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  • Don't think so man. Stupid 49ers just tackle too well. Which is what i think makes the difference. Of course, the lack of pile injuries is dumb. Not even those injuries from a guy taking the wrong angle!
    Nah i think its normal for a twenty something guy to be obcessed with a little girls show. You know what i just realized?? The Giants are playing the 49ers next!!! I thought it was the Skins, so i wasn't that concerned about the injuries but holy Tebus now i'm scared. I'll hit the panic button sometime around next Wednesday if at least half of the injured don't return. They are down to their 4th and 5th defensive tackle for Tebus sake! Who never even played an entire game! Please feel free to calm me down.

    So how are the Falcons injury wise? And stupid 49ers made a deal with the devil or something. Still i have to put it in perspective, while half the Giants starters are injured only 1 is out for the season so far. Unlike the Jets who lost their best overall player and their best offensive player for the year. So their season is over. At least the Giants can get healthy by playoff time and dominate.
    Yeah that OL was pathetic. Don't you find it funny how divisional opponents treat those games like it's a playoff game(Panthers-Falcons, Giants-Cowboys, Rams-Cardinals)? Unless of course your a Giant, in which case you treat divisional games like the third game in the preseason.

    Whats with your constant picture change? Are you going to vote? Not me. I live in California, which will only go red for an actor turned politician... And in LA, which will go red when hell freezes over. No point for me.
    Your being modest. You are way too good. I know that your way better than me at least. My league is pretty casual with players my level. It's mostly to make other teams' games more intense and more fun. Which is why i am willing to make dumb moves. The money is also nowhere the amount of your league so theres less intensity(bragging rights i think is the real reward). Last year i sucked. Most of my starters got injured or sucked. So far i'm doing pretty good, thanks to fantastic QB play and a consistent RB. And not getting blasted by stupid fluky performances.

    And by 2nd year, you mean just that league of FF in general?

    What still baffles me about the Cardinals is that they have a terribad OL but still manage to win games. And it's not that they faced wimps, they faced the Eagles DL and the Hawks DL(who i think thanks to their secondary is the most dangerous in the game). They can't run either which is so dumb. I'm starting to think they are the 2012 49ers where they can win any game by forcing turnovers and fantastic special teams.
    What would you offer me for Julio (plz at least give me a WR :l)
    Damn, whoever you are playing against are too good. I would probably get crushed. btw, how much is your money league?
    The Akers thing was a joke... The dude might be the best kicker in the league right now. You can check but i'm pretty sure he is taken in pretty much every league. Go with Kowski, he made a 63 yarder so the trust in him is stupid high.

    True, but remember that the Boys have a bad line and so far a terrible offense. They won't be able to run effectively as long as that continues. The Ravens are still a pretty good run defense with a good offense so i doubt he does well in that game. You should trade for him then or sometime before the Panthers game.
    I don't think he will outplay Sproles though. If Jrrr is correct when the Saints start winning games and getting leads they should skyrocket in total rushing yards. But like i said, getting him is a great idea.

    If they were being sold at the same price i'd take Janikowski. The Raiders have so much trust in him so when you combine that their crappy offense and defensive minded coach you know they will end a lot of drives on field goals. So far their defense has been crap though, but i doubt it stays like this. Not sure how long their CBs are out for though. But if it was me i'd take Akers ahead of these two :)
    So Barden is out against the Browns. The only good thing here is that the Browns are as banged up as the Giants. So i'm not too worried about this one.

    Whoah, is Sproles doing that bad? How do you think RGlll is going to do this Sunday? Let's hope he throws a couple of interceptions.
    He looks pretty good, but his stats are terrible. The only good game he has had was the second half against the Giants. Although, from what i can tell the Cowboys are turning into the 2011 Giants and will stubbornly feed him the ball. So i guess he is alright. If his owner isn't starting him, try to get him then. He is a Cowboy(which means he gets overrated) and you will probably be able to trade him later in the season when the injuries start. Rice seems like an ironman so i am confident with my lack of RBs, but i would be the type to get screwed over later in the season and be forced to trade for him.

    The thing is that the Giants did learn after the Boys game and rarely run now. Bradshaw is our main RB but only because he is one of the most reliable pass blocking RBs in the league. He was used in most every play Sunday but only ran on few of them, as opposed to Andre Brown who was on few plays but ran on most of them. Being much more succesful than Bradshaw btw. The reason why Bennett wasn't used in the passing game at all is because he is an amazing blocker. The problem is that the passing plays we run require a long amount of time and pass protection. Once they get a short passing game going is when the offense will take off.

    I'll go with Peyton for now. I might change my mind later this week though. Rothisburger has been fantastic so far and he gets Mendenhall back. This is a tough one.

    lol that sucks. What do you think of that Dolphins WR btw? Do you think it was a fluke? I'm starting to not want Thomas anymore as Nicks is going to be out for at least two more weeks. Nicks is worth the wait, but i really need more production from the WR.
    Also, are you still planning to trade Bowe? He proved he is amazing, terrible QB against good corners, so you are giving up a legit player. Though after that huge game his value should be through the roof. Who do you think will do better, Rothisburger against the Eggs or Peyton against the Pats? The problem with the Pats is that Belichick is Peytons worst nightmare and he has always been able to gameplan for him. The Eggs on the other hand are extremely weak to the play action pass and will give huge plays to Rothisburger. The problem here is the OL for Pitt which scares me.
    Santonio Holmes isnt playing, so outside of special teams do you see Sanchez moving the ball against that defense???

    So anyways, i have given up hope that Eli wins the MVP this year. The Giants don't have a passing game and by the time they create and install one(i'd guesstimate around week 11) the MVP race should already be over. Right now, it's between Brady and Ryan and i have to go with Ryan because at least he isn't a douche(not saying Brady is, but does he even need another?). Next year is more likely for Eli once they make the full transition into a passing team and his weapons develop. It's going to be ridiculous with Cruz, Nicks, Randle, Bennett, Wilson and Robinson(the Giants 4th round pick, a developmental pick but has huge potential and a guy we need to keep an eye out later in the season and next year in fantasy. You may know him better as the JPP of TEs. If Reese is correct, and so far he has made only a few mistakes in the draft, then you need to keep this guy on your radar. Still a long way to go since he is as raw as JPP). As you can tell i am over the loss. It wasn't that bad. The Eagles were near perfect health, played a perfect game, the Giants were crippled by injuries both offensively and defensively, lost the turnover battle AND suffered terrible playcalling and still only lost by 2 points and had a shot at winning. Once Nicks, Philips, Canty, Hosley and Rivers comeback it won't be close at all.

    Anyways, i'm sold for now on the Falcons. Even if they only go 10-6 i think they have high chances of making it to the SB. What people don't realize is that teams don't magically make it to the big game in their first try. It took the Giants several years of losing in the playoffs to finally winning it all. I thought the Packers were the most likely to win it all, but they look pathetic so far. And i am not saying that because of the 4-0, but because the Falcons have a good defense with a real QB.
    They won the turnover battle too, which makes it that much worse. How scare were you with the Panthers today???

    Sanchez is Tebus-awful man. It was pathetic to watch. The sad thing is that the chances of them getting shut out next week are extremely high. Then Tebow comes in and beats up crappy teams :(
    lol yeah same here. For a second i thought they could do it. I was rooting for them, and in the 4th q you could tell Payton was not behind the drivers seat. They were down a field go and passed three times tah fhuck? They needed to run more and control the clock with a long drive. You could tell whoever was calling the plays got anxious.

    Poor Raiders, all they do is give my quaterbacks amazing numbers :(

    What did you think of 49ers- Jets?
    First, never pick the Giants again. Ever.

    I saw that(Falc-Pan, after Newton fumbled), i hate when coaches punt on 4th and 1 because in these days you have a higher chance of converting that than stopping a high powered offense.

    Still a little angry about the loss, so i'll get back to you tommorow about fantasy.
    Holy Tebus, i was lucky i didn't get blasted by Charles last week. Do you think it was just the Saints defense or that he will be able to play like his old self on a weekly basis? Because so far the Saints are just padding other players stats. Now that you saw Rivers and the Chargers, do you agree with me that they are offensively crap? It just proves how bad the Titans are.

    Dude, i've been thinking... Shouldnt you want the Saints to win?? What if they go 2-14 and get the first pick??? Then they would trade down and become the best NFC team in the league... Hell no. I want them to win, and you should too.

    I lost all faith on Rodgers man. He still has the Texans, Cardinals, Bears and Giants all whom can make his passer rating/completion % crap. It's clear he will not put up the same numbers as last year. I agree, Tom Brady will most likely win it.. unless we are overrating the Patriots. Tommorow will tell us. But remember, Brady is playing the 49ers, Texans and Seahawks this year so his stats will most likely be far lower than last years'.
    Silly Eli, thats why you always keep some magnets around the house to erase everything in your hard drive.

    Yeah, what i thought. Since Ryan became the qb, don't they have the most receptions or yardage together of any qb/wr? I remember hearing something like that. Realistically, what are Ryans chances of winning the MVP? And Elis'. Flacco is playing well... But i just don't see it.

    Bowe should put huge numbers against the Raiders... Did he get injured against the Saints or something? Who do you think is going to win Saints or Packers? I actually think the Saints could win. I'm just puzzled how they weren't able to score any points in the second half against the Chiefs.
    The thing about Nicks is that he gets injured every year... Which is annoying. Fun fact, the Giants are undefeated when Nicks doesn't play(that includes the 2011 Pats game). And i was wondering, why does White drop so many passes? Is it because he is targeted too many times, Ryans fault or he is trying to go for the 80 yard play???

    Yeah, i think White is a better fantasy pick than Nicks... Not only because he(Nicks) isn't as reliable physically, but because Nicks is not a red zone target.. it also doesn't help that he gets the number 1 corners. And yeh Julio went early in my draft... Right now, i'm okay but not really dominating at WR. Thomas and Nicks are really not doing much. I'm planning on sticking to them until they start producing later in the season. Right now, Rothisburger is making me look like a genius.

    And dude, Marty B is about to have a breakout game. Either this or next week. He has been doing okay so far, but i expect him to take a game over in the next few weeks. He has been targeted more each game, and has made more catches. During the Panthers game he would have had a 40 something yard TD if he had kept running his route. After that play he ran every route to the end and really made up for it. The important thing here is that the Giants are going to start dropping bombs his way. Probably this Sunday as their LBs are not the best. I'm thinking he will break the 100 yard mark this weekend and go from there.
    Ramses Barden has as many 100 yard games as Dez... And dude, it's going to be funny when Marty B ends up being an All Pro at the end of the season while Witten not so much. Before the season started i thouggt he would be good, but i think by the end of the season he will be as good as Gronk or Davis.

    Don't worry bro, i don't jump to conclusions after 1 season(look at the great Romo now or 2010 Vick), which is why i am not so high on Cruz.

    What do you think of Nicks though?? I think he is way too uderrated. Though i still cant rate him because i cant be objectibe about the guy. Do you agree that Julio-White is a better duo than Cruz-Nicks(when healthy).
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