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  • you down to play this weekend? Alotta shit goin down for school this week ;[
    Oh sorry, forgot to explain. I was chatting with soge and he said he liked your team style and asked if I remembered what team you used vs me. I figured it was okay to tell him since SPl is an open tournament and I kinda forgot to let people know about it, since spectators are encouraged etc. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to though.
    Hey man, do you remember what team you used for our match? I'm remembering ttar / latios / rachi / keldeo / terra, was the last landy, or tom?
    Yeah, sorry about that, that probably wasn't the best time for me to suggest :(
    I can play now if you're on, other times today will work but it'll be a bit on-and-off.
    sorry, 12 was pushing it for me but i wanted to do as early a time as possible since it would be more convenient for you, and i thought we'd be able to get it done within ~15 minutes. if you'll be up at 3 my time (11 your time i guess) that would probably be the most reliable time
    OK, a couple options for tomorrow. I could do around 11:45ish (I have to be somewhere by 12:15) or after school, I'm done at 2:30ish tomorrow so could play by 3-3:30ish for sure. Let me know what works for you
    hey sorry, i had class right after that and thought we could do it at 12 sharp. I might be able to do it the same time tomorrow, I'll know for sure later today. im also good for the next ~20 minutes if you're still on
    Actually, I'm home sick today, so I can play in the next couple hours if that works better for you
    Ah yeah, that is late. I have school and then rehearsal till 6, so the weekend might be the best option...if that won't work I can probably find an earlier time during the week. Would something like noon my time work Thursday maybe?
    Hey let me know when you're good to play for SPL. Im gmt -8, free most days after 6ish
    Ok frorget day 6 and 7 lets do it Friday? that seems like the best time for me because im free most of that day
    I never said day 6 and 7 specifically, i just want to avoid playing in the first 3 days because i need time to prepare. I have 7 days to complete the battle. Im GMT + 3 i can play Thursday between 11pm - 1 am my time. Friday 8 pm - 12 am my time. Saturday and sunday. 8pm - 11 pm my time.

    If you can't play on those times and you have something else in mind just tell me i'll do my best to play on the times you like.
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