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  • wow you're much newer than me and have more friends than me :[[
    xd whatever~ you're more active here anyway :] n I was begged to look at the rmt you rated so I've seen it rofl
    Uh. I don't know how to bulky offense. So far I have Kyurem-B, Tentacruel and a SDef Jirachi, I'm thinking maybe a bulky offensive Rotom-W for the next slot? I really don't know where to go from here, actually.
    Now that you mention it, Defense EVs do seem silly. For some reason I still have it in my head that I need to be able to take Bullet Punches better. Eh. Okay, thank you very much for that! It's a great help. Kyurem-B really looks like it should fit in on a team like the one I have planned. Thanks for the reply.
    Hello there. I've been reading around some threads, wanting to put together a well-made bulky offense team, and I stumbled across a post of yours pondering as to why Kyurem-B sets of Substitute/Roost/Dragon Claw/Fusion Bolt aren't really being used, and I'm absolutely loving that idea, I'd wanted to try something like that.

    I'm just wondering what kind of EV spread and item you would think as being appropriate? I think an EV spread of 56 HP / 200 Atk / 252 Def (Impish) is going to be what I use, trying to take advantage of the bulk that it has, but I'm not sure whether the item should be Leftovers or a Life Orb. Could you help me, please?

    Sorry for bothering you if not.
    Domandina.. stesso sotto quel topic posso rateare y/n se n dove dovrei? Vedo 0 posts e la cosa mi insospettisce alquanto xD
    Si di sapevo si rispondesse in quello altrui, volevo vedere solo se qorkasse same, a quanto pare no D: comunque se hai tempo manda un mp su quale frociate debbo/dovrei fare thanks :)
    Hey thanks for contributing to the OU team building project, I really appreciate it. I was hoping you could add a little more content to the set you posted, as Feraligatr is a pretty straight forward pokemon but seeing as how he's not really common new players are going to need a little more help understanding how he uses. If you can't it's no big deal but it would be super if you could! Thanks!!
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