Resource DPP Forum Information and Rules

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Format stolen from SM Forum Information, Rules, Council Info, and Announcements
The purpose of this thread is to establish key rules when posting/making threads, while also providing info regarding the council, moderation team, and other necessary information for the forum. This is your go-to place for understanding the policies of our forum, as well as the people who run it.
Forum Rules
  • Global rules apply at all times.
  • Before posting a thread, get it approved by a staff member. Make sure to note who approved it at the top of the post. Unapproved threads will be locked.
  • Don't post threads asking questions; instead, post them to our "Simple Question, Simple Answer" thread.
  • Don't post teams here; instead, go to the Rate my Team forum for team rates, and be sure to read their rules before posting.
  • Non-competitive topics should go to the Orange Islands, and are not meant for this forum.
  • Try not to theorymon or ask "what ifs"; please only refer to verified, confirmed information.
  • Ensure your posts are grammatically coherent, contribute to the discussion at hand, and aren't simple one-liners. The moderation team is subject to delete them if they feel as though they do not add anything to the discussion.
  • Don't engage in flame wars, and do not instigate them.
DPP Moderation Team
These users will be responsible for the maintenance and facilitation of the DPP forum, and are your go-to people to ask for questions, comments, and concerns regarding threads and the forum itself! Please bear in mind that these users can enforce rules at their discretion.
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