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  1. Carl

    NHL 13

    hi, i'm carl. well, that's my forum name, anyway. i'm here today to tell you that NHL 13 comes out tomorrow and that smogon has traditionally fielded a niche digital hockey team on the xbox 360 device. this year most our team members are being noobs, playing loser games like LOL instead of...
  2. Carl

    2013 Smogon Fantasy Hockey

    The other thread was old and had a lot of BS in it. Here's this year's participants: Members: Jackal - Bandwagon Blackhawks (Figurehead Commish) Aldaron - Aldaron BlueCookies - Baby Got Backstrom Justin8649 - Did Jussi That wer - BUFFALO WINGERS Captain Kishimoto - The Fail For Nail...
  3. Carl

    Smogon Fantasy Hockey 2010 Smack Thread

    This thread will discuss all things related to the 2010 Smogon Fantasy Hockey season. (You're welcome Adam!) Members: Jackal - Bandwagon Blackhawks (Commish) Aldaron - Aldaron zerowing/makiri - HOLMSTROM!!!!!!!!! Justin8649 - Jussi Juice wer - Off in the Woods Captain Kishimoto -...
  4. Carl

    black milk - tronic

    If you like rap/hip hop at all, I highly recommend checking this album out. This guy has pretty good flow but what really sets Tronic apart from any other recent LP that I could gush about is the beats. It came out at the end of October and I'm having a hard time not listening to it over and...
  5. Carl


    So I'm starting to like this whole post-rock thing and would like to explore the genre a bit more. I've been listening to a lot of Explosions in the Sky and Godspeed You! Black Emperor and I did get some Slint though I'm not sure they're what you'd directly label "post-rock." Anyway, what else...
  6. Carl

    Flight of the Conchords

    My roommate and I started watching this show through On Demand the other night and I think it's hilarious. The humor is probably on par with that of Spinal Tap (songs included) so if you didn't enjoy that movie you may not enjoy this show. Pretty much it's just this 30 minute show on HBO now...
  7. Carl

    A first look at the most competitive Gamestop Tournament by far...

    Warning! tl;dr. I rolled out of bed around 11am and pretty much got ready for the day. I received a call about a half hour later from Fish saying that he and Shea were at the mall and hadn’t heard from FiveK yet. He told me to come whenever because the word was that it wasn’t starting until 2...
  8. Carl

    Gen 3 Carl vs husk. The epic tale.

    This is very tl;dr I'm sure so be warned. I haven't done one of these in a long time and towards the end I got kind of lazy so I think the end could be improved but that's just me. Anyway, this battle happened the other day and I thought I'd tell everyone about it... Carl vs husk The...
  9. Carl

    Knocked Up

    I went and saw it last night. Originally my girlfriend and I were going to go see a 9:15 showing and when we were there at 8:30 trying to buy tickets they were sold out. That suprised me since honestly the movie kinda looked like one of those sleeper hits. We had 3 options. Go see another movie...
  10. Carl

    Jam Sessions

    I was reading Penny Arcade today as I usually do every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and was intrigued by some of the contents in the blog/newspost thing they do. Apparently this July a game for the DS called Jam Sessions will be released in the US. It's essentially a guitar on your DS which to...
  11. Carl

    How has your taste in music changed over the years?

    I saw a topic like this on IGN and figured we could use one here. As best as I can remember this is how it went down for me: The early years: Early Beatles, Phil Collins/Genesis, Mellencamp.. pretty much what my dad listened to. Middle school: Limp Bizkit, Korn, Rage Against the...