Recent content by dtjoe

  1. R.I.P. Leads and Scouting

    My point was, trying to play mind games leaves far too many possibilities to be sure. I believe getting to see your opponent's team will force people to become more unpredictable and if you get stuck in a 50/50 chance like you mentioned then that is unfortunate and you might just have to guess...
  2. R.I.P. Leads and Scouting

    Im still getting into the mindset of competitive battling but if you can be sure your opponent is not going to hit your Gyarados with an electirc attack in fear of you will switch. Would you not be able to assume what his "2nd option" is and switch to what you think could counter it best? And...
  3. R.I.P. Leads and Scouting

    I very much like this idea. Seeing the team I am facing will turn my educated guesses into actual predictions. With all the new abilities and potential for new viable sets it may become really be hard to guess what your opponent is planning.
  4. Prankster

    I really hope this works well with the sableye I was trying to make that thing work back in 3rd gen.
  5. Throh

    The fact that mountain storm always crits seemed really exciting til you mentioned anger point...
  6. Prediction on Gen 5 Metagame

    I can hope ditto revenge sounds suitable for its current habit of sucking and dying
  7. Abagoora

    i really hope this pokemon is useful for something I love how it looks
  8. Ditto

    I always thought the pink blob needed some love this change could be one of my favorite changes if it works how you guys are saying.