Tournament BW 1v1 No Johns III - Round 1 ($70 in prizes, see link in OP for details!)

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Hi there, just a quick announcement! Some IRL events have left me in a position where I likely will not have the ability to log on and do act calls and stuff and close the thread super early tomorrow morning due to not having electricity!

Due to this, the new deadline will be Wednesday, May 11th (Today!) at 11:59 GMT -4!

This will give players 4 extra hours to play! However, there will be no further extensions, as this is a No Johns. The rest of the tournament will run on GMT -4 due to this change.

You can expect Round II of this tournament (if there are no unforeseen circumstances!) to go live about an hour after the end of Round I. Good Luck to everyone who still has to play their games!
Activity Wins
martinvtran, Zen, and Pkmn trainer Rizzo were all given wins by their opponent.

call me pk, London13, Chris32156, Jamez, and IBM all tried to schedule, but their opponent either missed the scheduled time or did not schedule at all. They have all been awarded activity wins.

The two series in which no scheduling is found from both sides are 413X vs PA and gorilaa vs Jabiru.

Jabiru and 413X will be moving on to the second round.
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