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  1. rcklssoptmsm

    SS OU pls welcome to the stage... miss aly kazam (alakazam offense)

    hey y'all happy pride month! coming back atchu to take another shot at an ss ou team. one of my favorite pokemon has always been alakazam and i think that with the proper team support it can seriously wreck. i threw this team together and after a couple edits it's doing pretty well, got me back...
  2. rcklssoptmsm

    SS OU rising tides (rain + rising voltage bo)

    hey y'all, so back in 2020 i made a hyper offense rain team based around regieleki. it was super fun to play with and when it won it won hard, but it was inconsistent at times due to regieleki's need for ground-type removal. this was pretty hard given the frequency to which we saw lando-t back...
  3. rcklssoptmsm

    SS OU throw some s*** and see what sticks (hyper offense peak 1800)

    hey!! it's been a hot minute but i'm getting back into showdown. last time i was playing a lot i was using a hyper offense team by scorpia. i had never played with such a successful hyper offense team before and it was fun to swap in new mons to test stuff out. however, that was like 6 months...
  4. rcklssoptmsm

    SS OU goodbye shifu - enter the GOON SQUAD (obstagoon balance)

    Obstagoon has always been one of my favorite mons since the beginning of SS, but it struggled to make waves, and when combined with the presence of Urshifu-S (a far superior choice in almost every situation), it never got its chance to shine. However, with the banning of Urshifu-S, I think it's...
  5. rcklssoptmsm

    SS OU THE CLOWN (blacephalon balance)

    hi all, comin back at u with another mediocre team that im looking to make slightly less mediocre. this time we're building a team around my (second) favorite ultra beast, blacephalon (my fav is nihilego dont @ me) !! the concept of the team is simple - handle blacephalon's weaknesses as best as...
  6. rcklssoptmsm

    SS OU regieleki rainstorm

    hi all! comin back atchu with another mediocre team from a mediocre player... looking to get some advice on this rain team i threw together. basically, the whole thing is based around regieleki and rising voltage. given that its biggest issue is 1. eliminating ground types and 2. keeping...
  7. rcklssoptmsm

    SS OU bulky offense accidentally turned sand

    hey all, thanks for the input on my last team... comin @ u again bc that team just started to FLOP for 2 main reasons: zeraora and cinderace. i just could not find somebody that fit the team that was strong enough to counter them or at least hold their own, so i decided to try again. as you'll...
  8. rcklssoptmsm

    SS OU dragapult bulky offense (first team since gen 5... help)

    hola everyone. quarantine got me back into playing showdown and i'm just now trying my hand on a gen 8 ou team. the team was built around dragapult bc i think he's cool af. looking for any suggestions literally at all, because this is the first time i've made a team for showdown in like 5 years...