Smogon Forums

ok will do
A plague doc
A plague doc
Btw, if you want to just move It to like 20:00 my time thats also possible, that would be 21:00 your time i think
A plague doc
A plague doc
uh yeah that'd work
A plague doc
A plague doc
Cya there, thanks for the comprehension
A plague doc
A plague doc
Hi, my showdown name is the same as here, i'll be on in a sec.
A plague doc
A plague doc
On main as aplaguedoc
A plague doc
A plague doc
50min since scheduled time, Sorry friend but i gotta ready myself to sleep. I'll ask for an extension for us to play tomorrow but idk If its gonna be accepted.
A plague doc
A plague doc
If It isnt accepted i'll be grabbing the act but If It is im free 17:30 to 19:30 my time tomorrow
oh my bad bro ok ill be avail tmrw that time srry
A plague doc
A plague doc
Yo seems like the deadline is actually day 12, either It got extended or smthg or i Just thought It was yesterday, Sorry If that was the case. Still, lets play at the time i mentioned in my previous message?
wait so im -4, i have something from 4-5 so that'd be like your 17:00-18:00 so i will be avail after that
A plague doc
A plague doc
Is 18:30 my time fine?
so thats my 17:30, yeah that works
A plague doc
A plague doc
yo, im on main as a plague doc
A plague doc
A plague doc
u there?
A plague doc
A plague doc
Hey, If i wasnt clear on the scheduling and you didnt unterstand i meant to Play Yesterday, we can reschedule for some other day, i can Play at 18:30 my time all days besides friday and saturday and we can also change time If needed
i thought it was today, im down to play today at that time (maybe a bit earlier)
A plague doc
A plague doc
What time exactly?
A plague doc
A plague doc
Well i'll be on at 18:00pm my time then