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  • Hey, we matched up for the draft winter seasonal. I’m GMT-8, my availability is Wednesday evening, Thursday evening, most of Friday, Saturday is TBD, and morning/afternoon Sunday. Let me know what works best for you
    feel free to contact me on discord to an easier exchange
    my discord is: sir.dee
    Roller K
    Roller K
    Contacted you on Discord, if you don't see it then I'll say it here too: How does Saturday 12pm GMT-8 work for you?
    Hello, we play this round in the winter seasonal. I'm fakecontrollers on discord if you want to message there. Also I'm gmt -5
    Hey I'm your winter seas R3 opponent. What are some times this week that would work for you? Also sent you message on cord. I'm GMT-6 (CST)
    Hello, Draft R2 I’m EST or GMT -5 (it’s 7:30 AM for me at time of this message being sent) I’m good to go from 9-10 PM Wednesday and Thursday and free all afternoon on Sunday
    hello, we're paired for Draft League Classic - ORAS Cup pool 84. we have 2 full weeks to get the game done and I'm usually available from 6PM-11PM +1 (and possibly +2 if we have to schedule for the very last day) except for tuesdays - what works? (note - my discord is currently not Memories#0816, rather it is Michelle Iceheart ❄#0816 temporarily due to stress related stuff)
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