Smogon Forums

Don Bork
Don Bork
Same tz, I’m free weekdays after 5pm except Tuesday after 8:30. Before 7pm fri and sat and all day sun
Mister McLovin
Mister McLovin
wanna do like today around 10pm?
Don Bork
Don Bork
yo my bad I never saw this, is there any other time u can play
Mister McLovin
Mister McLovin
Wanna do next week? Pretty tight up in this week
Don Bork
Don Bork
Can we play next week? If so that works for me
Mister McLovin
Mister McLovin
yeah we got 2 weeks, i can do maybe monday p much anytime
Don Bork
Don Bork
Wanna do Monday at like 2:30?