Recent content by Zoroark_Puppeteer

  1. [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Thank you so much! It's really nice of you to do this :D
  2. [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokémon requested: Whimsicott Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Male, Level 11 IGN: Poppy
  3. [Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

    Thank you so much! :D
  4. [Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

    Requested: All30s Deposited: Mareep, Male, level 12, nickname Cotton IGN: Poppy Message: Please Trade Pokémon With ME, Thanks In Advance Thank you for doing this c: