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  • Bossing :D. That's very quick for doing chapter 23 lol, have to tell me how you mastered hades heart as I managed to master the level other than the boss fight :p. Also, is wave 4 in chaos kin level the shootfly stage or what?

    Just keep trying at 24, if you aren't using claws, use them as they make it so much easier especially vs those fucking mimicuties. Is it the fight before Kraken that is killing you or what? If you haven't managed to beat it by the end of this week I'll run you through properly but so busy with essays until then >:(
    Nice :D. Yeah, that's pretty good, I did about the same I think. That circular tower is pretty annoying lol, it's a good thing there is the drink of the gods before it. Yeah, chariot master is such a bitch, it caught me badly at first because was so used to him being pathetic as he is on lower intensities, but it's kind of like the aurum core where it takes many hits to take it out and every attack it hits you with just starts to add up. fuck mines 9.9.

    I'm assuming you've beaten Phosphora and the Aurum chapters then?
    Ya Arlon's stage can be annoying but nice you've got it done :D. FUCK THAT WORM, that bitchass got me on a few tries, just such a troll putting it right next to the hot spring >:(.
    np. When you eventually get down to just those two chapters, I can try and run you through them properly as couldn't do a full on thing in the tips as would have been too long :o.
    let's get it :o. Ya 10 is really annoying unless you rush through it, avoiding enemies, and tempuraBITCH was why I always carried effect recovery lol. You mean hearts for the cauldron for 9 runs right? If so, chapter 16 is the best chapter to play for getting loads of hearts. It's not that hard on 9, and you get insane amounts (like 40k +) especially if take out loads of the ships in the air battle stage.

    You can do it :D. Not surprised you're finding them annoying, but just keep going and should get them done eventually.
    That should be fine, my claws I used were only 4/1, though 4 speed with the claws speed boost too helped a lot. The main thing is that you're good with dodging with the weapon you have tbh as most enemies take quite a lot of shots whatever weapon you have.
    Nice ^_^. For most chapters I used lv4 Pisces Heal, lv 1 effect recovery, lv2 brief invincibility, and lv3 mega laser. Some chapters mega laser isn't that great though so sometimes I used lightweight lv2 and random lv1 instead.
    The percentages go above 100% 9.9. Was just doing a full runthrough for fun and it's gone to 101% with hades treasure hunt done.
    Yo, I would really appreciate if you give Analytic Magnezone another chance. Check my post on the 2nd page for supporting details and replays. Thanks.
    Yeah going to take a break for a while and enjoy other games lol. Well Boss Battles on hard is the only really other impossible one, so far managed 12, could get higher but ugh 9.9. Chapter 23 defeat 150 enemies and beat the chapter on intensity 9 is damn hard but not impossible. I took out 141 while skipping most enemies I didn't have to fight (82 on air battle in case you want to have some idea of what you need there).
    Game finally went to 100% completion xD. Just got 3 more idols to get for one of hades treasure hunt squares and then can use feather on last one.

    Would have got raped if didn't get there with pisces heal as it goes into rage mode 5 goddamn times before you take it out after some hits after that. SO many hearts lol. Somehow still 99.7% though xD.
    Yeah chapter 24 is pretty damn hard, the great sacred treasure is just so freaking powerful and takes a load of hits to get taken down. I keep trying with chapter 23 lol but it's just brutal, I haven't even managed to get to Hades Heart again yet as those battles before it ugh -_-.
    FUCK HADES HEART. Got to it on 9, just had 4 mega lasers and 3 effect recoveries, and got utterly destroyed. So damn hard to dodge it when it's flailing around so badly and I think you have to get it into angry mode about 4 times before beating it on intensity 9. What's worse is I only just beat it on intensity 8 with all the powers so going to be damn hard, might take a while 9.9.
    Just did chapter 24 on intensity 9 so one more left, so close :3. Pisces Heal saved my ass vs Great Sacred Treasure. That thing is a fucking bitch lol.
    Just did chaos vortex on intensity 9. Don't think about attempting it without max Pisces Heal. I used that and max Aries Armor. Recovered to about 3/4 health from nothing with Pisces Heal lol.
    Damn nice job. I'm going to leave it for last as I keep fucking up, can't even get to Pit's Body until intensity 6 atm...............

    Also up to 113/120 on Hades Treasure hunt :D
    No luck so far with any of the last 4 chapters so far on intensity 9, but managed to do the chapter 8 and 14 no damage challenges so up to 110/120 on Hades treasure hunt. They're not that hard once you get past the air battle, just use highest level transparency, invincibility, and playing dead for chapter 8, and same for chapter 14 but lowest level playing dead and lowest level lightweight. Kraken falls from one strong melee attack (invincibility infront of it) + a few attacks and Phosphora is pretty easy to not get hit by with a fast weapon.
    yeah, I just think of it when I was searching for something else that can also use Volt Switch, I didn't know it was already on site, lol I guess I have to play UU to know Cobalion much more :D
    Never played Final Fantasy 9, or Final Fantasy at all, but the other two are great. Love them both. Espeically Brawl since Super Smash Bros. is such a good serie.
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