Smogon Forums

I made plenty of dumb mistakes like that when I was young too, though thankfully not on this site. But for whatever reason when I see a user that doesn't get it, I always just assume they have asperger's or some other kind of social disorder rather than the more likely explanation that they are just young.
I joined when I was 12 (about to turn 13).

I remember doing a lot of really dumb things just to look cool. I think my parents also thought I had Asperger's back then cause I wasn't too sociable IRL either. Personally, I think I've matured just a little bit in the last few years.

While I do regret a lot of stuff, I'm glad I made those mistakes here instead of something like Twitter or TikTok haha!
Ah don't worry, I know that feeling all too well. Like I said, I made those same mistakes too at that age. That's probably why I liked you haha
I think in general it takes boys longer to become sociable in that way if they're not particularly extroverted as kids. That was kind of a big worry for me too, because "gamers who never grow out of being smelly losers" is a serious problem boys face. a lot of people my age are still that way. and that didn't really change for me until maybe the past 2-3 years.
Yeah, I've noticed that some of my IRL friends are heading that route too. I'm not sure I agree that it takes boys longer to become socialable. I think they need to put in more effort to be accepted by others, but tbh this is kinda just baseless speculation.

I'd like to hear more about how you've been branching out. I'm still struggling with getting involved rn, so any advice is appreciated!
Hmm yeah I agree, it takes longer because it's harder, not because it just has to be some necessary length.

What are you looking to get involved with? Just being outgoing in general or is there some specific group you're trying to join?
My general advice that helped me so much as a natural introvert is: consider being sociable, confident, and outgoing as not a personality type intrinsic to who you are, but as a skill that you develop through practice like any other skill. If you're a naturally shy person, you can't just go off the deep end and start making conversation with strangers, you have to build up to it.
1: Shower regularly, get enough exercise, and decide on a style. The instinct is to disregard these things because we associate them more with outward appearance than inward character, but the truth is that feeling good about your appearance does boost your confidence a ton. While caring too much about appearance does equal vanity, not caring at all is symptomatic of laziness. You just gotta be balanced.
2: Start really small, just keep your eyes up when you walk around, and make eye contact with people when you pass them, and give them a smile or a nod. It's a microinteraction. After you feel good doing that, upgrade to like saying "good morning" (when appropriate) or giving people compliments. Someone wearing a t-shirt of something you like is usually a safe option.
Just make sure it comes across as natural and not creepy. This is more of an instinct so it's harder for me to really say how but hopefully with experience you gain discernment.

(These character limits in VMs are such a funking binch)
This is really great advice. I've been doing a lot of this stuff for the past few weeks & I've felt much better because of it!

I'm trying to get more involved in Computer Science groups and eventually scoring an internship somewhere down the line. Its kinda intimidating since many others are more skilled than I am & idk how to treat them (as a mentor or a friend).
Is there a school club of some sort to join? Maybe see if a classmate will come with you. Unfortunately this is kinda where my experience ends aha.
Haha, no worries. This is still great advice!

I've actually been busy the past week working on a project with a few friends. Its been pretty fun!
that's good but are you back in school already, wat
Nah, don't go back for another 2 months lol. I was always part of the club discord but never really did much on it tbh
oh I see, that's cool
school discords are so weird to me lol
Yeah, but its a good way to get involved so I'm not complaining!
I guess it works for you since you use a different name on every website
Gotta keep that anonymity!