Dual Shiny Hunting: Double Up Your Masuda Method With These Techniques And Recipes

This information would not be possible without building off the hard work of:
  • happylappy#5231 for their excellent sandwich guide helping to get me up to speed on sandwich mechanics
  • Anubis and Kaphotics for datamining information on sandwich stats
  • Cecil Bowen's sandwich calculator and anyone involved with it
  • And anyone involved in the construction of these resources that I have failed to mention (DM me if there is specific credit I can add here I am neglecting)

I have been hatching Scorbunny eggs since the evening Cinderace dropped. I am now 1000 eggs in without a shiny bunny, doubling the longest hunt I've had to do in SV. Have I spent hours going without a shiny though? No, I've gotten eight doing this hunt, where otherwise I still would have had nothing. Here's how I made my masuda method hatching a bit more interesting and incidentally productive.

With Pokemon SV we've finally been unmoored from being around a single location or two to hatch eggs. While hatching within desolate areas can make for efficient hatching without many distractions, subjectively, it can feel a bit boring for impatient individuals like me and a bit of a waste to stick to one area when there's all of Paldea to explore. To make hunting a bit more engaging, and to get some sweet PLA style splash damage shinies, I've devised some simple strategies and not-so-simple sandwiches I wish to share.

This information will assume you have a basic understanding of Pokemon SV's breeding mechanics, such as how Egg Power Lv.2 increases your egg spawn rates and decreases your hatch times. If you find something you're not familiar with in here, try a google search and there's probably a popular resource available already that will put it far better than I could.

Dual Shiny Hunting:
Had a bit of difficulty with a nice all encompassing name for these; Dual Shiny Hunting is the best I could think up. It might not actually need a name given honestly. If you want a silly name for it, I’d like to christen it the “Yo Dawg” Method.

To begin, this method does not actually do anything new involving shiny rolls. It is more a method for economically using your time while shiny hunting akin to a tip like picnic resets or town despawning more than anything.

Instead of simply roaming around quiet areas without spawns while hatching, I've found a good bit of success driving around in certain areas with certain sandwiches to get some cool unexpected shinies. With dual shiny hunting, you can shiny hunt while you shiny hunt, allowing you to stay a bit more involved looking at wild encounters while hatching dizzying numbers of eggs for masuda breeding. Using some of the features of isolated encounter hunting with mild encounter boosts even lets you pseudo target specific Pokemon while you're out hatching.

There are three different levels of commitment you can make while doing this. I'd recommend Level 2 most highly since it's the best mix of effectiveness and resources for the average player. Let's go over what exactly these levels of the technique are:

Level 1: Incidental Encounter Dual Hunting
+Very low resource intensive
-Aggressive Pokemon Spawns are a problem
-No real way to cipher out the Pokemon you want.

  • Eat a Great Peanut Butter Sandwich for Egg Power Level 2
  • Sit around with your two parents and get all your eggs.
  • Eat a second Great Peanut Butter Sandwich for Egg Power Level 2 again for the decreased egg hatch time
  • Drive around an area with wild spawns and a low amount of "aggressive" Pokemon

Let's start with as basic as we can go and hatch eggs outside of a peaceful town area.

The first big problem with spawning out in the wild is what I'll be calling "aggressive" Pokemon. These are Pokemon who'll approach you and try to initiate a fight by colliding with you. While in your menu, boxes, or battle, these Pokemon simply phase out of existence for a bit, as I'm sure you've noticed already. With egg hatching, this isn't the case! Aggressive Pokemon will simply just sit clipping through your ride and spring a battle on you the very moment the hatching is over.

To combat this, we have a few options. One is to simply adjust the Pokemon pool with encounter powers, but we'll get to that later. The other is to simply hatch in places where there aren't a lot of aggressive Pokemon. With this, you can just drive around freely or stick to some certain route and just stay vigilant for spawns.

