Tournament Zero to Hero Elite Four Challenge - Champion sketchy ecchi (Over)


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Much like the Elite Four in the Pokemon games, the Zero to Hero Elite Four Challenge gives players the opportunity to face off against the some of the best trainers the aZUre bay has to offer. If someone manages to defeat all four members, that player will be crowned champion and put into the hall of fame. However, there is a catch similar to that of the main series games: Once a Champion is crowned, players will then have to defeat all Elite Four members and beat the champ to take their place.

On top of becoming Champion and being recorded in the Hall of Fame, the Champion will receive their own Discord tag in the ZU Discord (you can choose the colour).

  • The challenger must beat all Elite Four members to be crowned as champion.
  • Challengers can challenge the Elite Four in any order, but can only challenge the same elite four member once a day.
    • This means that if you lose to a particular elite four member, you have to wait until the next day (usually 24 hours) to challenge them again.
  • Also, you must go undefeated against all Elite Four members in order to challenge the Champion. A loss means restarting the whole challenge.
  • As soon as we have our first Champion, the clock will start ticking, and all participants have one week remaining to dethrone the current hampion.
  • If the old Champion is dethroned, the clock starts over and the remaining participants (including dethroned Champions) again have one week to dethrone the new Champion.
  • All battles must be BO1 unless agreed upon otherwise.
  • All battles must be gen 7 ZU.
  • The first person to become and remain Champion for one week wins the tournament!
  • Please do not spam the Elite Four with battle requests.
  • Post after you win or lose a match.
  • Post replays.
  • Be understanding of the Elite Four's availability.
  • Most importantly, have fun!
  • You may challenge any Elite Four member you see online on Pokemon Showdown! or contact them via Smogon or Discord.
  • When challenging a member, be sure to state that you are challenging as part of the Zero to Hero challenge.

With that out of the way, here are the Elite Four members (no champion as of now, looking to keep it that way):

5gen (29-7)
Timezone: GMT -5
As the Tier Leader of ZU, 5gen has a vast amount of experience in this metagame and team variety that is hard to match.
Wins: vs BloodAce
vs sbpc vs MonkeySniper vs oathkeepre vs tack vs uhuhuhu7 vs uhuhuhu7 vs uhuhuhu7 vs graceclaw vs uhuhuhu7 vs Spook vs czim vs uhuhuhu7 vs Monsareeasy vs uhuhuhu7 vs aaron vs uhuhuhu7 vs Spook vs SBPC vs Quagg vs 275p vs 275p
vs uhuhuhu7 (replay is hidden for now b/c he asked) vs tack vs Michael213 vs 275p
vs uhuhuhu7 vs 275p Michael213
Losses: vs sketchy ecchi vs uhuhuhu7 vs uhuhuhu7 vs oathkeepre vs Quagg vs Michael213
vs uhuhuhu7

a fruitshop owner (8-6)
Timezone: GMT -5
AFO is one of the hottest ZU battlers right now. He's no stranger to success as he won the ZU Sping Seasonal and is currently in the grand finals of the ZU Fall Seasonal, and he also achieved the top ZU record in OMPL at 4-2 for The Klink Shamers.

DurzaOffTopic (9-3)
Timezone: GMT -5
The self-proclaimed best ZU player, Durza backs up his words with impressive feats, such as managing the Fiery Flamencos, who won the first ever ZUPL. Moreover, Durza has spectacular records in ZU team tours such as going undefeated in ZU Best Friends (6-0) and finishing 5-2 overall in ZUPL. In addition, Durza is simply one of the only players in the ZU community with notable success in tiers from UU to PU (as well as OMs).

Ho3nConfirm3d (17-9)
TImezone: GMT -5
Many of us know Ho3n as a ladder fiend and as one of the most active players in ZU as a whole, but he is also one of the tier's best builders and consistently finds new innovations. In addition, he's a very capable player with the ability to go up against anyone.

Champion sketchy ecchi (1-0)
Timezone: GMT -6

Spreadsheet to keep track of things.[/hide]​
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