Search results

  1. -Mantis-

    You say you're available all Tuesday but don't come online until it's late for me .

    You say you're available all Tuesday but don't come online until it's late for me .
  2. -Mantis-

    ? I was online when I sent msg, you weren't . I'm here now though

    ? I was online when I sent msg, you weren't . I'm here now though
  3. -Mantis-

    Can you do Sunday? Same Time

    Can you do Sunday? Same Time
  4. -Mantis-

    The UU Open V - Round 1

    Opponent missed both days we were fighting
  5. -Mantis-

    LC Open, Fight when? GMT +2

    LC Open, Fight when? GMT +2
  6. -Mantis-

    RU Open. I am GMT +2, when do fight ?

    RU Open. I am GMT +2, when do fight ?
  7. -Mantis-

    Find my name on smogontours. I am "THE MANTIS"

    Find my name on smogontours. I am "THE MANTIS"
  8. -Mantis-

    Ok I'm here

    Ok I'm here
  9. -Mantis-

    I will be online for few hour .

    I will be online for few hour .
  10. -Mantis-

    Monday maybe. Tuesday if not? I am gmt +2

    Monday maybe. Tuesday if not? I am gmt +2
  11. -Mantis-

    The LC Open V - Sign-ups

  12. -Mantis-

    UU Open, fight when?

    UU Open, fight when?
  13. -Mantis-

    The RU Open V - Sign-ups

  14. -Mantis-

    The UU Open V - Sign-ups
