Cao Jie
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  • We're paired for uu masters, I'm gmt+1, when do you want to play?
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    Idk, i'm able to play this weekend , i'm gmt+1 too, so if you're able saturday night, it'll be good
    I can only play before 3pm at saturday, sorry. Would sunday around 6pm work?
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    hi ag open, gmt+11, I'm very free after Tuesday my time, when would you like to play
    basically is there any time this weekend that would work for you that isn't saturday night my time?
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    i'm able everytime in weekend tbh, so if you see me on ps and you're able to play, you can pm me
    Okay cool I'll try to find you
    Hey, we're paired for 1v1 seasonal, i'm gmt -8, i'm free all week. When play
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    this weekend whenever your want , i'll be free mostly everytime thisweekend (i'm gmt+1)
    Hey, we're paired for 1v1 seasonal, i'm gmt -1, im free all week except for tomorrow and Saturday. When play
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    Sup i'm able to play everytime next week, so let's play wednesday afternoon/night ? (i'm gmt+1)
    Sure. I'm usually on at that time so feel free to chall when ready
    i got u for bw seasonal. I am gmt-5 and i can play for most of today besides the morning. Monday and Tuesday I am free most of the day also. Any specific time u wanna play?
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    idk, i'm able when i'm on ps , so mostly everytime atm, feel free to chall directly when you can
    Alright, what's ur ps username. Mine is MetaRiolu7
    we gotta play bw seasonal. im gmt+1 when do you wanna do it
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    I'm able to play tonight or tomorrow about 9:30pm
    might be able to play at 11 pm but not sure
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    Hi, we are matched up for the RBY seasonal. I'm EST, I'll be free tomorrow from like 10 a.m - 2:30, and I'll be pretty free on the afternoons over the weekend. What times are you free?
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    Sup i'm free this weekend, i have many battles to play today, so i'll be able to play this weekend.
    Hey buddy we are matched for the RBY seasonal. I'd like to play this until Friday (I'm GMT+1). Weekend is very very rough for me. Does Thursday ~6-8PM work for you?
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    Hey, sure, i'm able to play Thursday
    Awesome, see you then!
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    cya ^
    matched for mnm ssnl, pst, mostly available weekdays during mornings and early afternoon
    Cao Jie
    Cao Jie
    ok ^ i'm able to play weekdays at late afternoon (19h/20h gmt+2 ) & weekends anytime
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