Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

I've already addressed the fact those memes were only created because no one gave my serious posts the time of day. Without those memes, discussion with senior members wouldn't have been generated - again this speaks more to the anti sleep brigade that they would rather engage with memes than "serious" posts.
These are the only two posts you made about sleep before memeing.

What's the threshold for a council vote as opposed to a community suspect?
I'm a bit surprised by the council's reaction to have a closer look on sleep when a fair amount of the same arguments could be made for terra. Sleep, much like terra, is limited by how good it is by its abusers - no one was seriously advocating for a sleep ban prior to Darkrai and it seems inconsistent with previous teiring policy in terms of letting the meta evolve to deal with the issue. I would argue that there has never been more counter play to deal with sleep than in the current generation in terms of the leniency of the mechanic relative to other gens and with the introduction of Good as Gold and Purifying Salt on two great mons. Legitimate counter play to sleep, in general, exists.

In my mind, this is akin to me saying I have no counter play to gen 4 Jirachi; let's ban flinching moves instead of banning Jirachi. If we're going to treat terra abusers on a case by case basis, rather than outright banning the mechanic (neither pro nor against at this point because of how amped up the power creep is this gen), then we absolutely should do the same with sleep for consistency. I feel there are more pressing issues to tackle before even discussing sleep, like the re-released mons and finalizing our decision on the generation defining mechanic.

Da Pizza Man

Pizza Time
is a Pre-Contributor
I've already addressed the fact those memes were only created because no one gave my serious posts the time of day. Without those memes, discussion with senior members wouldn't have been generated - again this speaks more to the anti sleep brigade that they would rather engage with memes than "serious" posts.
You made one post about your actual stances on the subject matter, and another which was just a question, both which got lost in the overall discussion as a whole (Since contrary to what you are saying, there was actual discussion beforehand). Nobody was going out of their way to ignore you, you just didn't talk much and unfortunately just didn't get as much attention as other people.


Formerly Ricardo [old]
If you seriously think you making memes insulting and targetting specific people somehow was the reason senior members started talking, then I don't think anything will get through to you and that massive, but intensely fragile at the same time ego. You know, there's probably a reason why stuff you say gets laughing emoji reacts lol
What are you talking about? The only person I targeted was buzzwhole and my response was tamer than his. The first set of memes were not insulting to group of people but rather a set of policies.

Why are y'all getting so triggered over some memes? lol
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Formerly Ricardo [old]
You made one post about your actual stances on the subject matter, and another which was just a question, both which got lost in the overall discussion as a whole (Since contrary to what you are saying, there was actual discussion beforehand). Nobody was going out of their way to ignore you, you just didn't talk much and unfortunately just didn't get as much attention as other people.
Serious discussion like the below, which is actually beneficial to the community and can only improve the integrity and transparency of the council and to this point been completely ignored?

Now that the surveys are forum account based (big improvement btw so grats), is there a reason why the individual survey responses aren't publicly available like the usage stats are? I haven't managed to find this addressed anywhere. I would love to go through the data.
I'm also the only one that has contributed to correcting the post of the sleep ban by highlighting the moves which shouldn't have been on the list. I am making genuine contributions regardless whether you like or hate my memery.

Why are you deflecting your inability to actually engage productively with the discussion?
read above.
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Formerly Ricardo [old]
Ok, first of all, come on down off your high horse. Taking a couple of deleted moves off the list doesn't actually change the substance of the ban at all, and while I appreciate you improving its readability slightly, you know (or at least should know) full well that we're talking about your "contributions" to the discussion before the ban was announced.
Sorry, I forget to mention how sleep policy dictated sleep in the lower tiers to you aside from everything else I brought up. MB bro, i'll do it next time just for you.
Can you two stop fighting in the forum?
This is EXACTLY what happened when people tried to make opinions for sleep, they kept calling the person an idiot and then laughed them off the forum, giving no argument. Or it would be some response like "its cartridge accurate" while no matter what action was taken would not be cartridge accurate. The whole sleep ban is incredible silly because Darkrai finally comes to OU and now instead of banning darkrai we ban sleep, just so we can keep darkrai. Isn't this exactly what we were trying to avoid with adding more complex bans to sleep?? Its just annoying because the 6% usage of sleep teams and the 30% to win the game was ignored by people saying that sleep is uncompetitive.
The problem isn't people not talking too much, its stupid shit like this that drowns out actual discourse so all the relevant information is stuck in pages and pages of arguments.
The one thing I think they could have done better was to tag this thread with [NEW VIEWS FROM THE COUNCIL] or [NEW POLICY REVIEW THREAD].

