Search results

  1. Old Dogs And New Tricks - UU RMT

    Hello there I'm a long-time UU player/lurker. I got back into UU somewhat recently and have been enjoying the metagame quite a bit. I think it's much healthier without auto-weather. But personal opinions on the weather ban aside, this team would not have been possible without the ban...
  2. [UU] Requesting Arrest Authorization!

    Hello Smogonites. This is my second RMT. Some of you may know me as Ravnos, Lasombra, or Tzimisce on Shoddy (the dude who never chats, mostly because I usually go on Shoddy while in Accounting lecture :3) The following is a team that I pretty much used in the same format prior to...
  3. The (UU)sual Suspects

    Psyche, this isn't a suspect rmt at all. It's actually my first rmt on Smogon ever. I've been lurking around for about 6 months now though and after getting bored with OU in about 2 weeks, I started playing UU on Shoddy and haven't looked back since. UU has changed quite a bit since I first...