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  1. Expert_Occultist

    SM OU Send in the Freaks!

    Send in the Freaks Hello raters and welcome to my first Sun/Moon RMT! I wanted to build a Phero/Koko volt/turn team and this is what I’ve come up with so far. The team is fun but might have some issues so feedback is greatly appreciated. Morticia (Pheromosa) @ Expert Belt Ability: Beast...
  2. Expert_Occultist

    XY OU Drunk Tank(s)

    Drunk Tank(s) (or a serious look at drunk team building) Ok, this team requires a little bit of back story before we get to the description. My girlfriend and I were vacationing in Penticton, BC (yes, in Canada this is a vacation destination) and on our second last night there we decided to get...
  3. Expert_Occultist

    XY OU Tri-type Core Team- An Update

    This is an update to my last team which is no doubt lost in the endless depths of the RMT forum. I'm dredging it back because I'm proud to say that in my travels I've stumbled ass backwards into something really cool. That something is an offensive team that uses all 3 famous 3 type cores! After...
  4. Expert_Occultist

    XY OU Multi-Core Offensive

    Hey guys, Expert Occultist here with another team to review this time with a more offensive approach. I need your help improving this team because while it's impossible to prepare for everything many heads are better than one. This team focuses on offensive synergy. With that briefness out of...
  5. Expert_Occultist

    XY OU S-Club!

    Ain't No Party Like an S-rank Party! I share this team not to brag but to get some real feedback. I did win a showdown tour but all that shows is that I beat five people in a row. There's always room for improvement. At the very least this team cuts through wave after wave of balance teams :P...
  6. Expert_Occultist

    XY OU Taunt-Turn

    Welcome to Rageland! If you've never been here before I'll just lay down some ground rules: no setting up, no hazards, no recovery, and no defog. How can I enforce these crazy rules you may ask? Taunt. On half my team. It's so crazy it just might work. As always critiques are appreciated...
  7. Expert_Occultist

    XY OU Wetter is Better!

    Hey, Expert_Occultist again with something you've probably never seen a million times before: a rain team. But not just any rain team. Behind this seemingly standard team lurks a crazy twist ending that must be seen to be believed! (yeah I'm hyping this up a bit, let's just get this started)...
  8. Expert_Occultist

    XY OU Let's Ignore Stealth Rocks for a sec...

    Hello, Expert_Occultist here. Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm here to share a balanced team I've had some decent success with. This team is built with long term strategy in mind and as a result some of my item choices are not standard (mostly Leftovers on offensive mons). Before I get...