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  • all the pokes in my thread ive traded for, the only poke that im the actual OT of is the nonshiny flawless eevee lol. anyway if u would like to pick out a couple more pokes for the ones i asked for that would be great.

    PS. I actually like your HP water idea better than the standard ice lol so i figured i go with that.
    this weekend i able to trade, also u can give me 1 credit in shiftry from ur thread if u like?
    also i like the semi-redis r8ights in skarm, only for mme >.<
    That was only a small part of it. You brought a much better team in my opinion. I guess it's time for me to try some innovation with mine.
    Nice captures, nice pokémon, very nice update, and you're welcome even though I know I wasn't much help, you already knew a lot from gen IV
    Check and make sure that the frame is indeed 70 and not something lower. The frame isn't saved for the next time you turn the game on, so all that saving and chatot-flipping shouldn't affect it.
    I'm going to sleep now, check out this guide for other info. Part 4 consists of what you desire to accomplish, you'll get the hang of it
    As a person who constantly misses his Timer0, I can tell you that's usually the problem when you don't get a shiny pokémon. I've had instances when I chatot flip over 250 times to find then find that I hit C7C instead of C7D xD Shouldn't be too much of a problem when the frame is so low though
    Wow, that's pretty nice. The lowest I've found in my game is 54, a couple of my thread pokémon come from that fateful time and day
    and remember that walking/turning in an area with wild pokémon (even if not in grass) increases the PIDRNG, and so does saving. This is why sweet scent is recommended, but not necessary since there might not be wandering NPCs around, etc
    Note that the "calibrated frame" works only for that specific instance. So, while for one specific seed it might be 42, for another one it might be 58 and so forth
    The thing is you first need to hit your seed so you can arrive at your MTIVRNG (the one for ivs), then you capture the first pokémon available in a place where preferably where there's no moving NPCs (I like the top of Celestial Tower for litwick). *Switch your synchronizer before attemting to capture, otherwise the captured could potentially have that nature. Then, check the ivs to confirm you hit your seed. Now, compare the captured pokémon with the PIDRNG around frames 40-60, there should be a perfect match, I usually guide myself by the ability and esv. Now, once you know where you're standing and know your calibration, restart game and get your seed again and chatot flip as many times as needed (the difference between shiny frame and calibrated frame) and you should find your shiny mon then. Of course, this is theoretically.
    Alright. So, you can get ivs, but what's your exact problem with PIDRNG? Do you have chatter chatot to do chatot-flip? What about something to sweet scent? I find both very useful
    Have you found anything seed yet? It might take a while if you're too specific
    It sounds all good so far. But, here's the thing, you should switch your synchronizer when figuring out in which PIDRNG frame you are, and I'd recommend P2 Laboratory due to the absence of moving NPCs
    alright, so, I assume you've tried searching for shiny frames with flawless ivs as well. For the sake of easiness, let's do this. Search for 31/X/31/31/31/31 ivs from 2008-2012 on iv frame 1 to begin with, ignore the PIDRNG one
    I think I could try. So, I assume you're using RNG Reporter?

    EDIT: I don't know if LEE owns, but he's orange enough-_-
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