A GOOD place to hatch and hunt: South of Levincia


This is the incubator that led to me posting all this. The south beach of Levincia had a bunch of shiny Pokemon I wanted, and I was pleasantly surprised to see almost all the spawns on the sand are docile, save the occasional Crabrawler. Hatching a good 500+ eggs in that little strip of beach led to, well, a full party of shinies on its own. Obviously your mileage may vary, but it's six more shinies I wouldn't have gotten had I just stuck to a more quiet area of Paldea

A BAD place to hatch and hunt: east of Port Marinada


Port Marinada was one of my go to hatching locations before I started doing this just because it was nice timing the hatches going up and down the tile slopes, and peeping whatever the auction of the day was. Going east with this technique was a total disaster. I'm sure you've all faced the ridiculous hoards of Tauros charging at you just going through that route normally. Going over there and getting comboed into a battle after every egg was a not fun time waster.

I have not timed out hatches that use a cutscene vs hatches that use the overworld (cutscene seems faster?). That said, I would recommend going for overworld hatches on flat terrain so you can pan the camera across the area and look for any shiny spawns while your egg goes through the normal animation.

Honestly, this’ll become pretty much obsolete if they patch the game so Pokemon phase through you while hatching like they do when you’re in the pause menu. Still, I feel it's worth getting the word out in the mean time.

But what if we want things a tad more involved? Now, let's kick things up a bit.

Level 2: Boosted Encounter Dual Hunting
+Gives a considerable boost to a desired target Pokemon's type
+Still not especially resource intensive

-Difficulty Constructing some sandwiches

  • Eat a Great Peanut Butter Sandwich for Egg Power Level 2
  • Sit around with your two parents and get all your eggs.
  • Eat a special sandwich recipe from the table below which will grant Egg Power Level 2 and an Encounter Power Level 1 of a specific type
  • Drive around your desired area and keep your eyes open for shinies.

What if we want to take things a step further? What if we maybe wanted a specific target to go after doing all this, and what if we want to reduce the number of aggressive spawns to digestible levels? Let's do just that, using special sandwiches that give us both an Egg Power Level 2 and Encounter Power Level 1

So, Egg Power Level 2 isn't an especially hard boost to get thanks to Great Peanut Butter Sandwich giving it a hard coded buff. If we want to get the power outside of hard coded recipes, it gets significantly more difficult, and involves a whole lot of complicated math about sandwiches. Big thanks to happylappy for the help getting me up to speed with this stuff with their fantastically in depth sandwich guide and the datamines / sandwich calc for letting me play with this information.

Basically, we'll need absolute monstrosities on white bread to get these going. The details are below on why these work, but if you don't care, you can simply take the chart below and enjoy your grotesque-looking extra boost sandwiches. Sadly, we can't get higher than Encounter Power Lv.1 with Egg Power Lv.2 without burning Herba Mystica (more on that later).

I'm still pretty new to sandwich math, so you should consult the guide linked above for a deeper explanation. Still, I'll try my best to explain why these work.
  • Sandwiches have certain flavors based on the ingredients you put on them. Getting a certain combo will increase the value a certain boost by 100. We need a primarily sweet, secondarily salty or bitter sandwich for our egg power, so we're adding a ton of whipped cream.
  • Egg, Chorizo, and Herbed Sausage all contribute the biggest type score possible; a stat that determines what types our sandwich benefits and what levels our effects will have. We put on four because past using four of a topping, there's a penalty that destroys our sandwich effectiveness.
  • We still need more type power after this, so we switch to the three second most powerful ingredients after that for more type score with noodles, potato salad, and rice.
  • Whipped Cream adds some type power, so we offset some of what it does with a potato tortilla for Normal, Flying, and Ground.
  • With all of this on our sandwich, it'll have two types that go to a tie breaker and prioritizes things in the order of types listed in the chart below. We need to add a few secondary spreads to break some of these ties for half the types.

Egg Power Level 2 + Encounter Power Level 1 Sandwiches:

All of these sandwiches can be made in theory, and a good 2/3rds of them are perfectly possible thanks to the inherit structural integrity of sausages. However... I would highly recommend avoiding any recipes with eggs. They are just terribly clumsy to fit 12 of on a single sandwich. I have done it once or twice, but that's after a whole swath of failed attempts that simply aren't worth your time, unless we learn more about sandwich stacking that somehow makes it far easier.

