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  1. RockStarFish

    Data Two Type Move Combos Gen 6 (Coverage, Resistances)

    Don't forget Weezing!
  2. RockStarFish

    Other Dedicated Leads

    Lead Smeargle is incredibly easy to shut down. Any Pokémon that outspeeds Smeargle (273 is not hard to outspeed) and packs Substitute or Taunt turns Smeargle into complete setup bait. I used to run a lead-capable Gliscor with just enough speed investment to outrun Smeargle. Opponents would...
  3. RockStarFish

    Other Dedicated Leads

    Ugh, Scarf Toaster is a nightmare lead to face. It's one of the harshest immediate punishers of mis-prediction, and it outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame bar Deoxys-S. Unless you lead with Scarf Jolly Mold Breaker Excadrill, Scarf Toaster's pretty much guaranteed to screw over at least one...
  4. RockStarFish

    Pokémon Manectric

    I think Manectric's optimal speed investment is 236+ with a 30IV to run HP Ice. This puts regular Manectric at 334 speed, and Mega Manectric at 400 speed, both of which are very handy speed tiers. At 334, regular Manectric outspeeds non-Scarf Garchomp (maxes at 333), the only notable OU Pokémon...
  5. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    You're missing my point, which is to use Stealth Rock early, then keep Ferrothorn off the field until they bring in (Mega) Kangaskhan. You don't expose Ferrothorn to the chance of getting Knock Off-ed, and you keep it healthy enough (45%) to survive one hit from a fresh Mega Kangaskhan. That's...
  6. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    After analysing the current strategies to deal with Mega Kangaskhan as though we were playing a game of chess, I've gotta say that sacing a Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn to stop Mega Kangaskhan is play with a surprisingly high strategic value. Think about it. If you've got a Ferrothorn, odds are...
  7. RockStarFish

    Pokémon Gyarados

    The most underrated thing about Gyarados is that if you know how to time your Mega Evolution, it effectively has one weakness (Electric), eight resistances (Bug, Fighting, Steel, Fire, Water, Ghost, Dark, and Ice) and two immunities (Ground and Psychic), which means that nothing short of a STAB...
  8. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    Against Terrakion, Mega Kangaskhan would have to swap out. Either it swaps out, gets OHKOed for nothing, or Sucker Punch gives Terrakion two Justified boosts.
  9. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    Of course. But my point is that between people of equal competence whoever reads the situation and predicts the opponent better wins. The lowest risk option is to simply use the Fighting attack, because the benefit of beating Mega Kangaskhan outweighs giving your opponent a free switch-in...
  10. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 324-384 (92 - 109%) -- 50% chance to OHKO Yeah, that's a slight problem, I'll admit. No shit. That's why they're checks. Checks don't switch in. Counters switch in. I'm talking about checks. Well if we're...
  11. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    Actually, every Fighting-type faster than Mega Kangaskhan is a reliable check. CB Technician Breloom, Terrakion, Infernape, Mienshao, Mega Lucario, Scarf Primeape, Scarf Lucario, Scarf Heracross all survive a +2 Sucker Punch and OHKO with their primary STAB. All were reasonably popular in OU/UU...
  12. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    Then stop making them. You're the one who said it plays like DPP Tauntridos when it's blatantly clear that's not the case. Just like every single setup sweeper there is. Definitely agreeing with this. That last part (figuring out what you need to keep healthy that match) is what separates...
  13. RockStarFish

    Pokémon Manectric

    As Ilan said, Mega Manectric pairs wonderfully well with LandoT. Dual Intimidate on a VoltTurn core is a massive momentum tool, and they cover each others weaknesses pretty well; LandoT is immune to MegaTric's Ground weakness, and MegaTric handles LandoT's Water and Ice weaknesses with STAB and...
  14. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    Anything not faster than Mega Kangaskhan gets hit with Return or Earthquake. Why would you use Sucker Punch against a Volcarona when Volcarona fails to OHKO with any attack and Return is a guaranteed OHKO? It's simple game theory. The only Pokémon who can effectively pull off the mind game...
  15. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    The only Flame Body user faster than Mega Kangaskhan, without using a Choice Scarf, is Rapidash. Which limits your choices to Talonflame (struggles to 2HKO without LO/CB), Mega Absol (Sucker Punch struggles to 2HKO), Ambipom (Fake Out does 1/3), or Infernape (which needs a CB Iron Fist Mach...
  16. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    The only Pokémon who would run Flame Body are all OHKOed by an unboosted Return, which means you're sac'ing a mon to inconvenience Mega Kangaskhan. Problem with Destiny Bond is that it pressures Mega Kangaskhan to swap out; it doesn't actually stop Mega Kangaskhan, per se. It's off the field...
  17. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    And you're fucked if Mega Kangaskhan's user is savvy enough to swap Mama Scylla out after taking its sacrifice so it can feast later.
  18. RockStarFish

    Kangaskhanite Tiering Discussion [+Demographics Poll Added to OP]

    Mega Kangaskhan is the perfect combination of bulk (105/100/100 with one weakness), power (125 Atk w/ auto-CB), speed (100 is a fantastic speed tier), coverage (unresisted with just three moves, one of which is priority), and its ability removes the one thing that would guarantee you a...
  19. RockStarFish

    Pokémon Charizard

    In my mind, the only time you should be running Adamant is if you're using a Tailwind set (such as Flare Blitz / Outrage / Tailwind / Roost) in post-Bank OU. +1 252+ Base 100 is an absolutely crucial speed tier for a Dragon-type.
  20. RockStarFish

    Pokémon Gengar
