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  1. Choiceface

    Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

    okay, sorry if this isnt too much of a question, but does anybody have any idea what happened here? I was playing wifi just now, and just set up a trick room reuniclus against an aromatisse(spelling?). So anyways, it was faster than my reuniclus PRIOR to the trick, then faster still after it was...
  2. Choiceface

    Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

    Hey, I just had a quick question, dunno if someone can explain this to me, but I just played a match against some guy with Talonflame, and I used sucker punch, which usually has priority, and it went second, then I used Aqua Jet, still with priority and it went second. No set up moves or...
  3. Choiceface's Pokemon Power Bracket: Mew wins!

    Woot! Pointless Mew prizes!!!!
  4. Choiceface

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    more power to ya! that's a pretty good idea!
  5. Choiceface

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    A Birthday Wonder Room! articless, today is my birthday, so instead of the Trick Room, you get the Wonder Room! Welcome to the Wonder Room! You don't care how much sense it makes because it just seems like it gives the best bonuses! But, with every plus, there must be an equal minus! You must...
  6. Choiceface

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    I throw my hat in there for dark, if only because Houndour/Doom is part dark type.
  7. Choiceface

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Meepsterplex, welcome to the Trick Room. Don't even try to make sense of this since it is completely incoherent! You must catch Cloudy, the Ralts on Route 102. You may use any items on him except Lava Cookies, Burn Heal, Pecha Berries, or Full Restores. Because cloudy is so fat, you may not...
  8. Choiceface

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    MysticZap, welcome to the Trick Room. Don't even try to make sense of this since it is completely incoherent! You must catch a Solosis on Route five, and you shall name him Blender. You may use any items on him except Potions, Max Potions, Max Revives, Carbos, and Chesto Berries. You must then...
  9. Choiceface

    Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge

    Both are accepted! Only one challenge to go!
  10. Choiceface

    Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge

    Challenge accepted and I will try to have fun! My first Pokemon game challenge of any kind right here!
  11. Choiceface

    Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge

    My Gauntlet Challenge Gauntlet Challenge -Leaf Green Version -No trades :( -Medium -I would like 4 permanent challenges for the entire game Note: No, I have never actually beaten the Elite 4 (which is what I'll be playing up to) on the Gen I remakes (yeah, yeah, laugh it up!) and I have...
  12. Choiceface's Pokemon Power Bracket: Mew wins!

    Yes you are correct, and while I personaly think it will (since it has so much hype) nothing was stated that it will have an actual in-game release. But I think most voters (if it wasn't actually rigged, which I don't think it was) were assuming an in-game release. If not, enjoy your pointless...
  13. Choiceface's Pokemon Power Bracket: Mew wins!

    Mew most likely won because this vote was done, mostly by people who don't even know what competitive play, really is, they just want the rarest legendary, and in this case, it's Mew (actually honestly I think it's Jirachi, but whatever.) If you look at the people who exclusively play cartridge...
  14. Choiceface's Pokemon Power Bracket: Mew wins!

    I have no idea what this digital prize thing will include, but I DO think it will be an in-game distribution, but I don't think it will be like V-Create Rayquaza. I think we will get Mew from the DW free, and then when it "takes over the site" we will probably get the package that was mentioned...
  15. Choiceface


    Oh alright thanks, didn't know that because I'm such a newbie. Just started comp. battling yesterday.
  16. Choiceface


    I'm sorry if this has already been suggested, I didn't read through the whole thread, but I was just wondering if there would be a way to see what kind of terrain you're battling in, like a little tag or something, because I'm running a nature power Deerling, and sometimes I can't tell what I'm...