Search results

  1. I spent 20 minutes on this :\

    I wanted a new avatar so i decided to draw one in paint. Since i spent so much time on it i figured i should show it to someone. Don't worry i will try to show you guys some of my real stuff as soon as I get my hands on a working scanner.
  2. What you thought vs. What you now know.

    itt we dicuss what pokemon seemed to be at first glance versus what they really were. Pokemon from any generation are applicable here For example: Wailord What i thought: I thought it would be a water type backwards snorlax. massive HP, good defense and high special attack, but shit for...
  3. Superbad:Complete your life by seeing it.

    Superbad is a comedy about two teenage friends and their search for alcohol, parties and most of all, sexual conquest. The movie begins with two friends nearing the end of their high school careers, Hatch up a scheme to provide alcohol for a wild graduation party and the hilarity starts there...
  4. Gaming nostalgia

    I was just wondering if anyone here still digs up the ol' dinosaurs and enjoys some old time gaming. The other day i dug my old NES out of the closet, and y'know if the nes was anything its was well built machine. it spent over 12 years in an old dusty closet resting under mountains of old...
  5. Im asking for it....but what hell.

    I want to talk about why evasion has been banned in past games and why it should be allowed for this one. I'm just going say my piece and If certain people want to get their panties in a wad just because i wanted to do so, I guess its their right. The argument i see most against evasion is...
  6. Computer "experts"

    WARNING: THIS TOPIC IS RATED "R" for excessive ranting. In this little rant im going to talk about a person I know. All of you probably know someone like this. The computer "expert". This is kind of person doesn't know the first thing about computers, but they think they do. Since im bored...
  7. LEGAL WARS: Episode 5: Metallica strikes back

    Metallica has reached a new low.
  8. A political question (I guess)

    I see that there are many people from outside the usa here at smogon and i wanted to ask what regular people think of america and americans in general there are some who say that we are the most hated nation on earth and i wanted to know if that was true. And be honest I dont even really like...
  9. A question.

    Is there going to be a netbattle for the D/P generation at all? I hope there is i don't exactly like the idea of having to grind pokemon all the way to level 100 just to play online as ive only trained two pokes to lvl 100 in my life without sharked candies. But if i must i shall pick up a DS...