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  • Eh... wifi will be super easy when bw shows up, but believe me - I understand space issues (for example, I have 2 SS and 2HG (one was free... I'm only partially crazy), Pearl and Platinum...
    Jolly and Hasty both bump speed, right? This is just lead w/ a physical "flamethrower" that has a high critical hit rating and w/o a drop in stats of any stat it uses (as it doesn't use sp. attack).
    Yes, sometimes the 95% accuracy hurts, but sometimes you critical hit something you really shouldn't be able to OHK, especially after a focus sash break.

    I mean it's up to you, but - really - having options never hurts. :P
    Yeah... comissioned Mega to do it.

    Flare Blitz is better on most (well...), but mine's a lead. SR/CC/FO/BK. Flare Blitz breaks his focus sash, and makes him a sad panda.
    I'm sort of super-busy tomorrow... maybe Fri/Sat/Sun? I have all free.
    Sorry for the delay.

    Are you sure you don't want a copy of my Blaze Kick Chimchar? It's pretty sweet overall - worth giving it a try I think... :P
    Haha, how did that happen? o.o
    Also, Roselia doesn't have to have perfect IVs, just 31 IVs in the stats that matter. Personally, I don't even RNG for parents, I just SR until I get the 31 IVs in the stats I want.
    On a sidenote, I've just screwed up my Math paper. Yay. No more examinations until November 10th. :o
    Oh YA and my friend gave me Pokemon White ROM!!!! Playing in school now! So happy. ^.^
    I just thought I would remind you of this.

    (Quote by you)
    Not now, but if you want any Pokemon I will be glad to give you them for free..
    That actually sounds like a good offer. Can you give me the gender on the koffing and onix? that's pretty important.
    Hey im tryin to get an RNG capture i hit my min but delay is ranged to i just keep goin untill i hit delay + second so i get the seed?
    I'm on now. Could I get Phanpy please?

    Thanks, she should be fine, it's just a minor operation she's having.
    I have 5 pokes for you. I'd like to get them to you now as I won't be around as much this next week, my mum's going in hospital.
    Are you going to SR for shininess? :] And do you still need me to transfer the pokes? I'm thinking of transferring 6 at once as it'll take less time. ;o
    That is a true story !! I get nightmares about it at night and think a 100 times before posting anything on FB nowadays.
    You're ttly welcome.
    Transferring the Emerald Pokemon to my retail cartridge takes like 2 times longer than the actual RNGing, though. >.<
    Also, if you find out how to RNG for shininess you MUST tell me.
    And gnite lol. =P
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