5 per action)

Sone (Duskull) M
Nature: Adamant
Health: 58
Energy: 26%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Albinoloon is up
Sone, we have to outlast hoot-chan, and now that it toxiced, that won't be a problem.

If hootchan uses supersonic: Close your senses to the real world, so it won't affect you. Then, fire off a faint attack as well as another.

If hoot-chan chills: hit it with a leer, then a faint attack. Then, chill - you got this!

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