There really was a ton of discussion, and it lasted longer than a suspect test normally would.. but if you aren't clicking into the OU forum on a daily basis, you might have missed the initial surge. Putting the PR post in the council thread was a great idea, but it's increasingly apparent that many people only really interact with the OU forum via clicking directly into this thread.
Oh I think theres tons of players on showdown and in the pokemon community that rarely visit smogon forums to begin with. It would be nice to have it somewhere in showdown. Maybe in OU games like when it says 'OU is Suspecting Roaring Moon' and links to the suspect thread. This kinda stuff is more important than 'X mon is getting banned' imo but we usually hear less about it.
I think announcing policy threads that everyone would be able to post in would be sick, esp to bridge the gap of showdown and smogon users. But also complaining about haha reacts is really funny. Every single person on this forum with actual opinions gets haha bombed. Every council member has at least one but more realistically like 10-20 posts that are 90% haha reacts. it's an extremely tame forum reaction, we gotta move on

If that's stopping you from making meaningful discussions in this forum, go to preferences and update this. god bless
Every single person on this forum with actual opinions gets haha bombed.
Can personally attest. I got majorly haha'd on the DLC1 forum for two opinions that are in retrospect obvious:

1. We should get rid of Sleep Clause, it's a mod to the game.

2. Alolan Ninetales is not broken in OU, it only enables broken Pokemon.

Mass Hahas doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong to be honest. What I learned is that timing matters a lot. And if you are right but ahead of your time, why even bother posting? No one will remember that you said that when it comes true, and everyone will still make fun of you for it.
Oh I think theres tons of players on showdown and in the pokemon community that rarely visit smogon forums to begin with. It would be nice to have it somewhere in showdown. Maybe in OU games like when it says 'OU is Suspecting Roaring Moon' and links to the suspect thread. This kinda stuff is more important than 'X mon is getting banned' imo but we usually hear less about it.
Yeah there was a poll in the OU chat room on showdown that asked a quesiton of banning sleep, banning darkrai, or do nothing. The lowest percentage was ban sleep. Then it was do nothing, then ban darkrai. I don't remember the exact statistics but there was a poll.
The idea that the decision to ban sleep moves is "dictatorial" or "undemocratic" in comparison to maintaining the status quo is ridiculous. There has not been any demonstration of popular assent for instituting Sleep Clause in current gen Smogon tiers in the past decade or so. It's simply re-added at the start of each gen because people got used to it, despite the fact that mods (and in-battle clauses comparable in scope to mods) should require more scrutiny than any other decision. Insisting that banning sleep moves without a suspect test is "dictatorial" would be unfair, as that standard has never been applied to adding Sleep Clause to Gen 9 in the first place. The results of the recent poll loosely demonstrate overall support for the banning of Sleep moves, which has provided more evidence for overall approval of the decision than there has been for overall disapproval of the decision, so it is unfair to refer to it as an "undemocratic" decision.

Although there are reasons to weigh player enjoyment over cart accuracy, ideally a mod should have not just majority support, but supermajority support to justify its presence. Based on poll results (and the ratio of positive to negative reactions on the announcement post), there is sufficient evidence to say that Sleep Clause does not have supermajority support (or even 50% majority support) anymore. There may be other mods/complicated clauses out there, but none of them have faced the same amount of pushback as Sleep Clause. A suspect test would require a supermajority to demonstrate disapproval to remove Sleep Clause. There are arguments to be made on the drawbacks of banning sleep moves, but arguments on the grounds of the decision being "dictatorial" or "undemocratic" aren't really justifiable.

Also, the SM OU council fully banning Baton Pass instead of maintaining or trying to amend the complex ban had far greater effects and nobody called them dictators over that.
One of the major points of tiering policy is in the onus of justification being on those seeking to change the status quo. There should be strong reasoning that the status quo shouldn't be maintained. This could realistically include a suspect test and there's really nothing I can see that says it wouldn't (aside from maybe finch's opinion on suspects of uncompetitive mechanics). Mods needing supermajority to be maintained is really just a matter of personal opinion, there's really nothing that says that. Also the feedback on sleep ban has been pretty mixed, as you can see by the several new accounts coming in here saying sleep ban was a mistake and the ppl harassing council (not justifiable).