With your sandwich made, drive where you want and enjoy! Assuming the aggressive Pokemon in the area aren't boosted by your sandwich, you should see them pretty drastically reduced to a more managable level in most places. I personally found Rufflet annoying in the Asado Desert, but popping a Bug-type Sandwich seemed to cut down their numbers a ton, and obviously boosted the Rellor spawns I was after.

Do note for those used to Encounter Power Level 3 Sandwiches, level 1 isn't nearly as strong and you'll see a fair bit of off type spawns still. So, what if we want to get an even stronger effect? It'll be a bit costly, but it's an option.

Level 3: Highly Boosted Encounter Dual Hunting
+Massive boost to desired target Pokemon's type spawn rate
+Title power bonus active for any potential shinies
+Effectively wipes all aggressive Pokemon away
+Only recipes that grants Egg Power Level 3

-Heavily resource intensive; requires 1 sweet herba mystica spent
-You're spending an Herba Mystica on something that doesn't actually raise your shiny roll chances

-Difficulty constructing some sandwiches

  • Eat a Great Peanut Butter Sandwich for Egg Power Level 2
  • Sit around with your two parents and get all your eggs.
  • Use a Sweet Herba Mystica for a special sandwich recipe from the table below that will grant Egg Power Level 3 and an Encounter Power Level 3 of a specific type.
  • Drive around your desired area and keep your eyes open for shinies.
This apex of the technique is for those who can spend Herba Mystica for days. This will boost your encounter rate to the huge masses of spawns you see with your typical level 3 shiny sandwich, and it comes with incidental extra egg hatching power to boot. If you're somehow overstuffed with Sweet Herba, this is the play for you.

As a reminder, this does NOT increase the actual amount of shiny rolls at all. You are only boosting the encounter rates to what you would see with a typical shiny sandwich, but without those extra encounter rolls. I would only recommend these sandwiches if you're like absolutely swimming in Sweet Herba Mystica, or if you want to save before egg generation, use the sandwich for hatching, and close the game without saving to conserve your resources if you don't land a shiny

  • Using an Herba Mystica essentially guarantees we'll have title power regardless of what we do.
  • Sweet Herba Mystica specifically is used because we need a primarily sweet and secondarily salty or bitter sandwich to get the big boost in egg hatch rate we want.
  • You probably recognize the type specific ingredients from making shiny sandwiches. These ingredients are helpful since they only boost one type, and push up the type value of our sandwich until we can have level 3 everything with the same type.
  • Horseradish just happens to be the perfect ingredient to reorient everything for encounter power to be our last power after title and egg.
  • Chorizo is a spicy ingredient, which we need to offset with salt to get back to having a sweet-salty sandwich for the types that use it.

Egg Power Level 3 + Encounter Power Level 3 Sandwiches:

Again, these recipes ignore the actual assembly of the sandwich entirely. I have tested few of these sandwiches myself, but several of them involving eggs like Rock seem absolutely infuriating to stack correctly. Proceed at your own risk.

With this built, drive around hatching with your drastically increased spawns and enjoy.


That's about everything! I know that this doesn't dive much into novel information and there's a chance someone's already ironed all this out, but I hadn't yet seen it and decided to take on the work myself. Pardon if someone's already recorded this in some corner of the internet I've missed.

Also, if this proves helpful and someone wants to remodel these charts to look better than my basic google sheet + MS paint skills, please give me a poke and I'll replace these charts with better ones instead. Let me know if anything's too confusing. I assembled this kind of slapdash, so I may have failed to properly explain something down the line.
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I'd probably just not even bother making the second egg sandwich to speed up egg hatching. If you're doing this method, may as well make the most of your walk around the paldea area

But yeah this is kind of what I do (though I dont like makings sandwiches so i just wander around areas where i think neat shinies are)! Fun to see who I wander into; I found a shiny Pachirisu the other day and an egg hatching sequence happened and i screamed at the idea of it despawning by the time the stupid egg finished hatching ( i got the boy )

Pro tip: don't do this in water because you WILL second guess every single pokemon because the waves obscure colors in goofy ways sometimes

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