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  • Yeah, Ill head to sleep soon. I just need to take care of a few things xD

    I agree, but I liked it because of the techno-rave. imo, a better singer could sing that song better, but ah well. people only like her because they think she is beautiful. .-. Which makes her popular. I am just hunting for new songs. I started listening ti Christian Rock too. idk why though

    Bye ! I cant wait! <3
    Lol, are you my mother? You can't tell me if I can go to bed or not!

    anyway, I am already getting sleepy too. And thats sweet of you to tell me, lol.
    I am just chillin, right now. I heard a good song over the radio today. "Till the world ends" and when I bought it on iTunes, I was like. Brittney Spears. what. didnt she go crazy?
    I'll wait for you, I don't have anuthing planned tommorow or tonight. I'll go to sleep later too
    lol Alright, less compliments, got it! ;) And you can't seriously be telling me you're bad at RNG when you safari captured an HP fire shiny ditto :O
    Alright then. I'll see if there is anyone kind enough to help me

    Yeah. Its bad. I can't tell you anything otherwise ill lose the job, and be discredited. and even sued, etc. Its like legal rights and stuff

    [EDIT] Bye <3
    I am pretty deft with my hands, so if its timing, then I can do it. Like I can do this normally but I get distracted easily. I want to try it again, But no one really is going to help me. Unless if I say I was a girl and Needed help.

    Well, Just dont Get The cotton Candy and Cake batter. It is seroously really bad for you. like worse then earing big macs at mcdonalds
    my iphone has a good timerZ I can set it so it can run two things, and stop, etc. can that work?

    What exactly does Eontimer do?

    I reccomend eating there only omce in a while. the way they make the ice crram, and what I saw from the nutrient facts is that its soooooooo unhealthy
    HGSS sounds better anyways :) Is it hard to RNG your id/sid? I'm probably gonna do that if I try to RNG on 4th gen.
    Two stage timer? what is that

    Awful, I learned things about cold stone I did not want to know
    I don know, Its just only you really that helps keep my sanity. Smogon is such a great distraction

    Whatever, do what you like, really.

    So you can't help me with 4th gen rng?

    Get your friends to start liking pokemon, or something. They may think its childish, but it isnt

    I had employee training today
    Oh wow, I was under the impression I needed it to RNG in 4th gen. Well, maybe I will give it a shot sometime. Perhaps you could help me?
    Just let me know when you want to talk to me.
    Yeah I just recently got into RNG, but I have been painstakingly breeding things for a few years. lol Going through hundreds of eggs for something that is subpar. I just wish I could figure out 4th gen RNG, but it seems like everyone uses AR for that and I'd rather not get one.
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