Also I have no leg in the Baton Pass discussion cuz I hate Baton Pass but realistically they could've kept drypassing


formerly trainer_j0nathan
In all seriousness and changing topics, how we feeling on Deo-S? I'm surprised and not surprised by the survey results.
I fought one paired with Indeedee. Life Orb and Expanding Force. That killed like 3 Pokemon cause i got scared and made dumb plays.
It's still a good mon. Both the Lead Sets and the Offensive Sets really do their Job.
In all seriousness and changing topics, how we feeling on Deo-S? I'm surprised and not surprised by the survey results.
Usually you can tell what it's going to do and then it's rarely a problem, but sometimes you'll face a team where you're pretty damn sure it's gonna be hazard lead or screens and they drop a Specs Psycho Boost on you, or the perfect obscure coverage move to fuck up your checks.

I don't think it's too strong though, once you know what it's going to do it's not usually a problem, it's just a matter of not letting it get a surprise kill if it's offensive but also not giving it free turns if it's hazards. Maybe something to look at way down the line but far from a priority.
One of the major points of tiering policy is in the onus of justification being on those seeking to change the status quo. There should be strong reasoning that the status quo shouldn't be maintained. This could realistically include a suspect test and there's really nothing I can see that says it wouldn't (aside from maybe finch's opinion on suspects of uncompetitive mechanics). Mods needing supermajority to be maintained is really just a matter of personal opinion, there's really nothing that says that. Also the feedback on sleep ban has been pretty mixed, as you can see by the several new accounts coming in here saying sleep ban was a mistake and the ppl harassing council (not justifiable).

Also I have no leg in the Baton Pass discussion cuz I hate Baton Pass but realistically they could've kept drypassing
I'd say that the new accounts coming in to say that sleep ban was a mistake is wrong as simply put, you had your chance before when discussions were being made before to put in your input and the community survey to vote on your decision. As Finch as said, tiering policy is not able to be tested by a suspect test because it determines balanced vs broken, and let me tell you, tiering policy is confusing. I would have to make lots of notes just to fully understand how it works, so being good at competitive battling isn't really applicable to tiering policy. I don't mind if you disagree with the decision, especially if you contributed your thoughts as you did, because people are going to disagree with any decision, but when people create accounts just to complain and diss the council or other people, that gets me annoyed. It honestly looks like they are just complaining for the sake of complaning and wouldn't actually want to put the effort in to change it, in which case, I don't think you really get to complain.
I know that your post wasn't just about this topic, but I just wanted to get something off my chest, so sorry in advance but this was kinda a good starting point.


formerly Holesum420
In all seriousness and changing topics, how we feeling on Deo-S? I'm surprised and not surprised by the survey results.
Hatterene is probably the best Deoxys-S check you could ask for since you can switch into Superpowers or Psycho Boosts and get an easy switch using Eject Button, then you can use whatever mon to set-up while Deoxys-S switches out.
I'd say that the new accounts coming in to say that sleep ban was a mistake is wrong as simply put, you had your chance before when discussions were being made before to put in your input and the community survey to vote on your decision. As Finch as said, tiering policy is not able to be tested by a suspect test because it determines balanced vs broken, and let me tell you, tiering policy is confusing. I would have to make lots of notes just to fully understand how it works, so being good at competitive battling isn't really applicable to tiering policy. I don't mind if you disagree with the decision, especially if you contributed your thoughts as you did, because people are going to disagree with any decision, but when people create accounts just to complain and diss the council or other people, that gets me annoyed. It honestly looks like they are just complaining for the sake of complaning and wouldn't actually want to put the effort in to change it, in which case, I don't think you really get to complain.
I know that your post wasn't just about this topic, but I just wanted to get something off my chest, so sorry in advance but this was kinda a good starting point.
Except this wasn't really a policy discussion, it was a discussion on the brokenness of two Pokemon that secondarily became a policy discussion among proponents. Even if the policy arguments on simulation fidelity held water (and they frankly don't), there were plenty of options on the table for bringing the mod in line to maintain fidelity without changing the practical conditions of play. Even Finchinator's posts in PR acknowledge that the principal issue at hand was a couple of abusers.

As someone that's played this game for over 15 years, Sleep ban is a real Emperor Has No Clothes moment. I was already against the existence of tiering councils since they started, but this I think definitively proves to me that councils simply shouldn't exist as a process. If the argument for councils was to insulate the process from discursive fads, then it's failed entirely at its job and makes me wonder if we're going to start seriously bringing back asinine conversations on banning other mechanics like entry hazards, confusion, paralysis, or Scald simply because the most vocal people in the playerbase suddenly decided that they don't want to play Pokemon anymore. Actually, I wonder if some of these conversations are going to be necessary simply due to how we've just upended years of policy consensus on how "luck" factors into play and defines uncompetitiveness.

