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  1. kittenmay

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    The concept of soul mates is moronic to me. Moreso that people seem to find their soul mate in high school or college. Come on, if theres only one person in the ENTIRE world who is perfect for you, what if they're in a completely different place? What are the odds that they went to the same high...
  2. kittenmay

    Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior

    Okay fess up, which one of you did this: its okay, we won't judge you :3 :3 :3
  3. kittenmay

    New Year's Resolution

    Gonna work out and start on meds again
  4. kittenmay

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    I was having this conversation with another smogoner around your age (our age?) - skipping over the friendzone stuff because I already stated my opinion on that. I'm going to bold this, for all high school and college boys that seem to think this. YOU DON'T NEED A GIRLFRIEND. There, I said it...
  5. kittenmay


    cats are better >.>
  6. kittenmay

    Serious chrustmas gift reaction thread

    Nothing from my parents (of course). My friend got me two books and another friend apparently got me something, I'm going to see her next week so we'll see? Also an awesome smogoner got me Black 2 and I'm thrilled (HA I BEAT YOU TO THE E4) I also got an awesome secret santa from reddit.
  7. kittenmay

    Serious The Education System

    The education system in America really makes me angry (although its certainly not the worst one out there) - namely, the expense of higher education. Its infuriating as to how expensive they make education here, and then complain that they don't create enough *insert important job that requires...
  8. kittenmay

    Has anyone ever broken into your home and pointed a gun at you?

    Broke into my home? No. Guns? Yep
  9. kittenmay

    miss universe costumes 2012

    ngl finland made me drool a little a lottle??
  10. kittenmay

    aw shit

    oh lordy lord
  11. kittenmay

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    Asking what they want to do is always nice!
  12. kittenmay

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    Protip - I'm an ecology major with a specialization in field ecology and conservational biology and I still LOVE the zoo because hey I know a lot about it! Do something you guys *enjoy*
  13. kittenmay

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    ^^^^^^^^ Speaking of which: Girls, I need your help - Namely, how to tell if girls like girls please??? I'm terrified of approaching girls because holy crap they are mean creatures if they don't like you and if you try to flirt with them and they're straight lord help us all Edit: Ps Chou...
  14. kittenmay

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    Guize if you want gurlz uze dis!!!! misogynist assholes.
  15. kittenmay

    drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    note to self: don't drink when depressed, no matter how you feel that day. Talk about a bad night!!!!!!
  16. kittenmay

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    Again, sorry, but you're only seeing your point. Some people do not feel that sex has any emotional relationship at all. Like I said earlier, I don't find sexual activities "exposing and intimate" in the sense that they make me care for people. Its a purely animalistic satisfaction. If you want...
  17. kittenmay

    Serious Are intellectuals more fit to govern society?

    What sort of governing system are we talking about here, as well? It depends
  18. kittenmay

    Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    Sorry, but I completely disagree with this. I had a "friends with benefits" for almost 2 years, and nothing like that ever happened. It was nice, it was fun, it was a learning experience. Just because most people can't detach sex from love doesn't mean its impossible or that they're permanently...