The Everything NHL Thread


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I'm trying to decide if the shorter season helps the Bruins or not. On one hand: fewer chances for injuries which is awesome for a physical team, and less general wear & tear over the course of the season. On the other hand: any injuries now handicap you for a huge percentage of the season, and a slow start could mean a bad playoff seeding (or missing the playoffs entirely!). Either way, woo hockey is back!!
I look forward to us scoring a lot of goals.. but because our keepers are shit, we will constantly be having these 6-4 type games.



I hope you make a million dollars
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I don't know if I'm more depressed that the Kings choked in a virtually unlosable game, or that Edmonton has such poor sport fans.
I don't know if I'm more depressed that the Kings choked in a virtually unlosable game, or that Edmonton has such poor sport fans.
By poor-sport, I'm assuming you mean choked by a shaky call? In no means was the mix-up between Gagner and Quick goaltender interference, so I don't see why that goal shouldn't have been allowed. If the goaltender traps you in his equipment, and you try do do as much as you can to stay out of his way, it's not goaltender interference. The reffing in that game was just bizarre. Missed calls, new calls, and close calls littered that game. You can't pin that on a "poor-sport" fanbase. Canadians are loyal hockey fans and aren't about to see their team insulted by poor reffing in their own barn. Besides, any other fanbase would have reacted the same way, some more so than others. Reffing in the NHL is beyond suspect, and most everybody knows that.

Calgary's are worse anyways.

The Kings' issue right now is that they're yet to find their legs and produce some viable offence. 0/8 on the powerplay? That's definitely not how you win games, let alone a Stanley Cup. Once the Kings find their stride and regain their scoring touch, they'll be back to speed in no time flat.

New World Order

Licks Toads
is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
I don't know if I'm more depressed that the Kings choked in a virtually unlosable game, or that Edmonton has such poor sport fans.
You can't be serious right? The Oilers should've gotten a goal and a powerplay on that Nuge goal if anything. Scuderi cross checked Gagner into Quick, it was not goaltender interference. Also, the call on the ice was in the crease? WTF? Gagner was gone from the crease like a good 2 seconds before that goal happened, but Quick's whining and the fact that Mick McGeough was the supervising ref probably gave the refs more than enough reason to call it a no goal (Google Mick McGeough Dallas vs Edmonton if you don't get the reference). The fact that pretty much every non Kings fan (and a good number of Kings fans also) felt it should've been a goal should indicate the Oilers fans had every reason to be incensed. Imagine if something had happened to the LA Kings in a Stanley Cup final game last year, I'm pretty sure Kings fans would've thrown a lot more than just beer bottles onto the ice.

On a side note, loved Yak's celebration. Nice to see that not every player in the NHL is a personality stripped drone.


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dem canucks braj, starting to heat up, i wonder if luongos days are numbered now that schneids most certainly will be starting the next few games


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he's basically a boxer who learned how to skate and shoot

very weird season early on, can't really gauge how very many teams are going to do this year


One Pixel
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
he's basically a boxer who learned how to skate and shoot

very weird season early on, can't really gauge how very many teams are going to do this year
Lol you can't be serious. Have you even seen Lucic's scouting report when he was in the minors with the Giants? He was a player who had good upside but was bust potential, like most power forwards. He has good possession numbers and isn't John Scott who your team employs to act as a gigantic pylon by the net and occasionally fight. Though saying he's a 30 goal scorer every year is a stretch.

Canucks need to be better 5-on-5. Ducks were dictating the play until that soft holding call (which I disagreed with) but then the Ducks decided to self-destruct and give up mostly justifiable penalties like when Perry decided that jumping Edler and Ballard were good ideas especially when your team is down a few goals. Nice to see Kassian shutting up a lot of his critics and good to see Schroeder go >.500 in FO while not been giving sheltered minutes against the Ducks.


Ce soir, on va danser.
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Lol you can't be serious. Have you even seen Lucic's scouting report when he was in the minors with the Giants? He was a player who had good upside but was bust potential, like most power forwards. He has good possession numbers and isn't John Scott who your team employs to act as a gigantic pylon by the net and occasionally fight. Though saying he's a 30 goal scorer every year is a stretch.
lol you misunderstood me, I actually wasn't saying that as an insult, I meant to imply that he was good at all three things

New World Order

Licks Toads
is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
My god, and people wonder why nobody wants to go to Coyotes games. This team literally ensures that no offense happens on either side.

PS: Morris is a sore loser


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Bruins v Sabres tonight, this should be a fun game to watch. I'm sure they haven't forgotten when Ryan Miller ran directly into Lucic in the middle of a breakaway and then tried smashing Lucic's knees with his stick. This will be a fun match if you love penalty minutes.

He's only scored 30 once?
30 and 26 in the last two years, pretty darn good considering the Bruins distributive offense

strong homer post
Thanks!! I'll try to make more strong posts

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