As for putting in the effort to change it, what can anyone do lmao? The process is completely up to a handful of chosen insiders, unless we're going to start establishing council by Highlander rules and killing each other in single combat (pick your phone up Finch you coward), there isn't really a whole lot anyone could do.
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It is kinda annoying seeing all the “support” for the No Ban camp for Sleep. Like I was one of the few on the frontlines trying to defend Sleep as a mechanic. Putting myself out there, getting Haha’d, and called an idiot. Aside from one really cringey paragraph I was pretty respectful I thought at least. Would’ve been nice to have the backup then when I was constantly being shutdown when asking for simple things like examples of why the mechanic was uncompetitive, and not the Pokemon.

The fact of the matter is Sleep is banned, get over it. We’ll see in the coming months if this will have a negative impact on the tier, and IF it does then we can reopen the Sleep dialogue. Until then just be nice, and move on it’s just a game.
It is kinda annoying seeing all the “support” for the No Ban camp for Sleep. Like I was one of the few on the frontlines trying to defend Sleep as a mechanic. Putting myself out there, getting Haha’d, and called an idiot. Aside from one really cringey paragraph I was pretty respectful I thought at least. Would’ve been nice to have the backup then when I was constantly being shutdown when asking for simple things like examples of why the mechanic was uncompetitive, and not the Pokemon.

The fact of the matter is Sleep is banned, get over it. We’ll see in the coming months if this will have a negative impact on the tier, and IF it does then we can reopen the Sleep dialogue. Until then just be nice, and move on it’s just a game.
You are gods strongest solider, its just that many of us could not compete with DaddyBuzzwoles 9-5 of complaining on the forums. They were on there constantly while I would put up statistical numbers. No one would see the facts, but just just say that BW2OU had a sleep ban so we should too.
Silly argument
But yeah.... nothing we can do now.
Mods needing supermajority to be maintained is really just a matter of personal opinion, there's really nothing that says that.
While the idea that mods should require supermajority support is not definitively stated, it is definitely implied by the policy to stick to cart mechanics when possible.
This could realistically include a suspect test and there's really nothing I can see that says it wouldn't
A suspect test for banning sleep moves is also not explictly required anywhere, it is just implied that banning things should typically require a suspect test with a 60% supermajority to provide justification for changing the status quo (as you said). The council has always been able to quickban things without a suspect test, though of course the opinions of the public should be an important factor, and public outcry can be used for accountability if they make terrible decisions.

There is no specified procedure for this situation, so a subjective interpretation weighing these two policy points against each other is necessary. It is a reasonable interpretation to decide that loose evidence for a majority opinion combined with a preference for cart accuracy outweighs the need for an explicitly established supermajority vote to change the status quo, given that is how all quickbans work in the first place.
Honestly, the thing with this whole sleep ban is that while a lot of people are saying its a ban to justify keeping darkrai, I actually think it's the opposite: banning darkrai to justify keeping sleep. Saying "sleep isn't uncompetitive as long as we modify cart so it can only happen in one mon and ban some otherwise fine mons/some sleep moves (depending on if you were ban darkrai/val/watever or ban hypnosis)".
If this were the case of a unrestricted sleep being ok except darkrai was too much, then sure, that'd just be darkrai being uncompetitive with it in the same way many other mons have been, but sleep was already given major consessions to stay alive, which are completely outdated and would never pass in modern tiering and yet it was still giving problems. At that point you gotta step back and let it go.

Ok I'm done repeating myself and yapping lol. Now that torkoal doesn't have yawn what sets are yall running, i need to edit some sun teams. rapid/sr/lava plume/wow?
but sleep was already given major consessions to stay alive, which are completely outdated and would never pass in modern tiering and yet it was still giving problems. At that point you gotta step back and let it go.
I guess this was my biggest gripe with the whole discussion, why does it being old make any difference for if we should keep it or not. It feels like an argument to make change for the sake of change.

Ok I'm done repeating myself and yapping lol. Now that torkoal doesn't have yawn what sets are yall running, i need to edit some sun teams. rapid/sr/lava plume/wow?
I personally love trying to fit a cheeky solarbeam onto torkal to try and punish any water type that want to come in. But currently I like running overheat just to get the reach.

Leaving a core of WoW, Rapid, Plume, then the fourth being SB, Overheat or Plume. (I use hatterene for magic bounce rocks)

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