Smogon Forums

stop trying to get my attention, build ur own personnality for god sake
RE: the Egor situation

I have been keeping myself completely silent about this situation, but now that it is over, I think it's time I write a few words about this.
Disclaimer: I won't be giving my opinion on this matter, and chose not do it throughout the whole thing, as giving it means I'd have nothing to gain and very much to lose just by doing it, regardless of what my opinion was.
I'm sure that if you put yourself in my shoes, most of you understand why that's the case. And honestly, even to myself, my opinion stopped mattering a long time ago, because something much worse came out of it. Which brings us to the reason why I'm writing this post.
The drama that ensued because of this situation (mostly on the rbycord) was absolutely disgraceful. And everyone is at fault here. People from my team, people from the Pampus, and even outsiders. At some point along the way this became much more about "the Egor vs Kaz situation" than about the tournament itself, the games, and having fun as a community.
At points, some of the highlights of the tournament's weeks were being played, and yet what kept being "discussed" (can I even call it a discussion?) was this situation. What's this about after all, playing and watching some RBY, or about discussing and adding more fuel to the next piece of drama that popped up?