Lost Soul
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  • hi, we play for pu ssnl. im gmt-4 and weekend between 12pm n 10pm work for me
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    I'm GMT-7, those times work for me as well, especially on Sunday.
    hey i'm your tutor for SS PU, please add me on discord (dillon#0001) when you can
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Nice to meet ya. Will do later this afternoon when I get back home from work, I look forward to learning from you.
    Hi RU Open. GMT+9 and can play weekdays 4pm~1am.
    If not, we can try 2pm gmt+9 on Sunday (should be Saturday 10pm your time if my maths is correct)
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Yes, Saturday 10pm will work, I will be around all saturday night.
    Hey I'm early but I'm on as Snow Jiniri
    UU Tournament, I'm gmt-8. When are you good to go?
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    I'm good to go any time this week Mon-Thrusday, Saturday in the afternoon, Sunday. I'm GMT-7 myself, if it is today, I will need around 3-4 hours before I get back home.
    Hey PU ssnl R1 when can you play? GMT -6
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    I'm Gmt-8, should be free most of the week from around noonish to 5pm or so.
    ok perfect meet you in the PU room
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    My name there is Lost_Soul22
    i swear i thought i contaced u for swiss classic.. i forgot it seems, anyway im gmt+1 and i can either play rn or like sunday afternoon/night again
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    It's alright, you can take the win, real busy with the final week of class and such. Don't have the energy left in me and won't have much until like next week when my body finally recharges after the nonstop beating that this last few couple weeks of classes has done, Gl in the future rounds.
    Yo, I'm GMT+8 cant do tonight or tomorrow but I can do something this weekend my time and stay late for you sound good?
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Weekend works for me, I got nothing going on during the weekend so my schedule is very much open.
    Beautiful, I'll catch you around midnight then username is the same as on here and im always in the PU room.
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    username is Lost Soul22 on SD
    Hey we play in UU gods among us. I'm GMT +2 when can you play?
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Tues/Wednesday Afternoon I might be able to, Thursday I won't be back until really late, But we can see if we can find something to work it out.
    I'll be studying now for like 4 hours going forward so if you got time now would be perfect for me
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Won't be back by home for another 5 hour's or so at the university still.
    Hey, we're paired for PU ssnl. I'm gmt-4 and free most of next week, so lemme know what works for you
    Lost soul from marriland?!
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    What you do while you were there. Who where you friends with? Stevo? That might make my brain click
    Yeah stevo
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Yea that guy is easy to remember, I don't remember the last time that I met or talked to anyone from back in those days from that xat chat. It's been a pretty long time since all of that and the Dour's result tours and the invitational back when I was actually good at this game.
    When are we playing for UU Majors? We gotta get the game done, so just hit me up with a time you can play and I'll see what I can do
    nu league gmt+3 when play
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    still gmt-7
    Chill Shadow
    Chill Shadow
    LMAO i scheduled with 10 people these past few days and i completely forgot we talked on my profile my bad dude lmao
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    It's no problem, I completely understand, with NUL and the UU Major's going on, been having to schedule with like 6-7 people at the same time myself, it's easy to forget.
    Hi birthday buddy!
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    I'm going to skip the ole birthday this year, we are getting too old ya know.
    We need to play our match for the ompl can you be on later today or sometime tomorrow afternoon. I live in -4 gmt by the way.
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    expect a sub for my spot.
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